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Has anyone used Teaching Textbooks Math?

Guest hrogero

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Guest hrogero

We have been using Singapore Math 1-3.


Knowing TT is behind in standards (usually jump ahead one grade from most classical curriculums) and that my daughter does not enjoy math, the TT looked like a good fit.


Curious to know if anyone has used it and what are your thoughts?

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Switched from Right Start / Horizons blend, and moved on to TT4 just 2 months ago. Huge jump on paper, but really, I think it would suit for alot of entering 2nd graders. They do have a TT3 now and a good little test on their website to figure it all out (maybe you've found it already). I still do Horizons 2 about 3 times per week, to switch it up and for extra practice. Sometimes the TT4 lessons will go very quickly, while other ones will drag on for a full 30 minute period. Still fairly short though.


So far I really really like it. A HS mom at the coop we go to also likes it, and she used to be a math teacher! So I'm slowly warming up to the idea of using ONLY TT. But that's just our experience after a fairly short period of time. I think I"ll invest in a set of those noise-canceling headphones for the lessons. The distractions coming from his sister (just little noises) are a challenge for him when working on the computer! :) Otherwise, no problems switching, and much easier on me. So now I can focus more on my 2 really teacher-intensive subjects: phonics (modified Spalding) and history (tons of read alouds).


I don't know Singapore well enough to compare it though.

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My ds does his TT lessons every day with the noise cancelling headphones. My dh got us the nice Bose ones for Christmas and I wish I could afford a pair for everyone. They really work to reduce distractions.


We are using TT at the hs and elementary levels this year. I have determined that Saxon does NOT work for my family. I am more interested in using what produces progress in OUR family and not whether it is everyone else's favorite or not. TT seems to explain things much more slowly and patiently than I can.

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Haven't used it yet but I've already purchased and received TT5 and my daughter and I are both looking forward to it for the fall. I've read all about it, and seen all the reviews and arguments for and against. I've checked out the samples and demos, as has she. I've considered both of our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to math (hers and mine), and I've decided that TT will be a very good fit for our family.


I think it will promote both better understanding and better teaching (will be explained and demonstrated much more clearly and much more patiently than I could do!), and what's more- she's EXCITED about using it. Excited about doing math. Who'd have thought! :)


I don't plan on supplementing with anything other than times tables practice in the form of games at this point, if I still feel we need that in the fall (we'll be doing multiplication games and checking out Times Tales over the summer so maybe it won't even be an issue by then).


P.S. After seeing how great our OM social group is, someone should make a TT social group :D

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My dd started two weeks ago. She really likes it. Unlike her brother she loves using the computer for school. I have her use the workbook to make sure she is writing out her problems. After each problem she types it in and checks to see if it's correct. The only concern we have with TT6 is my dd is so competitive with herself. If she gets a score under 90% she becomes upset ;)

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We switched from Horizons to TT (4th grade) last year. My son has gone from crying everyday about doing his math, and honestly, fearing it, to doing it without a fuss. He's not a mathy kid, but the fear is gone and some of his confidence has been rebuilt. I'm aware it's "behind" some other curricula, and I don't care. It works for my son.


They do a much better at explaining things on TT than I was doing with Horizons, to be honest.


You can read pages and pages of reviews here about TT. Some hate it, some love it. It does get emotional!:001_smile: Probably more than any other curriculum discussed here.


If your daughter is excited about it...that's half the battle to me!





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We use TT because it is the teaching style my son does well with. I ignore the talk of them being "behind" because my older son did fine with it and was able to pass the COMPASS test. My ds14 is not a math kid so to have him try to learn with something else would just be too frusterating. I think it is a great program.

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