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Cast Iron Pan Experts

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I found an old cast iron pan that seems to have rusted (or it looks like rust). It is otherwise in one piece with high sides. I would love to be able to restore it to good use. On the bottom, the manufacturer stamp says "Valerie."

Is it possible to get this stuff off and would it be safe to use? I found it on our property and don't know any "history".

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I had a friend whose dad is in the antiques business. He always said that if you have a rusty piece of cast iron to put it in a fire and let the fire burn off the rust. You have to let it cool, then you can scrub it clean and re-season it. You cannot do this with certain cheaper brands, from what I've read.

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If it is pitted, it may take some work. Some swear by coca-cola. I haven't tried it. But you'll probably be able to get it beautiful and functional again.


What could I use to scrub the rust off? Sand paper? I wonder if a regular scrubby (for kitchen use) would work. Should I soak if first in baking soda?

Boil hot water in it? This is how I clean my Lodge cast iron pan but it never rusted.

This is great. I am looking forward to acquiring a whole new pan for FREE.

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I had a friend whose dad is in the antiques business. He always said that if you have a rusty piece of cast iron to put it in a fire and let the fire burn off the rust. You have to let it cool, then you can scrub it clean and re-season it. You cannot do this with certain cheaper brands, from what I've read.


You can use a fire, but I use my self cleaning oven. You don't have to scrub at all! The rust and old seasoning just fall right out. You just put your pan in the self cleaning oven for about 1-1 1/2 hours. Make sure you get some ventilation going before starting because it does smoke really bad. If you have good ventilation, though, you shouldn't notice any smoke roiling around your kitchen. After it's cooled off you just dump out the ash, wash, and reseason.


I like to season with sunflower oil because it has a high smoke point. I usually get the pan as hot as I can touch, rub on a thin layer of sunflower oil and heat in a 400 degree oven for an hour or so. Sometimes I do this a few times. After seasoning, use the pan to cook sausage, bacon, and/or chicken with the skin still on a few times to really get that nice shiny surface.


After it's seasoned, wash your pan with a nylon scrubbie, warm water, and elbow grease--no detergent! I usually set my cast iron on a hot burner for about 20-30 seconds after washing and drying just to make sure it's good and dry so it won't rust.


I buy cast iron at thrift stores and reseason it and give them as gifts. People love beautiful, shiny cast iron. Congrats on your find!

Edited by Oak Knoll Mom
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You can use a fire, but I use my self cleaning oven. You don't have to scrub at all! The rust and old seasoning just fall right out. You just put your pan in the self cleaning oven for about 1-1 1/2 hours. Make sure you get some ventilation going before starting because it does smoke really bad. If you have good ventilation, though, you shouldn't notice any smoke roiling around your kitchen. After it's cooled off you just dump out the ash, wash, and reseason.



I got the pan in the self-cleaning oven now. And I was wrong when I tried to read the name through the rust. After we scraped a little we found out it reads:

"Wagner Ware" 10.5 inch chicken skillet"

I hope this oven method works for me. Thank you for the tip!

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I got the pan in the self-cleaning oven now. And I was wrong when I tried to read the name through the rust. After we scraped a little we found out it reads:

"Wagner Ware" 10.5 inch chicken skillet"

I hope this oven method works for me. Thank you for the tip!


Wagner is one of the most sought after brands. Great find!

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Cast iron is soo great and versatile for all your cooking needs. My mom and I collect all sorts. Wagner is one of the best brands and 10 1/2 is a great size!


Place outside in tight plastic bag with one cup ammonia inside the plastic bag (not in the skillet) the fumes do the cleaning. Leave outside for 24 hr. Wipe rust out w/ grill brush - it should come right off. Then scour w/baking soda and water, let completely dry(usually another 24 hrs). For best seasoning the first time use a light coat of lard on entire surface, place upside down in oven w/drip pan on bottom shelf, cook for 2 hours at 250. Leave in oven w/door closed until completely cooled to prevent cracking.


Happy cleaning & cooking!



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How did it turn out?


:lol: I was so busy with the pan yesterday, I didn't even post.

I think I did it! Thank you so much for your help and advice!!! I did exactly what you recommended. I did scrub quite a bit before I stuck the pan in the oven. I left it in there during my shortest self-clean cycle which was 2 hours. Then washed it out with water and cleaned it again with another brillo type pad. I coated it with coconut oil - this is what I had on hand, I don't keep safflower oil around and I looked something up online that said "Coconut Oil is okay." I let it cool in the oven overnight and took it out this morning. It looks almost as good as my pre-seasoned and well used Lodge pan.

I think, I'll coat it again tonight and give it another hour or so at F400 and then we'll use it.


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