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For all you baby wearers out there, which sling or carrier do you like best?

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My fifth baby was born last week. He is doing well and everyone seems to be adjusting okay. I got rid of my old sling a few months before I became pregnant. I really miss it now and am on the look out for another one. The thing is, there are so many different kinds now! With five kids I really need to be able to wear this baby! lol Which swing or carrier do you like and why? If you can please provide links. Thanks!

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I love Mei Tais. They are wonderful for a front or a back carry. My husband can use them too and they come in wonderful prints. The website www.thebabywearer.com has more information about baby carriers than I ever imagined. They also have a FSOT board that is fast-moving and allows you to try some different carriers for a bit less than buying new.


My husband's hands down favorite carriers are babyhawks. I believe the website is www.babyhawk.com. The carriers are a bit spendy but they are work horse carriers and ours are going strong after DAILY use for three years.


MT's can look complicated to tie but a quick search on youtube should locate some great tutorials.


My sister uses a MT for her babies from birth on. I like to wait until 6-8 weeks before I start using them on the front. I start back carries at 4-5 months.



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I loved my ring sling for little baby and now i usevmy ergo for longer/bigger baby.

:iagree:I wear my little guy in a ring sling; once he is sitting up I'll switch to the Ergo. My middle guy rode in that until he was 2 1/2.


The new infant inserts for the Ergo look nice.

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Hi Stacy,


Congratulations on your new baby boy! I am another fan of the Ergo http://www.ergobabycarrier.com/. I absolutely love mine and could go on and on about it :-)


You can wear it on the front, back or hip. When my twins were first born we would swaddle them and then put them on the front of us (we have two). We didn't even use the infant insert. They would spend hours in there sleeping peacefully. I have a very bad back and shoulders and it was the ONLY carrier I could wear comfortably! It is especially comfortable when the kids are a little older and you can wear them on your back.


They are a bit expensive but have a very good resale value. There are many colors/patterns to choose from.


Congrats again!



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Oh my! there are more slings/carriers out there than I thought! I'm looking for something that I can nurse my baby in. I think so of the carriers mentioned I wouldn't be able to?

Here's a photo of me nursing my toddler in the Ergo. You can nurse easily in a ring sling too. :)

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Ok, my interest in these Ergos is piqued- but I have a question- all of the pics I have seen have the baby facing the mom. Can the baby face the world, with their back to mom?

OK- I read more of the website and it says that babies are supposed to face mom. My son did not like to ride that way unless he was sleepy. When I put him facing me, he was always trying to twist around so he could see what was going on. What does the hive recommend?

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Ok' date=' my interest in these Ergos is piqued- but I have a question- all of the pics I have seen have the baby facing the mom. Can the baby face the world, with their back to mom?

OK- I read more of the website and it says that babies are supposed to face mom. My son did not like to ride that way unless he was sleepy. When I put him facing me, he was always trying to twist around so he could see what was going on. What does the hive recommend?[/quote']


Facing out is hard on their pelvis and hips.

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I just bought a big piece of fabric from the craft store and made my own moby wrap. By far cheaper than buying one premade, and it was the only type comfortable for me and dd.


ETA: Forgot to add that, if you want to try out several different types, you could contact a local doula and pay for a consultation. Many of them have several different types of carriers for exactly this reason, and it'll be cheaper to do that than to buy three different kinds before you figure out what you like.

Edited by Mergath
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I love the Baby K-Tan for young babies. It's a hybrid between a sling and a moby wrap. I'm using one now w/my 6 wk old. It's wonderful! I pop her in chest to chest, she falls asleep, and I get housework done.


For older babies/toddlers, the Ergo is the way to go. I have one I used w/DD for several years. They are expensive, but well worth it. At 3.5 yrs old, I was still wearing DD in it w/o any problems or pain.

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What about nursing in the Ergo? It seems like the sides are too open. (I have a very large chest- DDD while nursing' date=' does that make a difference?)[/quote']


I loved my Ergo from day one, but I can't answer this question. My ds had developmental delays, latch issues, etc.. We only nursed for the first year and it was always a sit down, try to get him comfy and properly latched production.


So, is it safe to use the Ergo without the infant insert for a newborn?


When ds was a newborn, I swaddled him and put him in the Ergo across my chest. I can't remember exactly how I did it. I don't think they sell the version I had anymore and since they were a new thing, it was nearly impossible to get an insert.


Sorry, I know that's not much help.

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I got this as a gift with my third child and used it until she was almost 3 (for hikes). It was so much more comfortable and safer than the sling, and much more convenient than the huge long piece of cloth that had to be tied in a complicated pattern, but could be worn anyway at all...;) (apologies to all who love the long cloth:D)


Loved the ergo - no numb achy shoulder!


They don't even pay me for this loyalty!

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I have a question about the Ergo. Is it easy to get baby/toddler into and out of it? I've never used any type of carrier, but with my third child (due in a couple of weeks!), I think I might need something! I had a relatively inexpensive one from a chain store with my first, and it was too complicated to bother with, at least for us first time parents. :D

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I skimmed the first few responses and there were many Ergo recommendations. I LOVE my Ergo and have used it for almost 7 years with 2 boys, but I wouldn't recommend it for a newborn. I use my ergo until my kids are about 4 and even longer when their little legs get tired. I don't use a stroller and prefer to babywear. I used it once they can comfortably hold their head/upper bodies up. I know there is some sort of newborn insert, but it doesn't look comfy to me.


That said, I would recommend a stretchy wrap for the first 5-ish months. It's a narrow piece of fabric that is several yards long.


The kind I used was made of cotton jersey, but it's no longer in production. There are others out there that are similar. I could nurse in it which was a huge bonus. I was able to leave it wrapped on me and pop him in and out as needed for errands (no dragging that huge "portable" car seat into the store) and around the house. It left both of my hands free to hold hand with my 3 yr old and 7 yr old at the time.


There are many different ways to wrap. It's both extremely flexible and a little overwhelming. I used something called cross-front wrap (can't remember the exact name). I loved the information available at the babywearer forums.


I liked my mei tai when they were bigger and stronger.


Good luck and congrats on your decision to wear your babe.


If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me.

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