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Who has used SL science since the overhaul?


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Well, we are currently using the redesigned Science K and we really like it. I also have the old SL Science K and the new one has vastly more age-appropriate books.


SL uses Usbourne books as the spines, and while I agree that many Usbourne history books are visually cluttered, we have not found the science ones to be that way at all. The real life photos are amazing and they are favorite books around here.


Yesterday, I went through Core Knowledge's "What Your K'er Needs to Know" I was pleasantly surprised to realize we have covered every topic (including experiments) throughly in SL Science K. I was surprised because SL Science only takes 10-15 minutes per day (other than experiment day) and it is so fun because of all the picture books, that it doesn't even feel like learning.


My only not-so-favorite thing is that the topics do jump around a bit - body for 3 weeks, weather 3 weeks, etc., but K is supposed to be an intro to science and scanning the other levels, they look much more organized and in-depth on fewer topics. Science 1, for example, studies animals for 20 weeks, the human body for about 13 weeks, and space for the last 3 weeks.


I keep looking at other science programs because SL is expensive and it can be hard to justify spending that much on just science, but we have been so happy with it and I just can't find anything else with the same quality of books that is open-and-go, so we will be sticking with SL Science 1 for next year.


I'm sorry I can't compare it to other programs, other than the old SL science, but I have looked at the books for both Noeo and Elemental Science, and personally the Usbourne books go over better here with all the "real life" nature shots. Plus, we LOVE having the Discover and Do DVDS for experiments we don't want to complete ourselves (like growing mold :tongue_smilie:). HTH!

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I bought 3 last year right after they redid it. I drooled over it too and sorry but it was not good in my opinion. The boys hated it said it was so boring and I really don't see why an 8 year old needs to know the different kingdoms. It was too much like real school is what they said, many many times. My daughter who is older thought it to be the most boring thing she ever read with cool pictures. I have a good friend who LOVES Sonlight except for their science programs. Maybe the others are better but 3 was miserable.

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I've used SL science since the beginning. We are well into SL 3 science and I've been happy with it as I always have. I looked at the changes to 3 and, to me, they really were not that big. If I remember, a few books were added as well as a dvd. I suspect if you didn't like SL science before, you may not like it now, but hopefully someone who's used both the old and the new versions will jump in here. It would be great to know if there is really much of a difference.




ETA: I am using an older version. I just realized I wasn't clear about that. I didn't "upgrade" because the changes didn't seem significant enough to me, but I'd love to hear if I'm wrong about that.

Edited by LisaTheresa
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Aw, that is not what I want to hear. :001_tt2:


I will just listen to those who like it. LOL!


Okay, for those who say it is boring... what science did you find was not boring?


My kids are really liking picking topics reading books and doing experiments on that. Remember though just cause someone else didn't like it you guys might.

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We have done SL Science K-7 and have loved and hated it. Usually it depends on which child is using it. Some of my dc have loved it and others have not. But, those that hated some levels have loved others. Now, that they have redid the levels I feel my dc are getting more from it.


I am doing Science 3 now with ds/10 and he loves it. So, again it's the individual experiences and each is different. SL has that guarantee that you can try and if you don't like it, send it back for a refund. I don't see how you can lose.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I used the old K, 3, and 4 science. They were fine for one of my children, but the others hated them and requested something else!


I thought the new versions looked pretty good, so I bought K for my 5yo and 4 for my 11yo.


I love the new versions. A zillion times better than the old ones, IMO! My boys are having a great time. The books are better, the instructor guide is better, there are more hands-on and creative suggestions....I'll probably buy 2 and 5 next year.


If the old SL science turned you off, the new is worth a second glance.

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