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RE: Kinetic Books

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Looking at Algebra options, and finding the Kinetic Books interesting.....does the Kinetic Books program have enough rigor? How does it compare to Chalkdust, TT, Jacobs or the like? The informational demo certainly looks comprehensive, but I not really an expert on what one really needs in terms of a strong Algebra program.



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I've used Jacobs and Kinetic Books. My oldest used Jacobs for Algebra I. My middle dd started off using both Jacobs and Kinetic Books for algebra I. She ended up deciding that KB explained things better and the immediate feedback on the practice problems ensured that she really understood instead of just thought she understood.


KB has everything that's in Jacobs and then some. For instance, Jacobs teaches how to solve systems of two equations and two unknowns (like most algebra I program). KB goes an extra step and moves on to systems of three equations and three unknowns.


Both Jacobs and KB teach how to solve algebraic equations with inequalities. KB goes a step further and teaches how to optimize the solutions. An example of this would be a gardener who has to choose between two different types of flowers for the garden. One of them costs $3 each and each one takes up 1 sq foot in the garden. The other costs $5 each and takes up 0.5 sq ft. How many should you buy of each to optimize as many flowers as possible while spending as little as possible? The garden has a limited size (say 20 sq ft) and the gardener has limited funds (don't remember how much, but it wouldn't be possible to plant it entirely in the more expensive flower).

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Thanks Angie, I really appreciate the information! There is so much to choose from out there it is hard to make decisions sometimes. I just stumbled onto Kinetic Books recently, and though it might be a good fit for DS, but he is a mathy kid so I definatley want somthing challenging for him, KB sounds like it might be a good fit, and the price is certainly right.

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DS and I went through the demo that they send you, I thought it looked pretty good. It only gives me slight pause in that it is a touch outside the box and I have not seen a ton of feedback on it.

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Thanks Angie! Your feedback is very helpful, you seem to be one of the only persons with practical experience with this. I think Pre-Alg might be the ticket for DD when she finishes TT 7 instead of CD.

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Hi Julie,

I'm no expert, but we did take the plunge and buy it for my son for next year. He has struggled through CD PreAlgebra this year. I looked at so many different programs, and Kinetic just looked like it would be great for him. And at the price, if it doesn't work, I don't feel like I have to keep going with it. Also, the customer service was great=answered my email in about 20 minutes on a Friday afternoon!

I was also impressed that their Physics program is being used by schools. That made me feel more comfortable with the Algebra, for whatever reason.


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Thanks Kim! Great feedback, glad to hear about the customer service. Did you get the book? I am curious if it is worht having?


I think you are correct, at that price it is worth a try. Anything information I can find on Kinetic Books seems to be positive.

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Can you tell us what is in the Algebra 2. I asked for samples from Kinetic Books, and they are not available yet. Is there review, are you reminded of previous concepts you need to do a new task, is there calculator instruction, are the concepts taught in order of difficulty? Any information would be appreciated. And, do you use the book, or just the web.

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Thanks a bunch Kim, how very helpful!! I will find a way to manage without the 4 lbs of paper. :) Also, if the individual license will not time out I will get on this in the morning, then we can start messing with it right away. :)

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I have to break this up into 4 posts because it's more than 3 times as much as is allowed in a single post.


