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We officially started June 1st, so I've was gathering and prepping all April and May. Noeo Chem 1 just got here on Friday and we are excited!! It looks great. We were able to complete the first week from the samples online and my ds begged to do it first everyday.


I am going to start Latin and art in the Fall so I haven't bought those yet.

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We start the "new" school year in 4 weeks!!!! I've been spending this week getting it all put together minus little purchases for supplies and a few books. Is anyone else ready to go??



Oh we are on totally opposite pages LOL. We are looking forward to ENDING this school year next friday :smilielol5: We would have been done yesterday, but DH was in a really bad acccident May 24 so we took that week off.


We will not start until August 30 for our next school year. But we live in Wyoming- we had our last blizard for the year the middle of May. So its JUST starting to get to be nice weather here! We do little bits of summer school (math, history, 2nd grader will continue with handwriting) but thats it!

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We just finished our ITBS today which means our year is officially over. We won't start back in full until Sept, because dh should be coming back from deployment sometime in Aug. We will still be working on reading fluency for dd and maybe some spelling for older ds.


I'm really anxious to get started because all of our new Sonlight history and science stuff is sitting on the shelves. I was going to work on planning out my year over the next week that way while we're off for the next couple of months I'll be able to just relax.

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Oh we are on totally opposite pages LOL. We are looking forward to ENDING this school year next friday :smilielol5:


Yes! Stop freaking me out! :tongue_smilie:


Our school year runs Sept - June, though June is mostly wrapping things up. We're done with science and some of our outside activities have ended, but not all. We'll be finsished with Singapore this week and will start our Summer of Fred right away.


We're not finished till third week of June when all the outside activites will also be over, we're going to music camp for a week, and then for July and August will be on a "summer" schedule, and I will finalize planning then (though I already have most of my curriculum).


First week of Sept. we're back!

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We started back this week after taking the month of May off.:001_smile:




I've spent some of today prepping for the upcoming week and questioning WHY didn't I do more prep in May. (I know why - it's because I was playing my computer game all the time (King's Bounty - great time sink for me).)


Our first week went well & after 2 years of hs, I'm figuring out what prep and organization works for me.

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I have most of my curriculum for next year, and I've been organizing bookshelves all day. We school through the summer, so I'm gonna let the kids have a week or two off once they finish their current grade curriculum (they only have about a week left and they've been marking it off every day on a calendar) then we're gonna start the new. I feel like a slave driver, but if we take too much time off, they forget everything!

So, yeah. I'm waiting for the sales for 'supplies' but other than that, we're ready. ;)

Oh, and we're still in the process of making reading lists for next year.

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No! We just finished our year! I am looking forward to some time OFF! Actually I'm spending the next couple of weeks getting ready for next year before we go to Florida to see family. When I get home, I am determined to declutter my house room by room, and then my son is getting married in August. No school til the wedding is over (and the company is gone)!

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We are just getting ready to start sumer school with my ps DSDs who need some help in areas.


Then we will be getting ready to really go out the pre-K stuff and begin our K year this January after we've settled in with the new baby for a few months :)

I'm excited and have already spent hours cutting, pasting and organizing to prepare :001_smile:

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We start the "new" school year in 4 weeks!!!! I've been spending this week getting it all put together minus little purchases for supplies and a few books. Is anyone else ready to go??


What?! No way, LOL! I'm calling this school year over when my oldest DS finishes the literature unit we are currently doing, then the new year will start September 1st, or late August if I have everything organized and feel ready.

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I worked my tooshie off today! We are doing ECC and MFW 1st so I pulled all the book basket titles I own and filed them by weeks, undid our student packets and filed those sheets by weeks and printed PreK worksheets for the 3yo to do durning school! Then I pulled all the grade appropriate books I had for readers and scheduled them on HST. I already had Math, Writing Strands all scheduled. All I have left is my DS's Spelling by Sound and structure! After I set up their binders we are all a go!!! Whoot!

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