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Help me be tactful

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It has been pointed out to me before hat I have a "Fight the power" mentality. For those of you who may not understand, this means I have a rather sharp sense of right and wrong, and I like to rally against what I feel is wrong. I attribute it to my flamingly Baptist/ Conservative upbringing.


I am friends with certain people on Facebook (Don't judge. I have a weakness.) Two of my friends have a s@x offender father, who abused one of my dear high school friends. This, ahem, perv, repeatedly asked my friend to invite me over. Now, I see this sick individual on Facebook, free to friend anyone he would like. I do have a really hard time "Fighting the Power" and keeping my mouth shut. So, what would Jesus do? I assume Jesus would NOT use profanity, for which I ( as a former Sailor) am known. Seriously, help me! I would love nothing more that to remove this know s@x offender from Facebook, but I acknowledge the fact that I am emotionally involved.


My "theme" in life is the saying from Mark Twain, "Better to be thought a fool that to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


How would you handle this situation?


What would Jesus do?

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Are you saying you are emotionally involved with the "father" of your friend? You talk to him on facebook? Whether you do or not it is a bad idea. Take him off your facebook page imo. If facebook is your one of your "sins" then get rid of it all together.

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I understand your problem so to speak. I have always been a stand up for what I believe in kinda person. There is a against sex offenders page on face book as well. I know I joined. I suggest you check it out and contact facebook let them know he is a sex offender. By the way, I don't see that fault as a bad one. Look back through history some of the greatest people who ever lived tended to rally for their beliefs, facebook can be whatever you make it as well. I like farmville there is my weakness and anything else that bothers me well I just delete it off my page. Good luck hope you find peace over this.

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This "man" is not my friend on FB. He is a friend of 2 friends, his daughters. I see his comments on their status updates. Makes me want to vomit every time.


I may just quietly report him. Thanks for the links! I do not think pervs should be on FB.

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