0 Welcome


1 Expressions, Equations and Functions

Unit 1 Algebraic Expressions and Properties

0 Introduction

1 Evaluating an algebraic expression

2 Interactive problem: Designing a roller coaster

3 Writing algebraic expressions

4 Properties, identities and inverses

5 Interactive problems: Maximizing revenue

6 Kinetic homework

7 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Solving Equations

8 Solving equations using equality properties

9 Writing a Kinetic computer program to solve equations

10 Equations with fractions or decimals

11 Equations with absolute value

12 Solving for a variable

13 Kinetic homework

14 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Applications

15 Application: Bicycle race

16 Application: Airline tickets

17 Application: Boat and current

18 Application: Analyzing a basketball score

19 Application: Gaining a lead

20 Application: Art versus algebra

21 Challenge application: Break-even analysis

22 Interactive problems: Writing equations

23 Kinetic homework

24 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Functions and Variation

25 Relations and functions

26 Evaluating a function

27 Direct variation

28 Inverse variation

29 Joint and combined variation

30 Kinetic homework

31 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Solving Inequalities

32 Solutions to inequalities

33 The addition and multiplication properties of inequality

34 Translating statements into inequalities

35 Application: Choosing a gym

36 Kinetic homework

37 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities

38 Compound inequalities

39 Inequalities with absolute values

40 Application: Fish and temperature

41 Kinetic homework

42 End of unit problems

Unit 7 Summary and Chapter Test

43 Summary

44 Practice chapter test

Unit 8 Standardized Test Problems

45 Standardized test problems


2 Graphing Linear Equations and Functions

Unit 1 Graphing Equations

0 Introduction

1 Quadrants

2 Solutions to a two-variable equation

3 Graphing the equation of a line

4 Interactive project: Write the program for graphing a line

5 Calculator: Graphing a line

6 The slope of a line

7 The slope-intercept form of a line

8 Graphing equations in slope-intercept form quickly

9 Application: Electric car

10 Proof: Slope

11 Kinetic homework

12 End of unit problems

Unit 2 More on Lines

13 Writing equations for horizontal and vertical lines

14 Finding the equation with slope and one point known

15 Finding an equation from two points

16 Interactive problem: An introduction to escapism

17 Interactive problems: Escape!

18 Graphing linear equations in general form

19 Determining when lines are parallel or perpendicular

20 Writing equations for parallel and perpendicular lines

21 Kinetic homework

22 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Graphs of Functions

23 Graphs of functions

24 Determining the domain and range from a graph

25 Piecewise functions

26 Application: Pricing

27 Kinetic homework

28 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Rate of Change

29 Rate of change

30 Interactive problem: Create a position-time graph

31 Interactive problem: Rate of change and a graph

32 Challenge interactive problem: Controlling motion with velocity

33 Application: Temperature and heat

34 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Models

35 Modeling data with trend lines

36 Interactive problem: Trend lines

37 Drawing a scatter plot using a spreadsheet

38 Entering data in a graphing calculator

39 Drawing a scatter plot using a graphing calculator

40 Regression

41 Warning on statistics

42 Calculating a linear model using a spreadsheet

43 Calculating a linear model using a graphing calculator

44 Application: Calculate a linear model and coefficient of determination

45 Interactive problem: Charge and electrostatic force

46 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Summary and Chapter Test

47 Summary

48 Practice chapter test

Unit 7 Standardized Test Problems

49 Standardized test problems


3 Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Unit 1 Solving Systems of Linear Equations

0 Introduction

1 Solving a system of equations graphically

2 Application: Supply and demand

3 Number of solutions to systems of linear equations

4 Solving by elimination

5 Application: Rental

6 Systems that do not have one solution

7 Solving by substitution

8 Application: Runners

9 Application: Mixtures

10 Application: Coins in your pocket

11 Application: Birds in a breeze

12 Kinetic homework

13 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Linear Equations in Three Variables

14 Graphical solutions to linear equations in three variables

15 Algebraic solutions to linear equations in three variables

16 Application: Mass of elements

17 Kinetic homework

18 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Systems of Inequalities

19 Graphing systems of linear inequalities

20 Sample problem: A system of inequalities

21 Interactive problems: Systems of inequalities

22 Calculator: Solving a 2-variable inequality

23 Application: Snowboard manufacturing

24 Kinetic homework

25 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Optional: Linear Programming

26 Optimizing an objective function

27 Application: Linear programming and carpentry

28 Interactive problems: Linear programming

29 Interactive sample problem: Linear programming

30 Kinetic homework

31 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Summary and Chapter Test

32 Summary

33 Practice chapter test

Unit 6 Standardized Test Problems

34 Standardized test problems

Unit 7 Cumulative review

35 Cumulative review


4 Matrices

Unit 1 Introduction to Matrix Operations

0 Introduction

1 Matrix: Storing information

2 Adding and subtracting matrices

3 Application: Animation − moving

4 Scalar products

5 Application: Animation − scaling

6 Interactive problems: Using matrices for animation

7 Solving a matrix equation

8 Kinetic homework

9 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Multiplying Matrices

10 Multiplying matrices

11 Sample problems: More matrix multiplication

12 Interactive problems: Practicing matrix multiplication

13 Interactive problems: Matrix operations and fractals

14 Dimensions of matrix products

15 Application: Cooking the costs

16 Matrix operations and the distributive property

17 Kinetic homework

18 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Determinants and Cramer's Rule

