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correct grip from the start?

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in TWTM they recommend having your child hold a pen/pencil/writing utensil properly from the start. how do you do this? my little one wants nothing to do with proper grip. she's young but has been coloring and doodling for a year and a half already and has always fist gripped her writing utensil. should i try to correct this or just let it be for now?

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You know, I have wondered about this, too. My DD has had a beautiful grip right from the very beginning, but my boys have more typical kid-grips. I've tried to slide DS4s fingers around and he doesn't resist, but they automatically slip right back the second he starts to write:) I've just wondered, too, how much I should even try at this age.

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in TWTM they recommend having your child hold a pen/pencil/writing utensil properly from the start. how do you do this? my little one wants nothing to do with proper grip. she's young but has been coloring and doodling for a year and a half already and has always fist gripped her writing utensil. should i try to correct this or just let it be for now?


My DS would not let me correct his grip - he was 5. He had a KUMON workbook, and when I showed him the picture in the front with the correct grip, he switched. He would even look at the picture when he started, and adjust his grip. It just couldn't be "Mom" telling him. LOL.

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