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What Can I Get My Favorite Aunt For Her 50th Birthday?

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I'm coming up with...nothing!


A little bit about her:


She lives in a log home in the country. She's married, but no children. She has a yellow lab, whom she complains about incessantly, but absolutely adores. She likes to quilt with her MIL, she works a factory job, she likes to travel. She's wise, funny, understanding, and judgemental, but funny about it. She's was born #9 of 13 kids (my mom is #4). She still curls and feathers her hair :D.


I love this woman. She was a bridesmaid at my wedding. I have no idea how to honor her for her birthday. Help? Feel free to ask questions about her if it helps with ideas.

Edited by LauraGB
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Put together a nice digital photo album - collect her childhood photos from siblings and others.


Take one great picture of her and you and make it into something - there are really nice services that turn them into portraits, blankets, etc. Sears used to do all of that.


Go on a trip together, maybe a spa or something for a day. Treat her to mani, pedi, massage, etc.


Take her on a girls day out - movie, nice lunch, heartfelt card from you.

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50 fifty-cent coins? Or 50 flower bulbs to plant in her yard (if she's into flowers and gardening). Or if I may borrow the previous posters' ideas, a photo album with 50 pictures that celebrate her life or 50 quilting squares (this might be more affordable and special if several family members chip in and pick out squares). Yes, I'm totally attaching myself to the "50" idea!


If money is an issue (or even if it's not), I think a cool idea is to give her a penny (or nickel, dime, quarter, or hey back to the half-dollar idea!) from each of the years of her life.


Good luck finding a special gift. You are blessed to have an aunt that is so special to you and she is blessed to have you as a niece.

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Guest Katia

Take her picture on her birthday. Take a picture of her with you. Tell her she is beautiful and looks so young. Buy her flowers.


Those are things I would have liked this year when I turned 50. I am always the one taking the pictures and no one thinks to take mine, not even on my 'special' days. I love to hear that people think I look young, and flowers are never amiss IMHO.


Oh, and I liked the idea of a spa day; facials, pedicures, etc. That sounds like a little bit of heaven.

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I agree with the others that said plan a trip with her....you said she loves to travel...so travel with her!


And, if YOU are interested in quilting as well, one of the major quilt shows is April 21-24.....as someone who is looking at 50 next year, and a quilter, I would give my eyeteeth to go to this (or to Houston in October). And having a beloved neice along would be very very cool.

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