19 Determinants

20 Calculator: Evaluating a determinant

21 Cramer’s Rule

22 Solving a system of three equations

23 Application: Deciphering a phone bill

24 Application: The Great Pyramid of Giza

25 Kinetic homework

26 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Solving Equations with an Inverse Matrix

27 Identity matrix and inverse matrix

28 Solving a system of equations using an inverse matrix

29 Calculator: Solving an equation using a matrix

30 Properties of matrix operations

31 Kinetic homework

32 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Augmented Matrices

33 Triangular form and row operations

34 Solving a system of equations using row operations

35 Sample problem: Solving a system of two equations

36 Kinetic homework

37 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Summary and Chapter Test

38 Summary

39 Practice chapter test

Unit 7 Standardized Test Problems

40 Standardized test problems

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part 2 of Algebra II contents


5 Quadratic Functions and Factoring

Unit 1 Factoring Trinomials

0 Introduction

1 Multiplying polynomials

2 Special product patterns

3 Factoring quadratic trinomials

4 Interactive problem: Factoring using a factor box

5 Sample problems: Some more difficult factoring

6 Factoring a trinomial with ax2 term, a ≠ 1

7 Difference of squares and trinomial squares

8 Factoring by grouping

9 Factoring sum and differences of cubes

10 Kinetic homework

11 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Solving Equations by Factoring

12 The zero-product property

13 Sample problem: Solving by factoring

14 Solving by factoring: Difference of two squares

15 The square root principle

16 Sample problem: Solving a quadratic equation using the square root principle

17 Application: Dropping a coin a long, long way

18 Application: Jumping Jupiter

19 Application: A clown’s motion

20 Application: Garden

21 Application: Picture frame

22 Kinetic homework

23 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Completing the Square and the Quadratic Formula

24 Completing the square

25 The quadratic formula

26 Completing the square to derive the quadratic formula

27 Calculator: Writing a program for the quadratic formula

28 Application: Calculate an interest rate

29 Summary: Methods of solving quadratic equations

30 Optional sample problems: Equations solved as quadratic equations

31 Kinetic homework

32 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Parabolas and Translating Graphs

33 The parabola with the vertex at the origin

34 Shifting function graphs vertically

35 Shifting function graphs horizontally

36 Graphs of f(x) = a(x − h)2 + k

37 Interactive problems: Shifting functions

38 An alternative way to calculate the vertex

39 Interactive problems: Maximizing revenues

40 Interactive problems: Maximizing profits

41 Kinetic homework

42 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Applications of Parabolas

43 Application: Maximizing profits

44 Restating the function using completing the square

45 Application: Determining an equation for projectile motion

46 Application: Maximizing the area of a corral

47 The discriminant

48 Sample problem: Finding the discriminant

49 Graphing a parabola using its solutions

50 Kinetic homework

51 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Symmetry

52 Symmetry with respect to a line

53 Symmetry with respect to the origin

54 Interactive problem: Experimenting with reflection

55 Odd and even functions

56 Kinetic homework

57 End of unit problems

Unit 7 Optional: Solving Cubic and Quartic Equations

58 Solving cubic equations by factoring out a common factor

59 Solving another cubic equation

60 Solving a quartic equation

61 Solving a fifth-degree equation

62 Kinetic homework

63 End of unit problems

Unit 8 Optional: Quadratic Inequalities

64 Solving quadratic inequalities

65 Sample problem: Solving a quadratic inequality

66 Kinetic homework

67 End of unit problems

Unit 9 Summary and Chapter Test

68 Summary

69 Practice chapter test

Unit 10 Standardized Test Problems

70 Standardized test problems


6 Polynomial Functions

Unit 1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

0 Introduction

1 Adding and subtracting polynomials

2 Application: Modeling measles

3 Application: Modeling with a polynomial equation

4 Interactive problem: Firing a cannon

5 Kinetic homework

6 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Exponent Rules

7 Power rules

8 Products and quotients to a power

9 Zero and negative exponents

10 Kinetic homework

11 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Synthetic Division

12 Synthetic division

13 Sample problems: Synthetic division

14 Kinetic homework

15 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Remainder and Factor Theorems

