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Pregnancy Related Medical Question

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I went to the doctor today, I have had some cramping. When they did the ultrasound the saw a sac with nothing in it. My cycles are often irratic at best. I am suppose to be 6 weeks 3 days. My HCG level was 7114. Am I just too early to see anything or could I have a pregnancy that is not developing. I have had a tough day.

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I know how stressful this is. Six weeks is pretty early, and if your cycles are irregular, I wouldn't panic just yet. I've had a blighted ovum (that's what they call it when the sac develops, but no baby) once. Then when I was pregnant with ds, we had two early ultrasounds that showed no baby in the sac, but finally at the third ultrasound, we saw ds. My due date was pushed back a week. (I tend to ovulate late in my cycle, and have long cycles.)


So your situation could go either way, at least based on my experience. Are they going to recheck your HCG to make sure it's doubling every couple of days? Are you scheduled for a follow-up ultrasound?


:grouphug: I hope everything turns out just fine.



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I am going to the Midwest Conference and I was going to have my HCG checked at a local hospital on Friday, my doctors told me I could wait till Monday. I am going to have my HCG levels checked then. I will keep you posted to let you know how it goes. I am just really anxious.

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Six weeks is REALLY iffy as to whether you'd see a heartbeat or not. When I was spotting, my midwife suggested I wait for an U/S until I was at least 7 weeks. I pray that your pregnancy turns out like mine did. My dd. is now 4. But, that pregnancy was terribly stressful as I spotted throughout and I'd had three miscarraiged between 3 and 4. :grouphug::grouphug:

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When I had spotting at 5 weeks, we had an ultrasound and also checked HCG levels. On the ultrasound we could see the sac, but nothing in it yet. My HCG levels were high enough that the doctor thought I was further along, but I KNEW when we conceived, so just high HCG levels I guess. Anyway, we saw the heartbeat two weeks later and she is now 7. It is agonizing to wait, but not really a lot you can do. Praying for the best for you.

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I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and the dr told me it was a blighted ovum and to let nature take its course. She is now 5 years old:). Hopeyou also have a positive outcome:grouphug:


My "blighted ovum" is now 8 years old. A friend of mine just gave birth to a lovely little girl after being told at 7 weeks that there was an empty sac.


In one of Dr. Sears' books he says something to the effect of: children don't develop at the same rate outside the womb, why do we expect them to develop at the same rate inside the womb?


Doctors are looking for certain signs on an ultrasound based on statistics. Statistically you "should" be able to see certain signs at a certain week of pregnancy. Except our bodies and those of our babies don't always fit the statistical model.


I'll be praying for you to have peace and comfort no matter what the outcome, but also for those numbers to go up and for baby to be fully visible on the next scan! :grouphug:

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I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and the dr told me it was a blighted ovum and to let nature take its course. She is now 5 years old:). Hopeyou also have a positive outcome:grouphug:


I have a friend of a friend who was told the same thing and had TWO D&Cs--we just went to her now-five-year-old's birthday party last month. Don't panic yet (but I know that's much easier said than done :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:).

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This happened to me with my very first pregnancy. Except that I was 8 weeks along. The ultrasound showed only a sac, no baby. I was very scared. The doc told me to come back the next week for another ultrasound. We did a lot of praying!! The next week we came back.....and now our daughter is nearly 6 years old. :001_smile:

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One of the things that I have learned is that like everything you have the average and then you have either end of the spectrum. For most women, Hgc doubles every 48hrs up to a certain point in the pregnancy. [i have this idea that it levels off at the end of the 1st trimester, but for the life of me I don't know why.] For some people though, it doesn't double. Ask me how I know. ;) Now I have been in your shoes both ways. I've been told that I was going to miss and she is now 4. I have also missed as well. All I can tell you is to try to relax. As far as I know, there really isn't anything you can do medically at this point.


My advice is however, much harder to follow. Trust me, I know. If it is alright, I would love to pray for peace for you and your precious one. :grouphug:

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I have had a multitude of early ultrasounds. Because of a tubal ligation and tubal reversal, along with other issues. I would NOT worry at all this early !!!! I have gone as late as 8 weeks, when I knew for sure what my conception date was to see baby.


If you get to 9 weeks, or the HCG starts to drop.... that is another story !! The HCG numbers look good. ;-)

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