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What kind of bugs are these?

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I was thinking assassin bug, but it's hard to see the exact coloring. If they are more brown, it could be a squash bug....but considering the location, I'm thinking assassin. Ew.




Here's a squash bug. I get them every year. They are EVIL and wipe out my garden.


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While I'm not 'into' bugs, I agree with Natalieclare that it's a boxelder bug. The photo on this site seems a perfect match with yours:



Taken from the above website: Boxelder bugs are primarily a nuisance because they enter homes and other buildings, often in large numbers. Fortunately, they do not bite people and are essentially harmless to property.


So... I think you can rest easy. :001_smile:

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The coloring on the photo is perfect to life. We're going for Boxelder or Assassin. We've found some assassin photos that look almost identical but markings are not perfectly the same. The coloring on the boxelder aren't perfect either, as there's no bright colors on the wings. The body is bright orange/red under the wings but you can't see that until their wings are open.


It's creepy how many there are though.

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The coloring on the photo is perfect to life. We're going for Boxelder or Assassin. We've found some assassin photos that look almost identical but markings are not perfectly the same. The coloring on the boxelder aren't perfect either, as there's no bright colors on the wings. The body is bright orange/red under the wings but you can't see that until their wings are open.


It's creepy how many there are though.


I *totally* agree with the part I bolded! Two summers ago I found a HUGE spider that I had never seen before (24 years here, so I thought I had seen the 'regulars'). It looked like a black widow but totally reddish in color, so I hit the net looking for help. I got so skeeved out at looking at the bajillions of close-up spider photos that I had a hard time eating dinner that night. Oh, those creepy photos!!! *shiver*

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

It gave me shivers looking at those AGAIN. Definitely BoxElder bugs, we had an infestation 2 years ago. There were thousands of them everywhere. If you squish them they will stain whatever touches it.


Just for info, we got rid of them by washing the outside of the house and the tree they were attracted to with soapy water. Did not rinse, the soap kills them off. They never have returned.

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