16 The remainder theorem

17 The factor theorem

18 Sample problems: The factor theorem

19 Kinetic homework

20 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Complex Numbers

21 Imaginary and complex numbers

22 Adding and subtracting complex numbers

23 Multiplying complex numbers

24 Complex conjugates

25 Kinetic homework

26 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Theorems About Roots

27 Fundamental theorem of algebra

28 Conjugate root theorem

29 Descartes’ rule of signs

30 Kinetic homework

31 End of unit problems

Unit 7 Solving Polynomial Equations

32 Rational root theorem

33 Sample problems: Rational root theorem and Descartes’ rule

34 Kinetic homework

35 End of unit problems

Unit 8 Graphing Polynomial Functions and Finding Their Roots

36 Graphing polynomial functions

37 Finding roots using the graph of a polynomial

38 Interactive problems: Graphing polynomials

39 Interactive problems: Roller coaster design

40 Kinetic homework

41 End of unit problems

Unit 9 Function Operations

42 Combining functions

43 Evaluating a combined function

44 Inverse functions

45 Calculating an inverse function

46 The graph of a function and its inverse

47 When does a function have an inverse function?

48 Application: Celsius to Fahrenheit and back

49 Application: Car mileage

50 Composite functions

51 Composite and inverse functions

52 Kinetic homework

53 End of unit problems

Unit 10 Summary and Chapter Test

54 Summary

55 Practice chapter test

Unit 11 Standardized Test Problems

56 Standardized test problems

Unit 12 Cumulative Review

57 Cumulative review


7 Powers, Radicals and Complex Numbers

Unit 1 Radicals and Radical Expressions

0 Introduction

1 Roots

2 Simplifying radical expressions

3 Product rule

4 Multiplying and simplifying radicals

5 Application: Bicyclists

6 The distance formula

7 Interactive problems: Using the Pythagorean theorem to save Earth

8 Interactive problems: Using the distance formula to save Earth

9 Kinetic homework

10 End of unit problems

Unit 2 More Operations with Radicals

11 Quotient rule for radicals

12 Application: Period of a pendulum

13 Adding and subtracting like radicals

14 Multiplying binomial radical expressions

15 Rationalizing the denominator

16 Summary: Simplifying radical expressions

17 Kinetic homework

18 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Exponent Notation

19 Exponent notation for roots

20 Derivation of roots as powers

21 Rules of exponents and fractional exponents

22 Multiplying and dividing radicals with different indices but same radicand

23 Kinetic homework

24 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Graphing Radical Expressions

25 Graphing a square root function

26 Graphing a cube root function

27 Interactive problems: Shifting graphs

28 Graphing square and cubic functions and their inverses

29 Kinetic homework

30 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Radical Conjugates

31 Radical conjugates

32 Rationalizing a denominator with a radical sum or difference

33 Kinetic homework

34 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Radical Equations

35 Squaring principle

36 Extraneous solutions

37 Power principle to solve equations

38 Sample problems: Radical equations

39 Kinetic homework

40 End of unit problems

Unit 7 More on Complex Numbers

41 Multiplying radicals with negative radicands

42 Dividing complex numbers

43 Graphing complex numbers

44 Complex numbers and fractals

45 Equations with complex numbers as solutions

46 Kinetic homework

47 End of unit problems

Unit 8 Summary and Chapter Test

48 Summary

49 Practice chapter test

Unit 9 Standardized Test Problems

50 Standardized test problems


8 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Unit 1 Exponential Functions

0 Introduction

1 Exponential functions

2 Exponential function graphs

3 The shapes of graphs of exponential functions

4 Application: Exponential functions in nature

5 Application: Interest compounded annually

6 Application: Interest compounded monthly

7 Some equivalent equations

8 Application: Modeling with a power equation

9 Interactive problem: Electrostatic force and distance

10 Kinetic homework

11 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Logarithms

12 Logarithmic functions

13 Sample problems: Evaluating logarithms

14 Interactive problems: Exponential and logarithmic functions

15 Mental math: Logarithms

16 Graphing exponential and logarithmic functions

17 Sample problems: Logarithmic equations

18 Some logarithmic identities

19 Logarithmic equations

20 Kinetic homework

21 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Rules of Logarithms

22 Logarithms of products

23 Logarithms of quotients

24 Logarithms of powers

25 Sample problems: Breaking up logarithmic expressions

26 Sample problems: Combining logarithms

27 Change-of-base formula

28 Derivations of the rules of logarithms

29 Summary of logarithm rules

30 Solving exponential equations

31 Application: Scaling images

32 Kinetic homework

33 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Logarithmic Values, Common Logarithms and Applications

