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Do you prepare your dc for an evaluation?

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FYI: In PA students are required to have an annual evaluation in addition to preparing a portfolio to provide to the school district.


I can't imagine not preparing them, as far as sitting and looking through their portfolio with them, having them talk to me about what is in their portfolio. I'm looking at the eval like a show and tell time. Anyone else do anything?

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I didn't last year, for her first eval, but I'm seriously thinking about doing something like that for this year, especially since we're changing evaluators. I'm hoping it will help her be a little more comfortable, since she's generally shy with new people at first.

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We have a wonderful evaluator, a homeschooling mom herself. I'm very comfortable just going in cold. She has a great way with kids. My ds tends to get nervous over things like evals, so we just go visit her and enjoy it. Good luck!


nan...who wishes PA would relax with the homeschooling regs a bit

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We are from Pennsylvania and our family has used the same evaluator for the last 9 years, so we are very comfortable with him.


I never go over anything "schoolish" with the kids ahead of time, I do however remind them to use their manners, talk loud and clear so they can be heard and relax and smile.


Our evaluator is great with the kids and he makes the evaluations very easy to do.

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No, I don't. I'm from PA too as you know lol and last year was my daughter's very first evaluation (she was in third grade at the time; I'd pulled her out of public school).


I didn't do anything to prepare her for it, and it went just fine. We were comfortable, he certainly didn't start quizzing her or anything along those lines. He looked through her schoolwork and said we were doing a good job and he gave us our letter and that was about the extent of it.


We'll be using him again this year and I see no need to 'prepare' her for it this time, either.

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We used to go through the portfolio together, more like a trip down memory lane than a review. DS always enjoyed it, mostly because I included a lot of fun snapshots. I felt it gave him a chance to have a look at something in case the evaluator referred to a specific item in the portfolio (ie, to try to eliminate the evaluator getting a blank stare!).

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We used to go through the portfolio together, more like a trip down memory lane than a review. DS always enjoyed it, mostly because I included a lot of fun snapshots. I felt it gave him a chance to have a look at something in case the evaluator referred to a specific item in the portfolio (ie, to try to eliminate the evaluator getting a blank stare!).


This is more what I was thinking.

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