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Pregnancy-related itchy skin??

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Can't there come a point when we know it all & don't have to ask weird embarrassing questions?


My hands have been itching like crazy for the past week or so. I get little bumps on a couple of fingers about once a year, they itch for a couple of weeks, the skin dries out, & they go away. So I've got that right now, but my. whole. hand. itches. Both of them.


And my arms, my thighs, my belly, my forehead, under my arms, etc. I thought each of these was a separate issue until this evening. I realized that it could all be related & started to wonder what I could be allergic to. Dh suggested that it could just be pg. Hm.


So I googled, &...it *could* I guess...any of y'all ever get itchy skin w/ pg?


All I can say is it better not be the skin stretching reason. The. skin. is. stretched. No more is necessary, tyvm!

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Guest Lorna

Don't worry too much about it, it is very common but I would certainly mention it to your doctor next time.


My friend got itchy with every pregnancy and she had a fairly rare condition which meant she had to be closely monitored during pregnancies. She had four happy healthy little babies despite it.

Here is a good article about it.

Obstetric cholestasis


Best wishes!



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My friend has had this. It has to do with your liver function. If not closely monitored, it could be bad news. I don't want to scare you, as it may not be what she had, but it could and it is potentially dangerous, so it is worth at least looking into. She just had to have her liver function periodically checked. I do think one of her babies had to be induced as he was late and her liver was starting to some funky things. All her babies have been fine, but her midwife has always known about it. HTH>

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Same problem here at 31 weeks. Itchy everywhere. My skin on my neck at the back even itches - am I stretching there - oh boy I hope not. Who needs a double neck?


Anyway, I tried taking more baths because the water felt luxurious - bad idea, dried my skin out (if I had my whole brain I would have known better but at 6 pm after homeschooling and housework a tub sounded heavenly).


Then I tried lathering with vaseline on the extra itchy places and using some sort of cover - turtleneck shirt, socks, mittens - for about 20 minutes. That seemed to help.


but then...I found Neutrogena pump lotion. WOW. It's very good lotion, but not thick or greasy and absorbs quickly.


May not help, especially if you have the aforementioned conditions but it's worth a try.

BTW, I was this way with each pregnancy - and on top of that this last one I AM STILL throwing up!

Come on little baby, get here soon! They're worth it though, aren't they? I mean, really, aren't they?

Kidding, of course they are.

Have a good day.

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My friend has had this. It has to do with your liver function. If not closely monitored, it could be bad news. I don't want to scare you, as it may not be what she had, but it could and it is potentially dangerous, so it is worth at least looking into. She just had to have her liver function periodically checked. I do think one of her babies had to be induced as he was late and her liver was starting to some funky things. All her babies have been fine, but her midwife has always known about it. HTH>


Hmm...I read about it...& odds are, I've just got itchy skin...I always end up feeling stupid when it comes to stuff like this...hm.


Of course I can mention it at my next appt, but that's not until the end of the mo. Is that ok, do you think?

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Hmm...I read about it...& odds are, I've just got itchy skin...I always end up feeling stupid when it comes to stuff like this...hm.


Of course I can mention it at my next appt, but that's not until the end of the mo. Is that ok, do you think?


Would there be a problem with simply phoning her? I wouldn't wait that many weeks, no.

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Would there be a problem with simply phoning her? I wouldn't wait that many weeks, no.


Sure, I can call, I just mean this is exactly the kind of thing I'd call about.


"Hi--this is Aubrey. I've got really itchy skin, & I was just reading online that it could be something serious, so...you know, I thought I'd call. I'll be calling you again tomorrow when I read about another awful disease." Kwim?


And then I wonder, what's she going to do about it over the phone anyway?


So I can call, I'm just embarrassed. And she knows, too, that everything embarrasses me, so that won't be new. :o

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Sure, I can call, I just mean this is exactly the kind of thing I'd call about.


"Hi--this is Aubrey. I've got really itchy skin, & I was just reading online that it could be something serious, so...you know, I thought I'd call. I'll be calling you again tomorrow when I read about another awful disease." Kwim?


And then I wonder, what's she going to do about it over the phone anyway?


So I can call, I'm just embarrassed. And she knows, too, that everything embarrasses me, so that won't be new. :o


It embarrasses you that your liver function might potentially be low? Do you feel like this is some kind of personal failing, or what?




"Hi--this is Aubrey. I've got really itchy skin with some blistering, and I'm wondering if this is something I need to be concerned about. It's on my back, arms, blah de blah, and it started x/x/08. I can sleep at night, but I wake up scratching. Do I need to see you before my next appointment?"


Like a real grownup.




{{{Aubrey}}} I really do understand.

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Mine is worse when I go to bed. My legs are the worse. No bumps, but just the itchiness. I can't fall asleep. It's horrible. No matter how I lay or what I wear or don't wear, itchy, itchcy, itchy. THEN, I feel as if I can't lie still. Like, I HAVE to move. It's almost as if someone gave me a few hundred caffeine pills...yet I hadn't had ANY caffeine that day! Weird. Happened last night...again...and so now I'm exhausted and sick and need to go back to bed. I sure hope something can help your itchiness, Aubrey. I really sympathize with you.

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Like a real grownup.


People say this to me a lot. I can't tell you *how* much it hurts my feelings. IRL, I wouldn't tell you, but here...there's no other way you could know.


I *really* annoy people IRL with worrying about what others will think, & I think they use this comment to try to gently bring me into reality? I don't know, but it doesn't work. Instead, I start worrying about what *they* think.


