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Hermit Crabs

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Thinking of getting a couple of those for dds' birthday next week. We used to have some several years back when oldest dd was in charge of them. So, I need a small container, a sponge in a wet cup that they can get to, a couple of extra shells to move into, food and container. Anything else?

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The 'plastic' habitats are NOT good for hermies. They need to be kept in a warm and humid tank. We use a glass aquarium for ours.


The substrate (sand is preferred) needs to be kept damp (think sandcastle damp) and should be deep enough for them to dig into--they LOVE their tunnels..


We use an under-tank heating pad and a heated light source to keep the tank warm...


A sponge is there just to help keep humidity in the tank... they NEED 2 small tubs of water--deep enough to cover about half of their shell (don't want to drown them!)... we put small rocks/pebbles in our water dishes so they can easily climb in and out. Yes, I said dishes, they need one with freshwater (no chlorine) and one with salt water (use aquarium salt for this one).


Hermies have GILLS not developed lungs--so moisture is very necessary!--this is one of the main culprits in hermit crab early death....they suffocate!


We had hermies for years when our oldest girls were little...we recently 'inherited' Ellie's (from this board) hermies... so youngest dd can have her turn. They are pretty cool to observe--WHEN they are not hiding in their tunnels!

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Thinking of getting a couple of those for dds' birthday next week. We used to have some several years back when oldest dd was in charge of them. So, I need a small container, a sponge in a wet cup that they can get to, a couple of extra shells to move into, food and container. Anything else?

You'll need more than that. :)


Your hermies will need at least a five-gallon-size aquarium, with enough damp *substrate* that they can dig way under to hide and to molt. They will need a *pool* of water--preferably two, one salt water, one fresh water. They need things to hide under and climb on. They need three shells each. Their habitat needs to be warm and humid; you'll need a heater of some kind, and you'll need to add *salt* water to the substrate regularly to keep it damp (and the atmosphere humid; some people mist the habitat regularly to keep it humid).


Here are a couple of links:




Hermt Crab Patch (I bought substrate and other supplies here)

Land Hermit Crabs (discussion forum; you'll need to join; this is my favorite)

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OK, this was what I was fishing for as oldest dd had pointed out I needed this and that... Heating pad, do you mean like what you have for an aquarium? Also, the sand, dd said something about needing a special kind of sand, untreated. What do you recommend? Level of sand in the aquarium?

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we just go some hermit crabs a few weeks ago. If you keep the sand moist, (we have sand and some coconut soil (?)) and a high humidity, does mold ever grow? How do you prevent mold?

And how much do the crabs eat? We have been giving ours 'hermit crab pellets' and various veggies, but I can never tell if they've actually eaten anything. I do see them in the food dish late at night sometimes so they must be eating.

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OK, this was what I was fishing for as oldest dd had pointed out I needed this and that... Heating pad, do you mean like what you have for an aquarium? Also, the sand, dd said something about needing a special kind of sand, untreated. What do you recommend? Level of sand in the aquarium?

The links I included in my message answer these questions, with much more detail. :-)


I bought my substrate on-line from the source I linked. It was inexpensive and came ready-to-use (moist). You need *several* inches of substrate; you just have to be careful that it doesnt' come up high enough for the hermies to get out. Yes, they will try. :-)

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we just go some hermit crabs a few weeks ago. If you keep the sand moist, (we have sand and some coconut soil (?)) and a high humidity, does mold ever grow? How do you prevent mold?

If you use salt water, you shouldn't have a problem (it's not table salt; it's the kind that you use for marine aquariums).


And how much do the crabs eat? We have been giving ours 'hermit crab pellets' and various veggies, but I can never tell if they've actually eaten anything. I do see them in the food dish late at night sometimes so they must be eating.

I asked that same question and didn't get a "good" answer, lol. Just put little bits of food out each day (hermies tend to be nocturnal, although not *strictly* nocturnal) and clean/replace each day.

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If you use salt water, you shouldn't have a problem (it's not table salt; it's the kind that you use for marine aquariums).



I asked that same question and didn't get a "good" answer, lol. Just put little bits of food out each day (hermies tend to be nocturnal, although not *strictly* nocturnal) and clean/replace each day.


Thanks for the tips!

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