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Anyone heading to the FPEA convention in May?

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I am going! We used to live in FL and I went many times. Last year, I decided to skip it and was so not happy when the time came for it. I ended up driving to the NC convention to shop for an afternoon. This year I am bringing a new friend of mine from SC. It will be lots of fun to see my old FL friends and introduce my new SC friend! I am literally checking the FPEA site daily (who am kidding several times, daily) - waiting on the schedules.

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This is our first time in 4 years that we are not going. We will be in Alaska. We love the FPEA convention! I found that it helps to figure out your schedule ahead of time, what speakers you would like to hear, when you would like to shop. etc. Also, if you are planning to buy curriculum there go with a list and if you are budgeting, try not to stray from it. I always get pulled in buy all the books. I love to shop for curriculum. Have a great time!

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My best advice, bring along one of those wheelie cart things. Get something narrow because the curriculum floor is crowded. Your arms will thank you! My first time, I bought so much I couldn't hardly carry it. I had to stop looking and run up to the hotel room to unload because I couldn't move. :D


If at all possible, stay at the FPEA hotel. It is so nice not to have to drive and try to find parking (and probably have to pay hotel parking). The FPEA park n ride is a good alternative if you stay off property. But being right there on site is really nice and you can relax poolside when you aren't doing convention stuff.


Also, make sure you check the speaker schedule and have all the seminars you want to see highlighted so you won't miss anything. If you have to miss one, you can sign up to buy a video. They have a special kiosk for that.


Have fun! I used to go every year! I haven't been in awhile. Maybe next year! It is awesome to see thousands of homeschoolers in one place and a whole convention floor FULL of curriculum. It is absolutely delightful!!!

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I have to take a look at the vendor list.

RFWP will not be there, am I correct?


It looks like they are still taking vendor applications and compiling the list. The lecture schedule is still not up, but I'm guessing it will be shortly.


Comfy shoes are a must---it is a huge hotel with a large exhibit hall. Also, a rolling cart is very helpful.


The FPEA convention is awesome----there's always a great selection of vendors. I'm looking forward to it!

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We will be there Sat and Sun. I keep checking the site to see if they have updated their vendor list and posted their speakering schedule. Still nothing. (And yes, I did check right before posting this. :lol:) I thought it was up by this time last year. :confused: This will be my third year, but my first actually staying at the convention hotel. The first year I stayed off site. The last two years it was only a day trip as we only live about 1 1/2 hours away. I am sooo looking forward to being able to take my time and go up to the room to have some time to think things through before making any major purchases. We actually factored the cost of the convention into the cost of our curriculum this year.

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I am thinking of going as well, I am signed up for the one in Atlanta that is April 29-30th and May 1st. They have a program that if your oldest child is 5 or younger and you haven't been to the convention before you can go for free.

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Dh and I are thinking of making it our "babymoon". LOL One last hoorah for the year before we tackle the world of newborns again.

My mom would watch some of our kids. I am thinking of taking my oldest and letting her attend the Summit Ministries teen program.

I have never been but I have always heard such great things. I really want to go.

A friend of mine said to stay in the hotel because parking was a nightmare.

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I want to go. I've never been. I actually forgot about it.


So is there a list of vendor signed up already? I can't find it.


No, no vendor list up yet. By updated I meant that they had not updated the site to include a vendor list yet. In the recent FPEA Almanacs sent out they had a tentative vendor list, but nothing set in stone.

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Dh and I are thinking of making it our "babymoon". LOL One last hoorah for the year before we tackle the world of newborns again.

My mom would watch some of our kids. I am thinking of taking my oldest and letting her attend the Summit Ministries teen program.

I have never been but I have always heard such great things. I really want to go.

A friend of mine said to stay in the hotel because parking was a nightmare.


I didn't think parking was all that bad. You park in a parking garage off site, then you are bused (in the bigger tour buses) to the hotel. Of course I got there very early, so there was not a huge crowd to contend with yet. :lol: However, if you are planning to go for a couple of days, the price of the hotel is really a good deal. And if you get a little tired, you can always go up to your room and rest. Not so easy if you're staying off site.


ETA: I just saw when you were due, I would stay at the hotel. I would hate to get on and off those buses being pregnant.

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