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My 7th grade plans...is it enough?

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For dd 7th grade this coming year we are doing:


Sonlight Core 3 with advanced readers. Forgive my ignorance, what does this include?


LLATL Tan why 2 LA? Still my SL ignorance :)

Wordly Wise 7

Sequential Spelling

Saxon 8/7

ACE Science

Reading Thru MOH Vol. 1

PE: Gymnastics Team 12 hours per week


Can't remember if I am forgeting anything!

Logic? Foreign languages? Not that you Need either, just thinking out loud.

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For dd 7th grade this coming year we are doing:


Sonlight Core 3 with advanced readers.



Wordly Wise 7

Sequential Spelling

Saxon 8/7

ACE Science

Reading Thru MOH Vol. 1

PE: Gymnastics Team 12 hours per week



Can't remember if I am forgeting anything!


Since you are doing LLATL Tan, that covers LA. Sonlight Core 3 has a pretty advanced spine for the history I think, so I think that would be okay for history and lit. I don't really think you need MOH on top of it unless she finishes Core 3 early. Finally, why do SL LA on top of LLATL? I think that you are doubling things up that don't need to be doubled up. I would choose one history/lit and one language arts. It would seem that LLATL Tan would be more appropriate than SL LA 3. Really, sometimes less is more.

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Well...you might not like my answer.


I don't think it is rigorous enough for 7th grade. It is very similar to my rising 4th grade ds' schedule. (In fairness, he will only be in Horizons 4/5.)


Have you thought about taking the summer to really improve her reading and writing? Maybe a remedial phonics program and an IEW theme program? You might be able to go into more directions in the fall.


Obviously you know your child!!! If this schedule works, then great.



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I appreciate your honest reply. I don't believe in "rigorous" :001_smile:

I believe in "learning" and working at ones ability. I guess you could say I am a relaxed homeschooler in many ways. I don't follow WTM methods.

However I do love these boards. My dd's schooling yesterday, was helping her dad put up a new fence in our backyard. Taking all the measurements, picking out the supplies at Lowes, etc..

I'm not even sure my kids are college bound. Hopefully they will get to our local Jr. College, but I do not expect either one of them to go to college unless they want to. My dh never stepped foot in college yet he is one of the most respected, highest paid people in his profession of over 25 years. While everyone we know who went to college is getting laid off, out of work, their kids finishing up college and now can't pay off the college loans, we are lucky to be living a great life with no finacial worries because he chose a profession that will never go out of business, so to speak.

My dd is only 10, and I want her to be a kid, I don't want her to do "rigorous"

I wont even say what my 10th grader will be doing, it may shock some people! LOL


Sorry to rant, but since I have been homeschooling, many people say I don't do "enough and I hear that it is not rigorous so many times"

Nothing against you personally though, just that I know my kids are gettting a great education, and when I compare what they do to public schools I am fine with my decisions..


Given her age, I think Core 3 will be just right for her. You're allowed to have your own standards. :001_smile:


I think people saw "7'th grader" and assumed she was a young girl of about 12 or 13.


I have noticed that SL lists Core 3 as for grades 3/4/5 and Core 4 for grades 4/5/6/7 while the books are at pretty much the same reading level--and the spine IS the same book.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Why did you ask if you were already fine with it?


Why, if she is 10 years old, are you giving her materials appropriate to third or fourth grade and calling it seventh grade? Why not just let her be a fourth grader who is good at English and Math?


Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.

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I was thinking of reading the Fallacy Detective this summer to both my girls. Languages will wait
Just a thought to share, we did the Critical Thinking Co CDs so it was Logic on the computer and in our house computer = fun. They were enjoyable. $25 at Rainbow Resource :)



Thanks for the suggestions! I really love both LA programs! We will be using SL's LA as our LA "spine" and picking and choosing from LLATL. I guess I should make that clear. May end up dropping it all together. Just want all my bases covered in LA for her. MOH is just a read a loud I started with both of my girls, just because they love it! Not doing any of the activities or writing. Just reading one or two lessons a day out loud that's it.

Ah...that makes sense. I have a lil' back up book for further review where necessary too.


It's no problem!


I'm glad you're happy with what you have.


Your daughter must already be ahead if she is 10 in the 7th grade. My son will be 10 in 4th grade, so you shouldn't have any worries!!

Birthdays! My 10 yo will be starting 5th grade, but turn 11 right away.


My 11th year old is entering 7th grade, but will turn 12 over the summer.

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Why did you ask if you were already fine with it?


Why, if she is 10 years old, are you giving her materials appropriate to third or fourth grade and calling it seventh grade? Why not just let her be a fourth grader who is good at English and Math?


Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.


Why ask such an inflammatory question? :confused:

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