34 Common logarithms

35 Application: Compound interest

36 Application: Sound level

37 Application: Exponential growth of bacteria

38 Kinetic homework

39 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Natural Logarithms and e

40 Natural logarithms

41 Calculating e

42 Using e to graph exponential growth and decay

43 Application: e and continuously compounded interest

44 Application: Modeling with an exponential equation

45 Application: More modeling with an exponential equation

46 Sample problems: Natural logarithm

47 Kinetic homework

48 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Summary and Chapter Test

49 Summary

50 Practice chapter test

Unit 7 Standardized Test Problems

51 Standardized test problems

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part 3 of algebra II contents


9 Rational Expressions and Equations

Unit 1 Simplifying Rational Expressions

0 Introduction

1 Rational expressions

2 Simplifying rational expressions

3 Multiplying and dividing rational expressions

4 Application: Ratio of area to volume of soda can

5 Adding and subtracting rational expressions with a common denominator

6 Adding and subtracting rational expressions with different denominators

7 Least common multiple

8 Complex rational expressions

9 Application: Focal length

10 Kinetic homework

11 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Rational Equations

12 Rational equations

13 Extraneous solutions

14 Application: Driving time

15 Applications: Rate problems

16 Interactive problems: Rational beavers

17 Kinetic homework

18 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Graphing Rational Functions

19 Graph of the reciprocal function

20 Application: Doppler effect

21 Shifting the reciprocal function

22 Application: Beverage cans

23 Graphs of more reciprocal functions

24 Sample problem: Writing an equation from a graph

25 Interactive problems: Matching a rational function graph

26 Kinetic homework

27 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Optional: More Graphs of Rational Functions

28 The numeratorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s degree < denominatorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s degree

29 The numeratorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s degree equals denominatorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s degree

30 The numeratorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s degree > denominatorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s degree

31 Graphs with discontinuities

32 Kinetic homework

33 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Summary and Chapter Test

34 Summary

35 Practice chapter test

Unit 6 Standardized Test Problems

36 Standardized test problems

Unit 7 Cumulative review

37 Cumulative review


10 Conic Sections

Unit 1 Conic Sections: Parabola and Circles at the Origin

0 Introduction

1 Conic sections

2 Distance formula and midpoint formulas

3 Geometric definition of a parabola

4 Graphing a parabola at the origin

5 Sample problem: Determining the equation of a parabola

6 Application: Parabolic reflectors

7 Application: Projectile motion

8 Circles centered at the origin

9 Application: Avalanche beacon

10 Sample problems: Circles

11 Kinetic homework

12 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Ellipses at the Origin

13 Ellipses

14 Ellipses centered at the origin

15 The vertices, axes, and center of an ellipse

16 Application: Elliptical orbit of Mars

17 Application: More on orbital motion

18 Application: Roman Colosseum

19 Derivations: Ellipse equations

20 Transforming an equation into the standard form for an ellipse

21 Kinetic homework

22 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Hyperbolas at the Origin

23 Geometric definition of a hyperbola

24 Graphing a hyperbola

25 Writing an equation for a hyperbola

26 Application: LORAN

27 Application: Orbits of comets

28 Kinetic homework

29 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Parabolas and Circles Translated from the Origin

30 The standard form of the equation for a parabola

31 Sample problem: Graphing a parabola in standard form

32 Sample problem: Writing an equation for a parabola from its graph

33 Sample problem: Transforming an equation from general to standard form

34 The standard form of the equation for a circle

35 Graphing a circle translated from the origin

36 Interactive problem: Roller coaster design

37 Transforming an equation into the standard form for a circle

38 Optional: A more challenging transformation

39 Kinetic homework

40 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Ellipses and Hyperbolas Translated from the Origin

41 Graphing an ellipse in standard form

42 Optional: Transforming an equation into the standard form for an ellipse

43 Sample problem: Writing an equation for an ellipse

44 Graphing a hyperbola in standard form

45 Optional: Restating an equation for a hyperbola in standard form

46 Challenge sample problem: Writing an equation for a hyperbola

47 Graphing xy = k

48 Summary of translated conics

49 Kinetic homework

50 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Optional Unit: The General Form of a Quadratic Equation

