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If your college dc comes home to work in the summer, do they get a break?

Chris in VA

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Ds gets out Friday and goes to work Monday. He did not work on Spring Break (just a week), but before that, he worked nearly every day on his Winter Break (excepting Christmas, New Year's Eve and Day) and only took one week off the previous summer, right before school started.


He has to earn a quarter of his total college costs (tuition, books, fees, R&B), and, making just $10 an hour, it's tough. So, he doesn't have but a few days off during the summer. He won't, for instance, come with us on vacation in July, when we take 10 days out of town and a couple of other weeks here and there down at our house. (We live in a Rectory most of the year but own another home about 2 hours from here.)


Do yours start work as soon as they come home? Do they take a week's vacation with you as a family or do any other vacationing?

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I suspect that my DS will be doing as your son is doing quite soon too.


While in college I worked as many hours as I could during school breaks, never taking a holiday or vacation with the family. I also begged for overtime and often found myself working 80 hr weeks over Christmas break. After sophomore year when I finally landed a job with GM in manufacturing as one of their 'engineers in training' I took all the overtime they offered. This often meant working weekends and 12 hr days, Sundays were off. I worked from the day after I finished with finals until the day before school started. It was just the way things were since I needed the money to pay for school.



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my college boy works at our neighborhood pool. He got out of school Sat.


I'm not really sure exactly when he will start back to work.


and he doesn't work breaks.


he did get a job at college doing tutoring


Ds gets out Friday and goes to work Monday. He did not work on Spring Break (just a week), but before that, he worked nearly every day on his Winter Break (excepting Christmas, New Year's Eve and Day) and only took one week off the previous summer, right before school started.


He has to earn a quarter of his total college costs (tuition, books, fees, R&B), and, making just $10 an hour, it's tough. So, he doesn't have but a few days off during the summer. He won't, for instance, come with us on vacation in July, when we take 10 days out of town and a couple of other weeks here and there down at our house. (We live in a Rectory most of the year but own another home about 2 hours from here.)


Do yours start work as soon as they come home? Do they take a week's vacation with you as a family or do any other vacationing?

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he hopes to start working a day or two after he gets home. He only works an average of about 20 hrs/week, though, so I think that's a sufficient break for him.


Next summer, I hope he can find a more career-oriented job so he can earn a bit more money and get good resume-building experience.



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No break for my ds, either. He finished finals last week, arrived home Saturday and begins working tomorrow. He will work until it is time to move back to the dorm. He worked during Christmas break and the week of spring break, too. He couldn't find a job while at school, so he wasn't working much there, except for some long distance work his job sent him. When he is home he needs to work - and wants to work. He is hoping he can get a job in the fall when he is back at school.

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Guest Katia

No job for mine right now, but no real break either; she has jury duty for two months of summer! But, maybe that is a job?

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DS20 got an excellent, well-paying internship in his field. He gets home tomorrow evening and reports to work on Monday a week and a half later. Unfortunately, he will be quite busy during that time because his job will be about a one-hour commute and he doesn't yet have his license! He needs to learn to parallel park, get insurance, get his license and then learn to drive a stick-shift since I just bought him a beater to commute in and take back to school. Oh, and we need to make a few repairs to his new car, too. (You don't think I was going to let him drive OUR car, do you? :D )

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Well, turns out mine isn't starting tomorrow--we are hoping he'll have his old job back by Wednesday. What's funny is that I have the whole day free tomorrow, and can drive him anywhere he wants, do anything he wants--and he doesn't want to do anything. :D:glare:

Ah, well. I'm just glad he's home.:D:D

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My daughter came home last week and leaves the last week of May for her job as Boy Scout camp counselor. She will be gone for 6 weeks and then join us on a Boy Scout family trip with my son's troop where she will teach the same merit badges she is teaching all summer. Then she'll have a couple of weeks at home before she goes back to school.

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This is our dd's last summer before her sr.yr. She finished Fall classes, started her 3 week intersession classes and will go right to her summer internship.(for school credit) I believe she will have a 2 week break. Since she started college in 08 she has always worked summers and breaks besides doing extra classes. The jewerly store where she had worked for the past 3 years went out of business. So I guess it is just hard on us mothers when our children work so hard that they do not get to spend time with family. :glare:




dd 19 college grad '11

ds 7 having fun playing hockey

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