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Where do you go when...

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I pray about who I should talk to. I have a really great Bible study leader that I can talk to. I have a friend who is older that I've been able to talk to. And, I have some wonderful girl friends that I can talk to. However, that doesn't mean I talk to all of them about the same "issues." Does that make sense? Sometimes, it's the person I never would have thought of that I feel led to approach, and it works out! If I felt I had NO one to talk to, I would probably seek a counselor (outside of my church). Everyone needs someone to talk to, and sometimes we need a totally objective person who will listen and not judge.





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Sometimes a counsellor. Sometimes a girlfriend.

I use my journal to write about things in order to "talk them through" a fair bit.

Sometimes I just wait it out and see if time helps.

I also pray and meditate- asking for help can really be effective!

I am careful who I use....often, they will not be completely objective so its not always useful to give me a clear perspective, but one way or another, it often helps.

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My life is pretty open, but I am careful when it comes to issues in my marriage. My husband is a priest, and I try to let our congregants have their priest--they all know he's human, but they don't all know all his flaws, because some couldn't handle that. (They aren't major flaws, just human...lol)

I have 4 girlfriends, 3 of whom I get together with for a spiritual accountability and support group, ideally once a week. They are all congregants, so I asked them how they felt about hearing about their priest as a human being, and they were all ok with it. So, I can be very open with them about ANYTHING.

God used an Oswald Chambers devotion to tell me that my life would be like a highway for God, and that no one can really stand to be that open unless they had the Holy Spirit. (--ETA: I don't want to sound arrogant here--just saying what it said. I also know that not everyone should be as open as that--I believe HS tells us what and when to share. --)

I know I am to be careful with other's reputations, not gossip, and not throw my hubby or children under the bus, so to speak. But, I also know that I am to be human and open with my problems and just life, because the way God works in my life is not only for me, but for other people.

There have been many times when someone needed to hear my situations/failings/insecurities as well as joys and good stuff, so they could see how wonderful God is. It is my witness. So while I'm somewhat careful, I'm not putting on a mask of any kind. I try not to do the TMI thing, as if everybody cares about my life cause I'm so important :D, but I also try to let my life be open.

I believe we are designed for community, and we might as well be real with one another.


I wrote a poem once that ended,


So make my life an open book

for all the world to read

the story of my Father's Love

not one word of me.

Edited by Chris in VA
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