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Yarn Crafters: how do you plan your projects?

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I just got back from my local yarn shop loaded down with yarn...


I've been making baby blankets for friends forever now, and the girls are really sad that I have not made anything for them. Soooooo, I let them pick yarn. Now I have to find projects to MATCH the CRAZY yarn they chose :glare:


Normally, how do you do a project? Buy yarn and let yourself be inspired by the yarn? Or find a project and then find yarn to match?


Just curious.


And by the way, PDG chose neon rainbow variegated DK and LLL chose pink, purple, green and white variegated worsted (that's a bit better than DK at least). Blah. That's going to be a lot of little tiny stitches. I'm going with crochet over knitting....it's acrylic and I have a hard time knitting acrylic yarn...

Edited by BikeBookBread
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Interesting that you would need a plan. :D I buy yarn that I like, primarily sock yarn, and go from there. I do like crazy colors, and have found that it's best to knit simple patterns with them. I have the Harry Potter Opal yarn, and I'm working on the Hedwig colorway with a Hedwig pattern I got on Ravelry.


Last summer I let the girls pick out yarn so I could knit them Wonderful Wallaby sweaters. I, too, was feeling guilty for not knitting anything for my kids. I started Emma's probably 6 times before I put it away and have not looked at them since. I should probably get them back out before they outgrow the sizes and I need more yarn!


I do love to knit baby blankets. I have several that need knitting and I need to see what yarn I have before I go buy more. I'd much rather buy more but the yarn stash is in danger of taking on a mind of its own.


You could probably find a sock pattern that uses DK weight yarn. Kids' socks are quick - they have small feet.

Edited by 3lilreds in NC
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I didn't vote because I need a "BOTH" option. Sometimes (like last weekend) I find a yarn I love, buy a few skeins, and then comb through Ravelry looking for the perfect pattern. Other times I fall in love with a pattern and then go to a huge yarn store near us (Webs, for those of you who know the place) and spend the whole afternoon choosing just the right yarn. I find it very relaxing. And my dh is an amazingly patient and understanding guy, who never flinches as I feed my yarn habit. :-)



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I do both pretty much equally. If I see wonderful yarn on special, especially at yard sales, I will buy it, and then work out what to do with it. (Hence my boxes of yarns!). But then if I get a project in mind, I will go out and buy yarn especially for it as well.


I asked my step mum for yarn for my recent birthday and said I particularly liked sock yarn. I was thinking a nice Opal ball. I forgot most people consider "yarn" to be any type of yarn, wheras I am a yarn snob and will only use natural fibres. So she bought me 4 colourful balls of acrylic sock yarn. I think I might knit her some socks for her birthday! Not her fault, but I dont like to waste it yet...I dont want to use it. Ugh.

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And by the way, PDG chose neon rainbow variegated DK and LLL chose pink, purple, green and white variegated worsted (that's a bit better than DK at least). Blah. That's going to be a lot of little tiny stitches. I'm going with crochet over knitting....it's acrylic and I have a hard time knitting acrylic yarn...


That sounds exactly like what my 6yo dd would choose, colorwise!


I checked "other" because "both" wasn't an option. Most of the time, I get yarn at stores nearby (Michael's, JoAnn, Hobby Lobby), so whatever's there isn't going anywhere, and I can wait until I have a project before I go buy it. But if pretty yarn is on clearance, or I find some at a yard sale, I get it, and I know I'll think of something to do with it eventually.


I think I remember that your daughters are 4 and 6 (before I hit the reply button). So, possible projects:

Do they need blankets?

Do their dolls need blankets, or clothes?


Did you get enough to make them sweaters?

Socks, as pp suggested.

scarves, hats, mittens (though wool is better for mittens)



Definitely check out www.ravelry.com. You'll find patterns for stuff you never would have imagined. See especially the Bobby Award winners (The contest was a couple of months ago, but there has to be a link somewhere. Let me know if you can't find it and I'll go look.)

www.crochetville.com and www.crochetme.com are also good.

Edited by Heidi7Sue
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acrylic sock yarn


My feet are always hot, so I think those three words should never go together. Ever, ever, ever.


Another thought: sock yarn is thin enough to make a nice shawl, or a lightweight scarf, right? But I just realized those 4 balls don't necessarily match. Hmm.

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