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Jury Duty

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Lucky me has been chosen for jury duty. How often does one go to JD ? It says May, June, July and August? Please tell me it's like a once a week or month thing LOL. Also, what does one wear to JD? Can I wear my jeans? ( Please say yes lol)


How often and how long depends on the locale. My MIL once had to go every day for a week. She sat on three or four cases in that time. I went for a day, and I wasn't picked for anything (long and very funny-sad story about THAT one), so I got to go home.


You should call up whatever number is on there and get the details. It could be anything.

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Lucky me has been chosen for jury duty. How often does one go to JD ? It says May, June, July and August? Please tell me it's like a once a week or month thing LOL. Also, what does one wear to JD? Can I wear my jeans? ( Please say yes lol)


My dh is currently serving jury duty here in MD. He is "on" for a month, but that does not mean he has to report everyday. He calls in, anytime after 5 pm the night before, submits a "juror code" and is told whether or not he has to appear at court the next day. Even if he has to appear, it's not certain that he'll be selected. So far, he's been selected for one trial, and he was called in but not chosen for a second trial. Not sure how it works in AK. And...if it's a huge, major (four months???) commitment, you might consider asking to be excused because you are sole caregiver for your young children.


As for what to wear -- yes, you can wear jeans.



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Ick I was just just summoned. I only had to go in for one day and that was yesterday. But I knew from the start that I would only have to go for one day if I wasn't chosen for a case. I wasn't.. in fact all the cases except for one that day were settled or there were plea agreements. I wore nice jeans and a sweater. However I know that, that isn't the case for all courts. The next county over you can't wear jeans. When I called the automated system gave me the dress code.


You could try asking for a dismissal because you homeschool. I know a friend on another board that got out of that because of it.

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The first time I was summoned for jury duty I went thinking that it would be for a couple of days (the norm). Grandma and Grandpa were available for child care and I really do believe in the jury system and wanted to do my civic duty. I got picked for a murder trial - a long murder trial with domestic violence involving young children. At the jury selection I was one of the people who raised their hands to ask the judge to be excuse them due to hardship. The judge told me "You homeschool. You can school them at night and on the weekends. Grandma and Grandpa can watch them - that's what they are for." I got kicked off the jury the next day anyway though because the defense attorney couldn't stand me - she kept asking me questions about why I hated government so much that I wouldn't put my kids in public schools!


The next summons I filled out the postcard asking to be excused - I told them that I was my dc's teacher and only child-care provider. Fortunately Grandma and Grandpa were on a trip that time!

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oh! PLEASE go!!!


dh sat on a jury a decade ago. 2 little girls had been molested. Nobody wanted to find the stepfather guilty cuz "he was old-- prison would be hard on him, and the mom was a jerk anyway."






YOU GOTTA BE :cursing: ME!!!




dh spent an extra day on jury duty [instead of back home that same day] cuz he was intent on convincing the jury to send this guy to prison.


Go if you can AT ALL afford to.


i NEVER get called, but i would jump at the chance.

If i had a nursing baby i'd wean them to go.


You may be the only sane opinion on the jury.

You may very well make the difference in someone's life.

A big difference.


{{sometimes, lol! the last time dh sat on a jury was some guy trying to litigate his way out of a speeding ticket in a construction zone.}}




good luck :)

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I was in the jury pool for a well-publicized murder trial in St. Paul. Every day the first week I had to call in to see if I was going to be interviewed that day. On Friday I was interviewed by the judge with attorneys and the accused in the courtroom. It was a little unsettling to say the least. I knew way too many details about the case and even told the judge that I thought the man was guilty. That will get you off of jury duty in a hurry. The resulting jury was there for another three weeks and the defendant was found guilty just like I said:001_smile:.

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