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Latin programs online?

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I'm looking for an online program for my ds 10. This is for next fall, and he will be going into 5th grade. I'm thinking about the Memoria Press LC I class.


I tried Prima Latina this year both kids (2nd and 4th), but it just didn't get done. I had the DVD's, which they liked watching, but it always got left until the end of the day. Of course, I was busy with other work by then and didn't sit down to watch with them. The workbook was just busywork if I couldn't interact with them about the information on the DVD.


Anyway, does anyone have any experience with this? Ds is really ready to start, and I think an online class may be the best way to make sure we get it done.

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My 9 year old boys just finished Veritas Press' online Latin class using Latin for Children. The teacher was excellent, the class was great. It was exactly what we needed to get started and to make some solid progress in Latin.


The boys could have done the class completely independently. The teacher was very good about walking them through what to do, how to study, etc. (an unexpected bonus!) I wanted to be sure to keep up, though, so I did quiz them on chants, vocabulary, and translations, mostly in the car or in line.


Now that we have a solid routine down, I may try to continue on our own in the fall. (On the other hand, it was soooo nice to to have someone else driving one of their classes! :) )


I'd definitely highly recommend VP's class!



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We utilized VP's Online Academy last year for our older son (9th gr). He learned a lot and actually enjoyed the class, though it was rigorous. I am planning on having dd (6th) take some classes next year. I am thinking Latin and maybe History. But the Memory class is a possibility.


We are expecting our 6th during the Christmas Holiday and I think it might be wise to 'outsource' some classes.


I am curious about others experiences with different online tutorials...








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  • 7 months later...

Resurrecting an old'ish thread....


I am looking for an online Latin class for dd -- who will be 8/3rd next school year.


Veritas Press Online has LFC A , Memoria Press Online has LC 1 -- both appropriate for her age/grade.


My older dc did LC 1 & 2 with a local tutor and eventually took Lingua Latina via Potters School.



Thank you in advance for any additional input on these courses.

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I don't have any experience to offer...but I have been researching this myself. I think VP has an age 9 minimum. I don't know how flexible/inflexible they are on that, but I did notice it as my dd is 8. I emailed MP about the LC1 class for her and they were open to age 8/3rd graders since that is when they normally begin LC in Highlands Latin School. Karen at LonePine used to have a Stellae class (ages 8-12) that would do an eclectic mix of her creation (she teaches Lingua in the older classes). I would have loved to be a part of that...but I don't think she will likely be offering it again online. It is something to keep an eye on, though. (I'll give you a heads up if I hear anything. :) ) I just decided to use the dvds and do LC1 on our own. It has been going well. I think my plan will be to continue the progression (they now recommend First Form after LC1) and work through the forms. I've been looking at Lukeion for high school Latin and Greek online classes. They offer some workshops (more history, I think, than language) starting at age 10. I might give one or more of those a try when we get there to get a better feel for their programs. Hope you find what you are looking for. :)

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Thanks, Dawn. I'm leaning towards LC 1 for the fall. We have done SSL very gently. We started Prima this week -- again, very light & fun. The girls love Leigh Lowe. :)





My name is Anne Parry. Scott Piland forwarded me your message regarding LC 1

and Classical Studies 1. I teach both courses for Memoria Press Online

Academy. I also teach third grade at Higlands Latin School. I understand

how overwhelming it can be to choose courses for young students. I hope I

can be helpful in answering your questions about LC 1 and CS 1.


Third grade is a great age to start LC 1. The focus of the course is

creating familiarity with very basic Latin grammar concepts and

vocabulary. Each week the students learn about 10 new vocabulary words and

one new grammar form. There is much repetition and review built into the

course to help new Latin students master the material. During chat, I

explain the new lesson, we discuss English derivatives of the Latin

vocabulary, and then I help the students practice and apply the week's

grammar form. We also play games like "pictionary" to help solidify mastery

of vocabulary. There are weekly grammar and vocabulary quizzes. The age of

the students in this course usually ranges from around 8 to 13 years old

with most students being about 10 or 11.

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Hey Beth, it wasn't online, but Caley did LCI with the DVD with my mom, her two sisters and and another mom and her daughter :) SO... kinda like a class watching the DVDs. She was in 3rd grade, and had only had public school English grammar... which I think was ...none, and did quite well with it. My mom did have to explain some grammar to them... all.... along the way. She did LCI in 3rd, LCII in 4th, Henle Units 1-3 in 5th, Henle Units 1-4ish in 6th (review, using an online "live" program) and then did some vocabulary and such in 7th. Then she again reminded me that I had said "3 years" when I started her.... and now she's done.

I was very pleased with what she learned the first few years, and if she had any desire to continue, she could easily be reading some works in Latin... in Highschool.

Although you can always find something about every program to "not like"..... I thought that it served us well.


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