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Vita-Mix vs. Blendtec.

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I love my vitamix! Well worth the $$.


We use it daily. I even grind my own wheat and make almond & cashew butter. Love it!


Now do any of you have yogurt maker or other cool contraptions that you'd share a review on? Always looking for kitchen tools to make life easier and healthier.


Enjoy - Serena

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I asked for a Vitamix for Christmas and ended up with two, lol. One is still in the box, but the other is used probably 4x or more a week. Started out with just smoothies, but now I do so many different things with it that I can't imagine how I got along without one for decades, lol.


Honestly, I've never heard anyone complain about their Vita-mix, and I've been listening for years wishing for one of my own. The ONLY complaint is from people who say they don't use it much....and after learning all mine can do I have to think that they were simply uneducated!


Hey...I've got one brand new in a box if you're interested in buying it, lol.

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My only complaint about the Vitamix is that I can not slide it all the way back on my kitchen counter (it is too tall, and it hits the upper cabinets). No big deal, I just don't put the lid on, and slide it back. The BlendTec is shorter I have since noticed. However, I have ALSO noticed that there is a new container that is shorter that would fit under the upper cabinets.

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I've been looking at the Vita-Mix for years, and this post inspired me to go buy one! :D


Seriously....I read the thread, got in my car, drove to Costco and now I'm the proud owner of a bea-u-ti-ful new Vita-Mix (that is too tall to fit under my kitchen cabinets on the counter, but....oh well).


Already made a few concoctions, but I'm having so much fun just reading the recipe book and making plans to eat healthier.


If anyone has a favorite recipe or use for their Vita-Mix, I'm sure the rest of us would love to know what it is.


Good luck with your decision!

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I haven't used a Blend-Tec (though if I need to blend golf clubs or an iPad or anything, I know which blender I'd pick), but I've had my VitaMix for a little over a month and don't know how I survived without one! I feel like I've only scratched the surface of what it can do, and I'm still using it almost daily! I doubt you'd go wrong with either one.

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I'm in the minority, but after LOTS of research ended up with a Blendtec. I LOVE it. It's a beautiful appliance - happily sits out on my counter and slides all the way to the back under my cabinets. I have the black and silver base. I've had it for ~ 2 years now and make regular smoothies, green smoothies, hummus, soups, etc. It gets daily use by all the members of my family. It was beginning to act up about 2 months ago - just didn't sound right. I called Blendtec and a REAL PERSON answered the phone, talked to me, listened to the machine over the phone, told me exactly what was wrong, and then gave me options of what to do. Within days I had the replacement piece I needed along with a new warranty. I did learn that even though it says that you can wash it in the top rack of the dishwasher, it's better not to. So, I just put a few drops of detergent in it with some water to clean it. Anyway, I can't decide which of my appliances is my favorite - my DLX mixer, my Wondermill, or my Blendtec. All three are AMAZINGLY hard workers. My in-laws and a family friend both own them now after seeing what mine can do. I know so many people have Vita-Mixes, and I'm sure you couldn't go wrong with either. I just love my Blendtec. :)

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