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Gardening near smoking

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There is no way to know the actual effect. Do you have roads anywhere near your garden? Car exhaust would probably contaminate the area around your garden more. Do you use a gas powered lawn mower? Lawn mowers produce a lot of pollution. Are you in an area with acid rain? Do you have industrial areas/factories anywhere near by? Have you had your water checked for chemicals? Someone smoking unless they are blowing smoke directly on my vegetable would not worry me too much.

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Native Americans see tobacco as a sacred herb. I would just accept the situation and see the blessing side of it, and give my vegies a quick rinse before eating!I do realise there are many poisons along with teh tobacco in a cigarette, but my understanding is that they still see it as sacred) I honestly dont think I would worry about it, and I am an organic gardener. I would be more concerned about breathing it in while I was in the garden. But I think the garden can handle the smoke.

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