51 The general form of a quadratic equation

52 End of unit problems

Unit 7 Quadratic Systems of Equations

53 Solving a system graphically

54 Sample problems: Solving a system of quadratic equations algebraically

55 Kinetic homework

56 End of unit problems

Unit 8 Summary and Chapter Test

57 Summary

58 Practice chapter test

Unit 9 Standardized Test Problems

59 Standardized test problems



11 Sequences and Series

Unit 1 Arithmetic Sequences

0 Introduction

1 What is a sequence?

2 Arithmetic sequences

3 Formula for the general term, an

4 Sample problems: Arithmetic sequence formula

5 Graph of an arithmetic sequence

6 Application: Planning an event

7 Interactive problems: Frog and flies

8 Interactive problems: Create art, part 1

9 Kinetic homework

10 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Arithmetic Series

11 Arithmetic series

12 Sigma notation

13 Partial sum of an infinite arithmetic series

14 Sample problem: Calculating the sum in an arithmetic series

15 Application: Counting logs

16 Arithmetic series in history

17 Derivation of formula for arithmetic series

18 Kinetic homework

19 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Geometric Sequences

20 Geometric sequences

21 General term of geometric sequence

22 Sample problems: Geometric sequences

23 Application: Enlarging a photograph

24 Sample problems: What type of sequence?

25 Interactive problems: The geometric frog

26 Interactive problems: Create art, part 2

27 Kinetic homework

28 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Geometric Series

29 Geometric series and partial sums

30 Sample problems: Determining a partial sum

31 Application: The bouncing ball

32 Infinite geometric series

33 Sample problem: Infinite geometric series

34 Challenge application: Sierpinski triangle

35 Application: A repeating decimal as an infinite geometric series

36 Kinetic homework

37 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Arithmetic and Geometric Means

38 Arithmetic means

39 Geometric means

40 Kinetic homework

41 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Mathematical Induction

42 Proof by mathematical induction

43 End of unit problems

Unit 7 The Binomial Theorem

44 Binomial expansion

45 Sample problem: Binomial series

46 Factorial notation

47 Binomial coefficients

48 Sample problems: Binomial coefficients

49 The binomial theorem

50 Sample problems: Binomial expansion

51 Kinetic homework

52 End of unit problems

Unit 8 Summary and Chapter Test

53 Summary

54 Practice chapter test

Unit 9 Standardized Test Problems

55 Standardized test problems


12 Probability and Counting

Unit 1 Introduction to Probability

0 Introduction

1 Experimental probability

2 Theoretical probability and sample spaces

3 Interactive problems: Probability simulations

4 Sample problem: Using a sample space

5 Interactive problems: You can become a millionaire (probably)

6 Challenge interactive problems: Aardvark! and expected value

7 Kinetic homework

8 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Permutations and Combinations

9 Tree diagrams and the fundamental counting principle

10 Sample problems: Applying the fundamental counting principle

11 Permutations

12 Permutations of n objects taken r at a time

13 Other permutations

14 Combinations

15 Sample problems: Permutation or combination?

16 Sample problems: More complex counting

17 Interactive problem: You can permutate your way to millionaire-dom

18 Challenge application: The probability of heads three times in 10 tosses

19 Kinetic homework

20 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Independent Events and the Multiplication Rule

21 Independent events and the multiplication rule

22 Sample problems: The multiplication rule

23 Application: Archery

24 Interactive problem: Millionaire

25 Kinetic homework

26 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Addition and Subtraction Rules

27 The addition rule

28 Sample problem: Addition rule

29 Mutually exclusive events and the addition rule

30 The subtraction rule

31 Sample problem: Subtraction rule

32 Application: The origin of probability

33 Kinetic homework

34 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Normal Distribution

35 Normal distribution

36 z scores

37 Sample problem: Graphing a normal curve

38 Sample problem: Normal distribution and probability

39 Interactive problem: Distribution

40 Kinetic homework

41 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Challenge: Conditional Probability and BayesĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ Theorem

42 Conditional probability

43 Sample problem: Conditional probability

44 Challenge: BayesĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ theorem

45 Sample problem: BayesĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ theorem

46 Kinetic homework

47 End of unit problems

Unit 7 Summary and Chapter Test

48 Summary

49 Practice chapter test

Unit 8 Standardized Test Problems and Mixed Review

50 Standardized test problems

Unit 9 Cumulative Review

51 Cumulative review

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part 4 of algebra II contents


