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May I share a poem Nathan wrote?

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This was not a school assignment or anything. He just typed it over a few days.


The Seasons


The winter months are upon us,


As we sit and stare out the window at the snow covered ground,


We are thankful for the blazing fire set before us,


And we watch a rabbit hopping by on the snow as if it weighed a pound,


And we wonder if it too has a snug little den were it laughs at the snow and sleet,


And we laugh at Jack Frost “You shall nip no ears or noses tonight.”


We say, and stoke up the fire with hemlock and birch and aspen.


We are snug in our little cabin, but still we long for Gentle Sister South Wind


To come and herald the coming of Sweet Mistress Spring,


And to drive Rough Brother North Wind Away Back to the Frozen North,


And then the flowers will come,


Yellow daffodils and buttercups and goldenrod and marigolds,


And blue forget-me-nots and bluebells,


And Red roses and poppies,


White daises and foxgloves,


And purple pansies,


And the whole forest will be ablaze with color,


Robins and bluebirds and cardinals and thrushes will outdo themselves and run out of breath twittering and chirping,


And the brook will melt into a laughing, tumbling mass of ripples being dashed against the rock and then bouncing back again and trickling into hollows and form little pools of Water where minnows dash and dodge playing hid-and-seek with the sun beams.


And then the summer will come and the brook’s merry laugh will tone down to a lazy Hum, and all the green trees will turn a pleasant yellow green.


And gnats will play their tunes, such as ‘How Merry it is to Fly All Day’.


Autumn will soon be here and the brook will become cross and disagreeable.


And the trees will put on scarves of red and yellow and brown, a few scarves will blow away on the now-rough breeze.


And soon that breeze will become an ever-present gail sent by Rough Brother North Wind.


And we come back to this day and Jack Frost will nip our noses and the rabbit will hop again and we shall stay close to the fire.

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  • 2 years later...

Surprised to see this float to the surface. I always did adore this one, though.


Here is his latest.


"Winds of Arda (or Voices out of the West) for Lord of the Rings Fans:


The wind was on the Barrow Downs

And blew across the misty mounds

And down and down to ancient delves

Where still there linger gladden elves


In Moria, in Kazhad Dum

Where once of old dwarves dug and hewed

Not stirring surface of the pool

In Mirromere, where Thrain did fall


It crossed o’re Rohan’s rocky plains

And still more easterly it ran

Towards Gondor’s castles on the shores

Of And’win and Pellainor’s Moors


Up north she blew past blackened doors

Of Minas Morgul’s stony floors

And cold it blew across the waste

Of Mordor’s plains, the Morgoth Fields


Still north it sailed over the Rhun

And o’re the Iron Hills it wailed

Until it came to Esgaroth

And there the lake men loaded wine


Up River Running West Wind blew

And past the hold of Durin’s crew

Throughout the winding halls and through

Where dragon sat on golden hoard


With fire belching from its heart

Like some conniving demon’s hearth

And o’re the threshold of the north

The Ered Luin, West Wind Soared


And west again across the heath

Where greedy dragons dream in sleep

And ‘cross the Greywater’s last ford

Back o’re the Barrow’s Whitened downs


And still we journey, journey on

And slowly westward we are drawn

And in the Shire hobbits sleep

In land of merriment in peace

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Oh, and a not so happy one.


The Bloody Somme

As shells and bullets boom and bang

And screech of airplane’s sad demise

I can’t believe I’m still alive

After the Battle of the Somme


It all began in July 1st

And ended up in hellish death

On 18th of November I

Had seen 1,000,000 comrades maimed


Our squad’s old serge had given me

A gun for to shoot the Germans

And I gave to them the blood and tears

That we all had felt that evening


After dead were tallied

And troops were wounded

In trenches so confining

That the dead bodies seamed to scream

“Bury us away! I’m way too warm! I hate the Battle of the Somme!â€


Author's Note:

The Battle of the Somme was one of four major battles fought during WWI. It was a large scale assault on behalf of the Allied Forces intended to break the deadlock in the trenches. The poem is told from the perspective of a British soldier. As told by the soldier, the Battle of the Somme was fought from July 1st to November 18th, nearly five months. Over a million people were killed, maimed, crippled, or suffered “Shell Shock†-- a stupor brought on by the claustrophobia of the trenches, combined with the terrible sound of shells screaming overhead and seeing friends and comrades killed. This poem was written as a memorial to all those who perished on the Battle of the Somme, on both sides.

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I read this to myself with a British accent*. Not sure it was very posh, but I tried. :)


(*Referring to his Youtube lectures, which I adore.)


AHH!!! You remembered them! :lol:


He has since made more mature ones, but I have not taken the time to upload them. Oh, and the geology episodes as well.

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AHH!!! You remembered them! :lol:


He has since made more mature ones, but I have not taken the time to upload them. Oh, and the geology episodes as well.



Oh course I remember! I found them delightful, and I think of them often.


He's a classical hser's dream, as he is so into it! You can't force that desire. You have done an amazing job encouraging and nurturing his gifts and passions.


Have you done a poetry study? Never mind. I just visited your blog. I had forgotten to go to your blog, but why I don't know, as I always found it inspiring.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Surprised to see this float to the surface. I always did adore this one, though.


Here is his latest.


"Winds of Arda (or Voices out of the West) for Lord of the Rings Fans:


The wind was on the Barrow Downs

And blew across the misty mounds

And down and down to ancient delves

Where still there linger gladden elves


In Moria, in Kazhad Dum

Where once of old dwarves dug and hewed

Not stirring surface of the pool

In Mirromere, where Thrain did fall


It crossed o’re Rohan’s rocky plains

And still more easterly it ran

Towards Gondor’s castles on the shores

Of And’win and Pellainor’s Moors


Up north she blew past blackened doors

Of Minas Morgul’s stony floors

And cold it blew across the waste

Of Mordor’s plains, the Morgoth Fields


Still north it sailed over the Rhun

And o’re the Iron Hills it wailed

Until it came to Esgaroth

And there the lake men loaded wine


Up River Running West Wind blew

And past the hold of Durin’s crew

Throughout the winding halls and through

Where dragon sat on golden hoard


With fire belching from its heart

Like some conniving demon’s hearth

And o’re the threshold of the north

The Ered Luin, West Wind Soared


And west again across the heath

Where greedy dragons dream in sleep

And ‘cross the Greywater’s last ford

Back o’re the Barrow’s Whitened downs


And still we journey, journey on

And slowly westward we are drawn

And in the Shire hobbits sleep

In land of merriment in peace


This one is especially good in that it clearly and cleverly echoes Tolkien without using any given Tolkien pattern. He has a really good ear for matching the sound to the meaning. Very impressive!:001_smile:

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