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Need help removing yellow baby stains

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I have soaked these in oxi-clean before with success. What I did was put HOT water in my washing machine with oxiclean (I don't remember how much, but I know I didn't skimp on it...)...let them soak overnight or all day long and then drained then I added soap to the machine and finished washing. Before drying, check to see if the stains were removed...I have had to do this for a second day before...but never any more than that.


Good Luck!

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Tightwad Gazette ran this which is best solution I've ever used to get yellow stains out of baby clothes. I used to use it regularly, when I had lots of littles. I googled for the recipe to make sure I remembered correctly. I just used the hottest water in my wash machine, added the chlorox and dishwasher detergent, put the garments in and let them sit for a while and then washed. I double-rinsed for baby clothes.




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One more thing I heard about once was making a paste out of meat tenderizer and putting in on the stain to sit for a while. The tenderizer is an enzyme to break down proteins and that is what is in the stain. If the oxyclean doesn't work, it is worth a shot!

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I used to just throw everything in a hot water - chlorine bleach load once a couple of regular tries had failed to remove the stains. No matter the color/print/etc, I'd say that 80% came through the bleach with NO damage and NO stains --- as good as new, 10% faded but were useable, 10% were so faded that I didn't want to use them and threw them out.



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Tightwad Gazette ran this which is best solution I've ever used to get yellow stains out of baby clothes. I used to use it regularly, when I had lots of littles. I googled for the recipe to make sure I remembered correctly. I just used the hottest water in my wash machine, added the chlorox and dishwasher detergent, put the garments in and let them sit for a while and then washed. I double-rinsed for baby clothes.




This!!!! It's the best stain treatment I've found.

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Tightwad Gazette ran this which is best solution I've ever used to get yellow stains out of baby clothes. I used to use it regularly, when I had lots of littles. I googled for the recipe to make sure I remembered correctly. I just used the hottest water in my wash machine, added the chlorox and dishwasher detergent, put the garments in and let them sit for a while and then washed. I double-rinsed for baby clothes.





This is the stain treatment I use for tough stains. It has worked for almost everything!

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