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We have chicks!

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And they're noisy! The first two hatched yesterday and the first one out was very vocal. Still is. He was peeping loudly all night long. :glare:


It was funny and kind of bizarre to hear them peeping in their eggs before they were even pipped. I only took the egg turner out yesterday morning as Thursday was the 18'th day.


They are hatching fast and furious today. Out of the 24 eggs we set on Mar. 28, 12 have hatched so far. Several more have holes. One egg is light as a feather and clearly won't hatch.


We will have to see about the rest. Candling didn't work out as they are all dark shelled eggs. I tried it with several and got to thinking that not messing with them too much would be better.

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We will be doing this in May. I consider it a good part of Biology for my high schooler and Life Science for my jr. High schooler. Glad it is working out for you, I hope ours does too.


Congrats! They are so cute when little. Ours have feathered out and every time I look at them, it seems they have doubled in size - overnight!

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The twins turned eight years old today and we bought 21 chicks at the feed store for part of their birthday. Three each of seven different laying varieties: Rhode Island White, Gold Sex-linked, Dominiques, Plymouth Whites, New Hampshires, Black Giants and Delawares.


I'm working on adding a divider to the chicken house now. We already have three Rhode Island Red and three Plymouth Rock hens as well as a Rhode Island Red rooster. He's very decorative!

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14 chicks! 1 is a dud for sure so that leaves 9 more possibilities. I'm not seeing much sign of life from those eggs though...


All I really wanted was 4-6 nice hens so as long as none of those rotten eggs breaks, we're good to go!


Now we get to go see a local Amish man about a chicken coop. :001_smile:

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The twins turned eight years old today and we bought 21 chicks at the feed store for part of their birthday. Three each of seven different laying varieties: Rhode Island White, Gold Sex-linked, Dominiques, Plymouth Whites, New Hampshires, Black Giants and Delawares.


I'm working on adding a divider to the chicken house now. We already have three Rhode Island Red and three Plymouth Rock hens as well as a Rhode Island Red rooster. He's very decorative!


Two of our babies are solid black right down to their feet. I think they're from the one Plymouth Rock hen my SIL owns (My brother and SIL gave us the eggs and the loan of the incubator). Many of the rest are red and or red & stripey. All of them are 1/2 Rhode Island Red as that's what SIL's rooster is, so all the red chicks were not unexpected.


Rhode Island Red roosters are SO pretty!

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Congrats on your chicks! They are so cute and so much fun.


The twins turned eight years old today and we bought 21 chicks at the feed store for part of their birthday. Three each of seven different laying varieties: Rhode Island White, Gold Sex-linked, Dominiques, Plymouth Whites, New Hampshires, Black Giants and Delawares.


I'm working on adding a divider to the chicken house now. We already have three Rhode Island Red and three Plymouth Rock hens as well as a Rhode Island Red rooster. He's very decorative!


Watch out for the Delawares - they are sooo much smarter than any other chickens we have! They also think they are eagles or something.:glare: They fly everywhere and I saw one jump 5 feet in the air and attack a Blue Jay that was annoying her. lol These are my favorite chicks of the ones we have.


We lost our NH rooster this winter. :sad: He was a great favorite and loved to be picked up and "air-planed" through the air. He wanted to do it over and over again. Yes, it was weird, but perhaps he was jealous of the Delawares flying all around??


If you get a Dominique rooster (called Domineckers here, lol) be careful, as they can be very aggressive. This was my great grandmother's chicken breed of choice. She was quite the breeder and had some prize winners! (and a few scars from the roosters, too, lol)



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We lost our NH rooster this winter. :sad: He was a great favorite and loved to be picked up and "air-planed" through the air. He wanted to do it over and over again. Yes, it was weird, but perhaps he was jealous of the Delawares flying all around??


You just reminded me of a rooster I had as a kid. His name was Friday. That thing followed me around and ate out of my hand. (He kind of freaked out my friends. :tongue_smilie:) On our place we had 80 acres and 2 ponds. When my older brother went fishing, that silly bird liked to ride in the rowboat (and eat bait no doubt :D).


14 chicks is all we're getting it seems. Of the other 10, one died mid-hatch, one was clearly rotten, one dried out and the others... well... I wasn't brave enough to open them, but there were no signs of life. Somewhere along the way they had quit developing. They seem to be settled nicely in my sterilite bin brooder and I'll post pics in a bit (as soon as I change the paper for the day).


Dh wants to start another batch in a week or so. I'm not really sure why, but we'll see. I guess he thinks many of them still won't make it. He hasn't raised chickens before. I have, but it's been a while. I don't remember them being that delicate. You just have to keep them safe from neighborhood dogs (foxes, weasels, raccoons, possums....).

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