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Mini breaks? When you homeschool year round.

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Here's my ? We have only been homeschooling for 2 months, and it is time for our family camping trip. I have decided to give the kids the next couple days off from school as I pack and get organized. They will still be doing there reading, but I am struggling with feeling like they need to be doing schoolwork ;(


So, is it okay to take a little break?

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I think so.


I just made our first year's schedule and we will go all year as well. I started by blocking out all of the usual holidays. I then subtracted 5 weeks from our goal date and I made all of the assignments fit in that amount of time. That way if we decide to take a day off here and there, need to for various reasons or just aren't able to complete something one or two days, we'll be fine! If we stay on target, we'll finish early and DS will be a bit accelerated.

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Since we homeschool year round I take days off, sometimes weeks off. We just had a family reunion last weekend and went out of town. I decided to let them have the rest of the week off also. So today we are starting back up.


I find sometimes when they are not getting a lesson down to just stop. Take a day or so off. When we start back up they are more energized and work better.


Don't feel guilty.

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We school year round. We take breaks when we need it and planned breaks of a few weeks during the summer and over Christmas. Otherwise we just do school! It's a great system for us because our lifestyle is such that it can be unpredictable as far as our schedule is concerned. Doing school year round takes the pressure off.

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After a few years I realized that I seriously need a week off about every 6th or 7th week. I am not a good teacher after that point so now I just plan for it.


I'm right at the point of figuring out where my version of this limit is - thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who has to take such a thing into account!!


Simka2, yes, it's great to take some time off! After all, you're not racing the clock to be done by the first of June, right? :D


Mama Anna

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36 weeks per year x 12 years = 432 weeks. Divided by 52 weeks = 8.30 years.


Yeah I think you can take a few days off. I have taken off a complete year and it all still worked out for my older children.




I have to admit that I never feel guilty when we take time off. But I never thought about it this way before!

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36 weeks per year x 12 years = 432 weeks. Divided by 52 weeks = 8.30 years.


Yeah I think you can take a few days off. I have taken off a complete year and it all still worked out for my older children.





Now this REALLY puts things in perspective! :lol: I've never broken it down before...


Take all the time you need! :)

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I have to admit that I never feel guilty when we take time off. But I never thought about it this way before!


I figured it out years ago, because my mother always hated me homeschooling. So I finally had to show her that it will only take just over 8 years to do what the public schools do in 12..... if I chose not to do anything with my children, they could still graduate on time. She stopped pestering me. LOL

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