You did put a smiley face at the end, so you probably don't mean anything by it, but I like you, so it only seemed fair to mention it.


I'll call the mw, & I won't say it like I said I would. I only meant that's how I imagined I'd sound. I'll call her, but I won't like it. ;)

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People say this to me a lot. I can't tell you *how* much it hurts my feelings. IRL, I wouldn't tell you, but here...there's no other way you could know.


I *really* annoy people IRL with worrying about what others will think, & I think they use this comment to try to gently bring me into reality? I don't know, but it doesn't work. Instead, I start worrying about what *they* think.


You did put a smiley face at the end, so you probably don't mean anything by it, but I like you, so it only seemed fair to mention it.


I'll call the mw, & I won't say it like I said I would. I only meant that's how I imagined I'd sound. I'll call her, but I won't like it. ;)


Ack. Will you accept my apology? I do apologize, sincerely. That was rude and uncalled for, and I wasn't thinking.


I think my perception is that you would move heaven and earth if one of your kids was itching like this and someone said "Liver Function," but you maybe don't feel like you're worth the same phone call. You are WORTH the call. There is no need for embarrassment -- it's a normal thing to do, taking care of oneself.


Remember, one of your kids *is* involved here, so if that helps you make the call, then use whatever works.


I'm sorry, Aubrey.

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Ack. Will you accept my apology? I do apologize, sincerely. That was rude and uncalled for, and I wasn't thinking.


I think my perception is that you would move heaven and earth if one of your kids was itching like this and someone said "Liver Function," but you maybe don't feel like you're worth the same phone call. You are WORTH the call. There is no need for embarrassment -- it's a normal thing to do, taking care of oneself.


Remember, one of your kids *is* involved here, so if that helps you make the call, then use whatever works.


I'm sorry, Aubrey.


No, it's not at all that I don't think I'm worth it. I guess I don't really take it seriously. That combined with the fact that I *think* I know what she'll say.


1. That's just one of those pregnancy things--which I've heard so many times, I can't stand it (over the course of the other 3 pg's). Why do you ask if that's all you're going to say? I feel like I'm being set up to sound complainy. But I realize, it's a way to look for other problems.


2. I could press the issue, mention the possible liver disfunction. Then I think she'll say something like, "Well...do you want to come in for some labwork?" Do I *want* to? No, no I don't. But thanks for asking.


Dh makes me call for various things (possible preterm labor, etc.), & I'm always right. It's not what I thought it might be, & she says what I say she'll say.


Of course, I just went in the bedroom & complained to him that stupid itchy skin could potentially be this major problem, & instead of being sympathetic to how unrelated the symptom & the disease sound, he in his groggy state only wanted to know one thing:


Have you called yet?


All of that to say, thank you for your input. I'm glad to know it's a big enough deal to call, because otherwise I'd assume it wasn't. And it's pretty unfair of me to predict what my mw will say, since she's a professional, & I'm not.


Off to call & check on school.

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Aubrey, how far along are you?


I had this when I was pregnant with my ds. I had no idea what it was. It began about a week before I gave birth to him, but I was miserable. I noticed the rash on my legs and abdomen the most, but I was itching all over. I read the article that was posted and noticed that one of the treatments they mentioned not to use is Aveeno Oatmeal. It made me laugh because I woke my dh up in the middle of the night and insisted he go to the pharmacy and get some for me. He did. I soaked in the tub for about 2 hrs. in that stuff. Oh, well. It all turned out okay. I did not experience that again in any of my other pregnancies, though.


I hope this is just plain ole itchy skin, Aubrey, but if not I hope you are able to diagnose it and find relief soon. Being itchy is sooooo miserable.

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I have had problems with being itchy is this pregnancy, too. I have only had this with one other pregnancy. I was worried about cholestasis, even though I have no history of it (8 previous pregnancies with no cholestasis). I called my midwife and she said that it was most likely something I've been eating and that your body can develop sensitivities during pregnancy that you don't normally have. She also said I could take benedryl. I brought up the possibility of cholestasis and she said I could come in and get tested but she really didn't think it could be that. So I decided to wait and after about a week the itching went away. Then, about a week or so later I had a banana smoothie and I started to itch again for a day or so and then it stopped. So I think it might be bananas that are making me itch but I don't want to eat one to test the theory! I was allergic to bananas when I was little. I'd get a rash on my face if I ate too many. But that hasn't happened since I was five. But who knows?


I took Benedryl at night so I could sleep. I'm not sure if it helped with the itching but it did put me to sleep. I also used Extra Strength Gold Bond medicated Boy Lotion which also helped some.


Susan in TX

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when I mentioned it off the cuff to my ob when pregnant with dd, I didn't receive his usual, "hey, that's no problem" but got an "uh-oh" instead. There is a condition called PUPPS which I think others have mentioned. With many it just gets more and more uncomfortable till delivery, but other than that I don't think it is harmful. In my case, however, my liver enzymes were elevated and they feared cholestasis. Thankfully, in two weeks the itching had stopped and my liver counts were back to normal. Doc said it could have been as simple as a virus that affected my liver in this way.


SARNA anti-itch lotion was great for me, though the smell made me slightly nauseous. :001_smile:

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I got this when I was pregnant, and I've had it ever since. 10 years now. :( My doctor prescribed something topical that I apply as needed. What I have is only slightly annoying, but it's one of the many ways that my post-baby body has never been the same.

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