13 Trigonometric Functions

Unit 1 Trigonometric Functions and Right Triangles

0 Introduction

1 Right triangle basics

2 Sine, cosine, and tangent

3 Sine, cosine, and tangent for some specific triangles

4 Sample problems: Working with sine, cosine, tangent

5 Cosecant, secant, and cotangent

6 Sample problem: All six trigonometric ratios

7 Calculating lengths of a right triangle using a calculator

8 Interactive problem: Trigonometric triangle

9 Application: Ski jump

10 Application: Calculate the height of le Tour Eiffel

11 Application: Airplane descent

12 Interactive problems: Using trigonometry to save Earth

13 Challenge application: Estimating the height of a mountain

14 Kinetic homework

15 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Trigonometric Functions and Angles of Rotation

16 Angles of rotation

17 Interactive problems: Angle Action!

18 Trigonometric functions

19 Reference angles and trigonometric functions

20 Interactive problem: Angle Action, reference edition

21 Trigonometric functions of multiples of 90°

22 Sample problems: trigonometric function values

23 A few trigonometric identities

24 Kinetic homework

25 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Trigonometric Functions as Circular Functions

26 Radian measure of angles

27 Interactive problems: Angle Action, radians

28 Application: Softball field

29 Challenge application: The Singapore Flyer Ferris wheel

30 Trigonometric functions and points on a circle

31 Kinetic homework

32 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Graphs of Some Trigonometric Functions

33 Period and symmetry of functions

34 Graphs of the sine and cosine functions

35 Sine and cosine identity

36 Amplitude of sinusoidal functions

37 Period of sinusoidal functions

38 Graph of the tangent function

39 Application: Simple harmonic motion

40 Challenge interactive problems: Graphing parametric equations

41 Kinetic homework

42 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Translating Sine and Cosine Graphs

43 Shifting graphs horizontally and vertically

44 Sample problems: Writing equations for translated graphs

45 Sample problems: More equations from graphs

46 Interactive problem: Graphing

47 Kinetic homework

48 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Summary and Chapter Test

49 Summary

50 Practice chapter test

Unit 7 Standardized Test Problems

51 Standardized test problems


14 Trigonometric Identities and Equations

Unit 1 Trigonometric Identities

0 Introduction

1 Fundamental trigonometric identities

2 Sample problems: Simplifying trigonometric expressions

3 Proving trigonometric identities

4 Kinetic homework

5 End of unit problems

Unit 2 Inverses of Trigonometric Functions and Trigonometric Equations

6 Inverses of the trigonometric functions

7 Trigonometric equations

8 Sample problems: Trigonometric equations

9 Solving right triangles

10 Application: Angle of descent

11 Application: Tides

12 Application: Aiming a cannon

13 Interactive problem: Aiming a cannon

14 Kinetic homework

15 End of unit problems

Unit 3 Law of Cosines and Law of Sines

16 The law of cosines and solving SAS and SSS triangles

17 Application: Building a roof

18 Interactive problems: Save Earth!

19 Areas of triangles

20 The law of sines and solving ASA and AAS triangles

21 Application: Surveying a river

22 Application: Locating a fire

23 Optional sample problem: Calculate the area of a triangle

24 The ambiguous case: Solving SSA triangles

25 Kinetic homework

26 End of unit problems

Unit 4 Angle Identities

27 Additional trigonometric identities

28 Optional sample problems: More complex identities

29 Sum and difference identities

30 Proof: The tangent sum identity

31 Double-angle identities

32 Sample problems: Using double-angle identities

33 Half-angle identities

34 Sample problem: Calculate cosine using half-angle identity

35 Double-angle and half-angle identities for the tangent

36 Kinetic homework

37 End of unit problems

Unit 5 Vectors

38 Vectors and scalars

39 Multiplying a vector by a scalar

40 Vector components

41 Converting vectors between magnitude, direction and components

42 Interactive problem: Aiming a cannon, the encore

43 Kinetic homework

44 End of unit problems

Unit 6 Summary and Chapter Test

45 Summary

46 Practice chapter test

Unit 7 Standardized Test Problems

47 Standardized test problems

Unit 8 Cumulative Review

48 Cumulative review




The appendix has an Algebra I review:

