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Recommended Read: FRINDLE by Andrew Clements.....

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I read about FRINDLE in Deconstructing Penguins (thank you, Swimmermom3 - Lisa).............our branch of the library did not have it on the shelf but I was able to find the CD. We put it on in the truck this afternoon on the way to lax prax and we just finished listening to it.


We discussed it a la Deconstructing Penguins (without my giving away the end) at dinner tonight.


I highly recommend this book. I would not have known about it without reading DP.


Next: The Phantom Tollbooth - I have four copies of that, though.

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DECONSTRUCTING PENGUINS by Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone


Swimmermom3 has some threads (as do many other moms) on this board regarding it.




There is the link to it on amazon and they have a 'look inside' -- don't know what they allow you to read, but I definitely need a copy of this for my permanent library.


DS9.5 (my reluctant reader) is beginning to get a glint in his eyes as the DP process has opened the possibility to him that a book is much more than pages with words that I MAKE him read. There is something MUCH MORE going on in there.


And, last night I did actually finish reading DP and this sentence is at the end of the book: 'Critical thinking is not an affectation, but an essential skill, necessary for making one's way in the world. To teach children to become effective and critical readers, these are the rules we go by:.......' and the authors go on for 4 or so pages with wonderfully helpful information that articulates just about EVERYTHING I KNEW about reading but had not yet put into words.


Along with 'The Latin Centered Curriculum' and RFWP's MCT LA Curriculum, DP has changed (for the better) the way we homeschool.

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Most all of Andrew Clements is a big hit here. We read two of his books for a book club I ran this past year. His books are a rarity in that they give youngish kids (the reading level's appropriate for most 3rd graders, I'd say, and there's nothing inappropriate in them for that age group) really meaty, non dumbed down issues to grapple with.

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We thought Frindle was so-so. Nothing bad about it, just not a book which we would pick up again for a re-read.[/QUOTE]

:iagree: - would not ever think of re-reading it. But it was a very stress-free way of trying out DP with the kids.


I had tried DP with dd11 and Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil........ and it went well, BUT that is dd11 who is an avid reader. Actually, it went beter than well - dd11 is SO good at deconstructing.;) It was an excellent experience for both her and me.


Frindle was an easy way to see if ds9.5 and DP were a good idea or one that with him would have me banging my head against the wall. It turned out to be a very good experience.....but certainly not a book that merits re-reading.:)

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