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God's World News?


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Anyone here use the kids' news magazine from WORLD as part of their hs curriculum? If so, what level and what do you like/ not like about it? Do you use any of the online helps/teachers' materials?


We are thinking about getting it next year for our K dd.

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I use this with my 3rd grader for current events. I have never used the teachers guide that comes with them. We just read the articles together and discuss them. They have several different levels to use. I also like using the biographies on their website. I just print them out and we read them together to learn some quick facts about different famous people. We will supplement that with real books if we are really interested in a person. Overall, I like them. I think they do a pretty good job of explaining events going on in the world at a child's level. My daughter really enjoys them too!

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We subscribe to 3 levels (my kids are grades 1, 3, and 4.) We love them. My kids enjoy both the articles and the puzzles. I wasn't sure they would, but there are days I have to pull them away from their magazines to get school work done :001_smile: I love when they get all excited about something they've read and want to read it back to me. I don't use the teacher's ideas - just let the kids read at their own leisure. We will definitely continue ordering these.

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This is one of my top ten fave hs resources-it really primes the pump for excellent discussions! We always end up on tons of rabbit trails after reading it. (We don't use the teacher's guide.)


The first levels were okay, but now we use News Current, and it is the one that is really getting us talking!

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We subscribe to the Early Edition level for my 1st grader and we really enjoy it! I read it to them during lunch a lot of times and both of my boys seem to enjoy listening to the articles and my older son likes the little puzzles too. I'm planning on subscribing again next year. :)

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I forgot to mention one idea that I had used for school with my older dd. I had her read the whole magazine then pick out a few articles to turn into a "news show". She did really well with it. She even turned one of the articles into a report that was happening right then. She would interrupt the other stories to give the latest update.

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