Unit 1 Sets, Types of Numbers, and the Number Line

0 Sets and types of numbers

1 Real numbers on the number line

2 Inequalities and the number line

Unit 2 Adding and Subtracting Signed Numbers

3 Opposites

4 Absolute value

5 Addition on the number line

6 Adding signed numbers

7 Subtracting signed numbers

8 Absolute value and operations

Unit 3 Multiplying and Dividing Signed Numbers

9 Multiplying signed numbers

10 Dividing signed numbers

11 Multiplication and division by zero

12 Multiplication and division by −1

13 Sample problems: Minus signs

Unit 4 Exponents

14 Sample problem: Exponents, negative numbers and variables

15 Exponents and precedence

16 Sample problem: Order of operations

Unit 5 Simplifying Fractions

17 Equivalent fractions

18 Factoring numbers

19 Simplifying fractions

Unit 6 Multiplying, Dividing and Adding Fractions

20 Multiplying a fraction and a whole number

21 Multiplying two fractions

22 Reciprocals

23 Dividing fractions

24 Adding and subtracting fractions with common denominator

25 Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators

Unit 7 Adding and Subtracting Fractions Using the Least Common Denominator

26 Adding and subtracting fractions using least common denominator

Unit 8 Properties of Numbers

27 Identities and inverses

28 Distributive property

29 Sample problems: Distributing negative numbers

30 Substitution, reflexive, symmetric, and transitive properties

Unit 9 Standard Deviation

31 Standard deviation

32 Standard deviation formula

33 Sample problem: Calculating standard deviation

34 Interactive checkpoint: Calculate standard deviation

Unit 10 Graph Essentials

35 Dot plots

36 Histograms

Unit 11 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

37 Inductive reasoning

38 Deductive reasoning

Unit 12 Geometry Review

39 Geometry review

40 Right triangle basics

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Susan, did you use the Alg. 1? Would love your feedback if so.


No, sorry!


Ds did Video Text (bad) and Chalkdust (bad) and BJU Algebra 2 (very good, finally), dd did BJU for Algebra 1 (very good).


Trying to see if a cheaper Algebra 2 than BJU is available.

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Wow Angie, I sure hope that was cut and paste.....either way, thank you!


It does look rigorous. Some of the application problems looked scary to me...


Is there calculator instruction?

The answers must be multiple choice, or how do you write all of the odd characters that come up in math?

Is there help if the immediate feedback isn't enough?

Are there lectures? Review?


I'm sure we'll all think of more to ask, thanks again!

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Wow Angie, I sure hope that was cut and paste.....either way, thank you!


It does look rigorous. Some of the application problems looked scary to me...


Is there calculator instruction?

The answers must be multiple choice, or how do you write all of the odd characters that come up in math?

Is there help if the immediate feedback isn't enough?

Are there lectures? Review?


I'm sure we'll all think of more to ask, thanks again!


I know there was at least one part that my oldest dd had to skip when she was doing it because it showed how to use a TI-83 graphing calculator to do some type of problem and we didn't have a graphing calculator at that point.


It actually has a very intuitive interface that allows you to type in complex mathematical stuff. The welcome section (chapter 0) teaches you how to do this. My middle dd is Aspie and does not grasp things like that intuitively, but she understood how to do this without any additional explanation from me.


Only the standardized test prep sections have multiple choice options. You can skip these sections, but I go ahead and have my dd do them anyway.


A lot of the immediate feedback problems have stepped help. The problems that have "step" listed as an option after them have stepped help.


There are sections where you can choose to just read what it says for yourself or you can have it read to you while it works through how to do the problem.


There are cumulative reviews at the end of every 3rd chapter and at the end of the last chapter.

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And ds did a few lessons. A lot of the beginning will be review for him because he did most of LOF Algebra I. I just really wanted him to cover something with some more practice, so I am going to have him do this over the summer, and follow up with the Algebra 2 when he finishes.


I'm excited because I think I'm gonna use this Physics as well after he does Chemistry.


So far I'm pretty impressed.

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Thanks for posting Stacey, mine discs should be arriving this week, very excited to see how it goes. If it is all that I am hoping for I will ditch CD and put my daughter in the pre-algebra.

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My disc is here! I am excited to see the program in action. :)


Hey Julie, This might be a good option for Andrew for summer Alg 1 review. Is it really only $40 for Alg 1? Wow!


I was planning to use LOF for summer, but KB might be a better option for summer.


Anna might like it also.


Andrew wants to review the quadratic equation. I wonder if I need Alg 1 or 2. For that price, I could buy both.:)


Thanks for the scoop! Let me know what Trent thinks. I might pop down to your house and look at it.

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