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Our experience with Rightstart A


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I've been wanting to post this for...well, months, really. I have always loved math, and now I love Rightstart A.


I started Rightstart A with DS this past fall when he was 4.5 years old. It has been a perfect fit. At first, I scheduled two lessons per week, doing half a lesson a day. The first day, we did the warm-up and the first half of the lesson. The second day, and I think this was key for DS, we did the warm-up again and the second half of the lesson. If he had any problems with anything on the first day, by the second day, he had no more problems with it.


Then earlier this year, shortly before he turned 5, I noticed that I didn't need to break up the lesson anymore. We would be doing a lesson, and he wouldn't want to stop. So we just did the full lesson, although I have still kept it to two or three lessons per week. We are now on lesson 63 out of 77, and to stretch it out a little, I am doing some extra work with him on money (he needs some extra practice with this) and time (he has a high interest in this).


He even asks to do math.


Now, this doesn't mean he has always been compliant. He'll still try to run to his room sometimes. He also HATED saying the numbers the math way, because he'd been counting the regular way since before he was 2 years old. But I made him do it because I knew it would be beneficial, but now he gets to use the regular way most of the time which he is happy about.


I'm looking forward to the next levels.

Edited by Ellyndria
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That is wonderful! My ds8 is just starting Level E and we have been so thrilled with the program. We started with Level A. I am about to start Level A with my younger and am excited to go through it again. I have learned a lot too - how to do a lot of math in my head and a really intuitive feel about the numbers instead of just counting in my head like I have been doing all my life.

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I've been wanting to post this for...well, months, really. I have always loved math, and now I love Rightstart A.


I started Rightstart A with DS this past fall when he was 4.5 years old. It has been a perfect fit. At first, I scheduled two lessons per week, doing half a lesson a day. The first day, we did the warm-up and the first half of the lesson. The second day, and I think this was key for DS, we did the warm-up again and the second half of the lesson. If he had any problems with anything on the first day, by the second day, he had no more problems with it.


Then earlier this year, shortly before he turned 5, I noticed that I didn't need to break up the lesson anymore. We would be doing a lesson, and he wouldn't want to stop. So we just did the full lesson, although I have still kept it to two or three lessons per week. We are now on lesson 63 out of 77, and to stretch it out a little, I am doing some extra work with him on money (he needs some extra practice with this) and time (he has a high interest in this).


He even asks to do math.


Now, this doesn't mean he has always been compliant. He'll still try to run to his room sometimes. He also HATED saying the numbers the math way, because he'd been counting the regular way since before he was 2 years old. But I made him do it because I knew it would be beneficial, but now he gets to use the regular way most of the time which he is happy about.


I'm looking forward to the next levels.


That sounds so much like our experience with RS. Isn't it amazing? DD will moan and complain when I say it's time for school, but she'll dive right in anyway, and at the end of a lesson, her face will be lit up with the understanding of something new. She doesn't ask to do math, but she asks to play the math games and to play with certain aspects of our math lessons. I know RS isn't for everyone, but I still sing its praises to everyone I discuss I math with, and I converted two of my friends as well :lol:

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