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best SECULAR on-line or teacher-in-a-box science programs...

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My plan to homeschool up to but NOT including high school may have worked with the oldest...but for the last kid, ack, our district is firing teachers right and left due to lack of $$$, cutting classes and programs, and generally driving a lot of folks to home school. I am NOT a math or science person - ok, I do have Chalkdust for math - what is there comparable for science? And, need to be secular as we are Catholic (I mean, I doubt there is a Catholic science program).


I am talking biology, chemistry, physics - the favored trio of science.


Our area does not allow high school kids to take cc. course, either. So that is out.

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I'm not the best one to answer this. I thought you were going to list a science program at first then I decided to peek anyway.


I have a friend who is Catholic and is only looking at Catholic materials. Check out Seaton Hall materials. Of course, her only is just 3 right now. But that seems to be what she is hearing from her friends at church.


(I use Apologia so I'm not help for secular science. Apologia does have on-line science classes though. Check here.)

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Kolbe Academy has great science courses that use secular books. The course plans are fairly thorough. I believe they use Kinetic books for some of their courses.


Seton uses Protestant books.


Two other options, both online, both secular - K12 and the Florida Virtual School. We get free classes from the FLVS but out-of-state students can pay to take them.

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The Prentice Hall textbooks, used in many schools, have online components for enrichment or further explanation or exploration. I think that's a great feature.

This is true also of their history books.

Haven't used them myself, but my dd has them in her private high school.

My oldest used a Holt textbook which also had some great features.

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I know nothing about these! It was posted on a local homeschooling yahoo group. They may not even be age appropriate.


Hi folks,


Don't miss out on a bunch of brand new Science Jim online classes that are starting next week. Here's a brief rundown, for more info go here http://sciencejim.com/webclasses.html'>http://sciencejim.com/webclasses.html'>http://sciencejim.com/webclasses.html'>http://sciencejim.com/webclasses.html'>http://sciencejim.com/webclasses.html'>http://sciencejim.com/webclasses.html'>http://sciencejim.com/webclasses.html


3 new online curriculum classes for ages 9 and up, all starting the week of March 22

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The Wacky World of Relativity, March 31

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Please feel free to pass on this information to folks who you think might be interested. Hope to see you all online soon!


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"Science Jim" Mueller


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for next year, with Campbell for reference and its study guide. This may not be a good choice for first-time-around biology unless your student is very dedicated or takes it after chemistry.


After 9 weeks during freshman year, we dropped out of the Kolbe supported Prentice Hall "dragon fly" Miller Levine book. The supplemental online info from the publisher was confusing to navigate, and the text had lots of distracting font types and colors. Instead of using bigger or brighter typeface to summarize or highlight bio. concepts, brightly colored words announced that the student was "drawing inferences", or doing some other mental activities. This textbook's style is great for some people; the photos were beautiful.


The Campbell book suits us much better. There are two or three versions of the text. One has "essentials" I think in the title, another one has "concepts and connections." You could get one just 2 or 3 years old and save some $.

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