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Strange things happening... anyone else???

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Do you sleep on your back? I have read in several places that avoiding sleeping on your bad cures hypnagogic hallucinations for most people. The hallucinations can be visual or sounds, by the way.


Yep. You can hear hallucinations, too. The latest one for me was when I woke up about a month ago, sure I was hearing my dd screaming for me in a loud upset voice. She hadn't. I do find back sleeping makes it worse. Having set bedtime routines, eliminating stress, and watching how much sugar I ingest all seem to help, too.

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I have had experiences of sleep paralysis which sounds a lot like what you are describing. Very realistic auditory and visual experiences commonly accompany this sleep disorder. I have seen shapes and have heard odd music and whispering. That seems to be attributed to the semi-sleep/dream state.


If by some chance there is reason to suspect paranormal, it is best not to be fearful. We've had some strange things happen in our home too. Things curiously go missing and then show up in very odd places and we have toys going on by themselves-sometimes without batteries. Some things just defy explanation. We view these things as more interesting and amusing than scary. :)

I too have suffered from "sleep paralysis" not fun at all! I also have night terrors, seeing the hovering shadow, again, not fun. But I also have panic/anxiety disorder and night terrors run in my family. My older dd 15 is now showing signs.

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Sometimes I think people start threads just to give me the heebie jeebies as I sit here alone in a darkened room on my laptop at midnight...

I agree, I saw this thread and just knew I should not have read it. My dh works till 3AM and my kids wont sleep with my anymore...im kinda freaked out now

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Yep. You can hear hallucinations, too. The latest one for me was when I woke up about a month ago, sure I was hearing my dd screaming for me in a loud upset voice. She hadn't. I do find back sleeping makes it worse. Having set bedtime routines, eliminating stress, and watching how much sugar I ingest all seem to help, too.

For me, the more sugar the better, puts me in a deep sugar coma! It's when I eat light that my night terror strike. *******looking for the Easter candy now*********

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I agree, I saw this thread and just knew I should not have read it. My dh works till 3AM and my kids wont sleep with my anymore...im kinda freaked out now


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope that I didn't contribute to any heebie jeebies. They're no fun I know. :grouphug:

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If this happens every night, just have one of you stay up later than usual, reading a book in a chair in the doorway and see if the floors creek the same way as usual.




Beg, borrow, or steal a couple of laptops with web cams and set them up in the hall and your bed room to monitor what is happening when the sounds are going on.




Put a video camera in the hall and tape the night.





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First, I have to say that I am sorry my post freaked a few of you out by reading it last night. I honestly had no intention of it scaring anyone. :scared: I was just looking for some advice on either situation.


Second, a few of you will be very happy because I followed some of your advice. What did I do??? I OPENED our bedroom door for the night... yes, I did it! :001_smile:


Well, I didn't mention to my husband that I had started a thread here to get some advice. I just asked him to keep the door open as we were turning out the lights. He said "well, it is going to be strange if we don't hear those sounds now that the door is open".


Guess what??? WE DIDN'T HEAR THOSE SOUNDS AT ALL!!! :D The only sounds we heard was normal creaking and popping in the house, and we could tell that all those were happening in other places of the home... not in the hallway outside the door.


This is the first time in over a week that we haven't heard what sounds like someone walking outside our door in the hallway. YAY! :hurray:


Last night was the first night in quite a while that I actually slept well. Between my night terrors and the freaky sounds, I was literally getting about two hours sleep a night. Last night I only woke up once!


Sooooo... maybe keeping the door open was not such a crazy idea. See, I am flexible. I can adapt to change... it just takes me a little longer than others. :001_smile:


Thank you for all the responses and I hope that I can report of not ever hearing those icky footstep sounds again. Oh, and I did do some mighty good and strong praying too. :thumbup:


Have a wonderful day! :seeya:

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I have some weird sleep issues at times, but mine are almost always when taking a prescription med (like lexapro) that alters your brain chemistry.


As for the house issues, I would think "logical explanation" and try not to be concerned. You have proven that nothing is there. I sleep with an air purifier running at night so I don't focus on noises like that. Otherwise, I'd be up all night.


I use a fan at night for the "white noise" effect. I am a very light sleeper. If I didn't use the fan and keep my door closed, every little noise would keep me awake. I've woke up from the light sound of the dog's nails tapping the wood floor. Drives me crazy that I don't sleep more soundly. :tongue_smilie:

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First, I have to say that I am sorry my post freaked a few of you out by reading it last night. I honestly had no intention of it scaring anyone. :scared: I was just looking for some advice on either situation.


Second, a few of you will be very happy because I followed some of your advice. What did I do??? I OPENED our bedroom door for the night... yes, I did it! :001_smile:


Well, I didn't mention to my husband that I had started a thread here to get some advice. I just asked him to keep the door open as we were turning out the lights. He said "well, it is going to be strange if we don't hear those sounds now that the door is open".


Guess what??? WE DIDN'T HEAR THOSE SOUNDS AT ALL!!! :D The only sounds we heard was normal creaking and popping in the house, and we could tell that all those were happening in other places of the home... not in the hallway outside the door.


This is the first time in over a week that we haven't heard what sounds like someone walking outside our door in the hallway. YAY! :hurray:


Last night was the first night in quite a while that I actually slept well. Between my night terrors and the freaky sounds, I was literally getting about two hours sleep a night. Last night I only woke up once!


Sooooo... maybe keeping the door open was not such a crazy idea. See, I am flexible. I can adapt to change... it just takes me a little longer than others. :001_smile:


Thank you for all the responses and I hope that I can report of not ever hearing those icky footstep sounds again. Oh, and I did do some mighty good and strong praying too. :thumbup:


Have a wonderful day! :seeya:



Glad ya finally got some sleep. It's so miserable when ya can't get a good night's sleep!

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my first response was that it could be spiritual. i agree with the PP who said that prayer helps in theses situations. regardless of what your chemical / hormonal situation is, God may be trying to alert you to spiritual dangers in your life and environment.


you probably think i'm completely whacked now, but in my experience (and i have experienced some strange and terrifying things at night, like you describe) prayer was the answer.

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Wow, RC, you're amazing! Remind me not to try to rob your house!


Nah, just have Nancy Drew-itis. I never get a chance to actually do anything, because nothing ever happens here. So if someone else has a problem, I've got potential ways to deal with it already planned out.

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