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Disturbed about an article on Girl Scouts...

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We just joined the GS a few weeks ago, and so far it has been wonderful.


I am disgusted with the brochure that was handed out/left on the table/found on the floor...but if the GS were the ones to hand them out it was from a fringe part of the organization. Most of the troops do not support Planned Parenthood, but I am sure there is a couple. Just like there are some Catholics that support abortion and birth control. Does that mean I stop supporting the Catholic Church because of some miss-guided people (please no stone throwing - just my belief)? I did not blindly join the GS, my dd and I attended several meetings. We talked to a lot of people, and we saw what they have done in the community/camping/church and how they incorporated the WHOLE family. This troop is very family orientated (it has to be there are several members that have both boy and girl scouts and have at least 5 kids in the family).


If the fringe element becomes more vocal and starts to affect my troop, then we will leave. :auto:

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I could imagine the brochures being left by someone else knowing that the Girl Scouts were meeting there. At church, we've had random people who put out brochures on our brochure table, so we always have to be on the lookout for them.

No. There was some sort of meeting, non-Girl-Scout people were asked to leave, GS people stayed and were introduced to the brochure.

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No. There was some sort of meeting, non-Girl-Scout people were asked to leave, GS people stayed and were introduced to the brochure.


Says your incredibly biased unprofessional source. GSUSA says clearly


"The girls received a copy of the only document they were working on titled (“The Girls’ Statement”). No other documents were given to the girls as part of this event."


Id say that's pretty unequivocal denial myself. Given that there were 30-35 teenagers and 7 adults in the room I seriously doubt anyone's "friend" was right there when this occured, and its very obvious who was NOT there and that is the far right bloggers and publications which perpetuate this nonsense.

Edited by calandalsmom
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We did both Girl Scouts and 4-H for a few years. I much prefer 4-H, and my kids did too. When I told them we only had time to participate in one or the other, they chose 4-H with no regrets or backward glances. And I have never heard of anyone in 4-H pushing an agenda on sensitive issues like AIDS or birth control. A big bonus is that you don't have to sell cookies.

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Says your incredibly biased unprofessional source. GSUSA says clearly


"The girls received a copy of the only document they were working on titled (“The Girls’ Statementâ€). No other documents were given to the girls as part of this event."


Id say that's pretty unequivocal denial myself. Given that there were 30-35 teenagers and 7 adults in the room I seriously doubt anyone's "friend" was right there when this occured, and its very obvious who was NOT there and that is the far right bloggers and publications which perpetuate this nonsense.



You are determined to disagree with everything I say, even when I tell you that I heard, with my own ears, from someone who was there.


Have a nice day.

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I do not know if the article is true, but I hope it is not. The brochure, IMHO, is very disturbing, as well as the comment at the bottom of the article about 5 year olds. What I saw out of GS, though, would lead me to believe the article. Dd was in GS in first and second grade. We started homeschooling in 3rd and I became the leader. After reading through quite a bit of their material, we dropped them after that year. I felt that most of it was extreme feminism. The organization did not carry an overall message that I wanted for my dd.


I have been very pleased with cub scouts, though, and just found out they have a co-ed program for teens (14+ I think) called Venturing.

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You are determined to disagree with everything I say, even when I tell you that I heard, with my own ears, from someone who was there.


Have a nice day.


I think part of the problem is that this is the internet.


One on hand we have a statement released by to organization in question. On the other we have a "friend of a friend" report on a message board. I don't think it's unreasonable that some would choose to take the GS at their word.

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I think part of the problem is that this is the internet.


One on hand we have a statement released by to organization in question. On the other we have a "friend of a friend" report on a message board. I don't think it's unreasonable that some would choose to take the GS at their word.


When I was a brownie we played a little game called Telephone. You sit in a line and whisper something to each other starting at one end. At the end of the line the last girl announces what she heard. Often no resemblance between the original statement and the final one can be detected.

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Hi all,


This is nothing new, FWIW. The Girl Scouts have become quite liberal over the years. I do agree that it prob depends upon the who is running the local troops, however. But many of us mothers have pulled our children out because of these issues.


If you want a Christian-based Scouting group, you should check out The American Heritage Girls. I was a leader for a couple of years and we met in a Catholic church and were a mix of Catholic and Protestant girls. There are also just Catholic groups and Protestant groups, if you prefer.


But the main point is, along with earning skills badges they earn badges for their particular faith as well. They pray together before the meetings and they encourage a relationship with God and a wholesome relationship with each other and the local community. They earn service hours, for example by completing group and individual service projects. And they camp! Lots of camping skills ;). (I came down with severe arthritis so I had to drop out, unfortunately. Just too hard on the joints.)


Anyway, their website is:




They've been around for over 10 years, BTW.







You are determined to disagree with everything I say, even when I tell you that I heard, with my own ears, from someone who was there.


Have a nice day.

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