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Right Start & yr round school


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How often do you do math?


Right Start A has 75 lessons, and that would be less than 20 wks if we do a lesson a day, 4 times a wk. Then what? Take a wk off math and then move right into Right Start B?


This is also wrapped up in my desire to do some school during the summer. I had always planned to start adding K level things when Sir B turned five, instead of waiting until the start of the school yr, August. So, if we do school during the summer and on into next school yr, at some point he'll be more like a 1st grader, so how does that work?


While I don't feel that grades are all that important I live in a state that has to report hs kids when they are 7.


Thanks for helping me sort this all out!

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For us we were doing a lesson a day for a while and then we needed to slow down and do the same lesson for two or three days to really cement the concepts. Also, I took a break between RS A & B and started Singapore 1A. I like having two math programs going and alternating which one is the main program. I feel that it gives my dd lots of different ways to look at math. I am hoping to finish 1A & RS B by the fall when we will take a bit of a break and just lightly work through 1B & play RS math games.





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For us we were doing a lesson a day for a while and then we needed to slow down and do the same lesson for two or three days to really cement the concepts.


Yup, this. We have found RS A pretty difficult conceptually and ds actually needs time (as in days) to "process" the material. Sometimes he still doesn't get it various aspects of it even after lots of practice. Every child varies at the rate they learn, but we began level A last August and we are only halfway through now.


Also, I don't know how wiggly your son is, but my ds could never sit through all the activities Dr. Cotter has written into one lesson. We usually split them in half over two days and even then math can take anywhere from 15-30+ minutes per day. After that ds's brain usually checks out and he needs a snack or lego break.:)

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We are using MEP (35 weeks of lessons). I start MEP part way through first (DS7 because thats when I found it, DS6 because he isn't ready to focus that long). We do 5 days a week (plus story problems from First Lessons in Arithmetic for 1st-3rd grades). My future plan is to add in LoF for 4th-6th (Fractions, Decimals, Pre-algebra) and do MEP 4 days a week. I also plan to take a break from "regular" math and do Simply Charlotte Mason's Business Math series for a few months - maybe between 4th and 5th.


I mapped this out (I'm a compulsive planner) and that puts the children finishing MEP 6 and LoF Pre-algebra at the end of 6th grade. Then in 7th we can start Algebra. I don't really want to do Algebra any sooner, so this is fine for me.

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If I remember correctly, Dr. Cotter has a recommendation at the front of A about doing each lesson over 2 days. We did this for all of A and most of B, as well. It really gave my dd time to process the material and let it solidify in her mind. I also believe it's why we never ran into the walls that others have in B.

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We are doing RS A. DS is now 5, but he started RS A at 4.5 years. We did RS every day, but only half of a lesson per day for four days, so two lessons per week. I went over each warmup twice, once on the first day of the lesson, then again for the second half. Some of those lessons are long. We are now to the point where sometimes we do a whole lesson in a day though, just because it's going well and he seems to want to keep going.


I think a whole lesson every day for four days would have been too much for him. Sometime he didn't completely get something on the first day, but on the second day it would be no problem.

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If I remember correctly, Dr. Cotter has a recommendation at the front of A about doing each lesson over 2 days. We did this for all of A and most of B, as well. It really gave my dd time to process the material and let it solidify in her mind. I also believe it's why we never ran into the walls that others have in B.


:iagree: I remember reading that as well - one lesson should be spread over two days. We would do the warm-up section and 1/2 a lesson and the next day repeat the warm-up exercises and the other 1/2 of the lesson. For now we are doing the same with level B.

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When I did A, we did it two days a week. I bumped it up to three for B, and four for C, but one of those four days is a math card games/other math activities day.


My second grader is 1/3 of the way through C. My first grader has 16 lessons to go in B.



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