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How does your garden grow?

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Bravo! They look wonderful!! Isn't it exciting to see the fruits of your labor. This is our first year for square foot gardening and our onions are doing well. (That is all I've planted so far.) The kids are extremely excited too to see the nice, green shoots.

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We're already getting lettuce and spinach, the carrots I planted last fall are almost ready to harvest, as are some of the onions, and I'll be harvesting some pak choi for dinner this evening.


Something ate my pea shoots. :glare: So I've replanted them.


I'm gearing up for phase two. Time to prepare the beds for my summer veggies! I thought about planting early, but decided not to because I was too busy. Good thing! The weather has been so cold, it was 37 degrees when I went out this morning. Brrr!



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Well...I was going to post a thread asking about how to do this. My dad bought us a kit for a raised garden bed that is 4' x 4'. We've never really grown anything, other than grass, and that was challenging!


I want to set it up this weekend. Any advice? We live south of Atlanta, so what types of things can we grow just starting now? I'm hoping for tomatoes, green peppers, and maybe some herbs. I would love cucumbers, but I'm not sure how much room they take.

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Well...I was going to post a thread asking about how to do this. My dad bought us a kit for a raised garden bed that is 4' x 4'. We've never really grown anything, other than grass, and that was challenging!


I want to set it up this weekend. Any advice? We live south of Atlanta, so what types of things can we grow just starting now? I'm hoping for tomatoes, green peppers, and maybe some herbs. I would love cucumbers, but I'm not sure how much room they take.


Wow...if you have a kit, it should take no time at all. If you can get your hands on the book called Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew, then you have all the instructions you need.


You can build an extremely simple trellis on the north side of the square for climbing plants (I have cucumbers growing next to mine in one of the beds...if you let them trail they take up a lot of room). I recommend (for absolute simplicity) springing for miracle grow organic soil and some weed stop to put in the bottom of the bed. Then section of the squares into 16 square feet and pop in your plants. Super-easy...you're good to go.


here's the website about it--you can get a lot of info here

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Jealous of all the lettuce! Mine is very tiny and not doing well, maybe it's too hot. I have my boxes full and an overflow area going. I'm hoping things will take off now.


Photos here:




yes!!! i'm glad i'm not the only one whose lettuce is languishing. i can't figure out what to do to make it flourish. any ideas? i keep looking back at her photo and thinking, what do i have to do to get mine like that?

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We just started a little 4'x4' bed with DS10 for his Boy Scout project. I liked it so much that we will plant a 3'x12' box soon with summer stuff. This is my first time *trying* to grow anything! Right now, we have 2 tomato plants, some cucumber plants, a bell pepper plant and strawberry plants which aren't going to produce because it's too warm but they're pretty anyway!


For those who don't know what you can plant when in your area, I highly recommend going to your county extension's office website. Mine had lots of PDFs I could download and that's what I will use to plan my 3'x12' bed.

Edited by dansamy
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It's sort of in an inbetween stage. It has pretty much stopped summer produce, but I've planted the winter crops and they are starting to get bigger.

The only thing harvestable at the moment is lettuce and bell peppers, but I've also got onion, garlic, brussel sprouts, broccolli, snow peas and sugar snap peas in there.

This is my garden blog: http://sandrasgardendiary.blogspot.com/ It's desperately in need of an update.

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