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R&S 3 or FLL 3 after FLL 2?


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I am trying to finalize my plans for next year, and was hoping you could help me. My son is probably going to finish FLL 2 in the middle of next year. I am trying to decide whether I want to move him to R&S 3 or FLL 3. If you wouldn't mind sharing your thoughts based upon your experiences it would be greatly appreciated.


He is currently in 1st grade, but reads at least 2-grades higher. I know that it is generally recommend that one hold off on a writing program until 3rd grade, but I am beginning to think that maybe we should start a writing program next year as well???

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We did FLL 1 & 2, but went on to GWG 3 (instead of R&S). It covers the same material, but is a newer, workbook based curriculum. I liked FLL well enough, but GWG seems clearer and less "fluffy", and my ds can do the written work almost independantly. So we're going to be sticking with GWG... at least check it out at http://www.growingwithgrammar.com


We're going to be trying CW next year (2nd grade) as a writing program, though we may jettison some of the grammar because we'll be doing GWG 4. I think it will be challenging because of the handwriting in our case, but we're planning on letting him type some of the work as needed. You may also look at Writing Tales, which appears to be simpler--would probably be a better fit for a younger child in general.


Now, I think that lots of folks would recommentd holding off on the writing--but my dh is a professional writer (and so am I, in some ways) and we think of both creative and expository writing as a core subject. On the old boards, however, I had a discussion with the authors of CW on the accelerated board, and they recommended against starting early... but I think in our case it will be a good fit.

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I used FLL and then moved to R&S Grammar 3 with Classical Writing in 3rd grade. We are now doing R&S 5/6 and Homer A. I think both of these programs work very well together, and I see continued understanding in grammatical concepts as well as improvement in writing as my boys have work through them. However, I would start them in 3rd grade because they are advanced, and the student might not grasp some of the concepts if you get there too early.

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I'm right there w/ you in the midst of that tough decision! Ds8 never did FLL 1/2 all the way through. He couldn't stand the repetition. I got FLL3 from my library and really liked it. Very gentle approach to 3rd gr. grammar and diagramming. I also have R&S3...purchased a while back BEFORE I even knew about FLL3. Ugh. R&S, IMHO, is a much more challenging text. If your ds is only tech. in 1st grade...I would definitely go with FLL3. R&S3 would probably be too tough (probably). You could easily combine FLL3 w/ WWE for a complete program. As my ds8 is really in 3rd grade...my plan is to combine FLL3 w/ a little WWE and WT1. I have R&S3 for more of a challenge if I find he can handle it. But, w/ no REAL prior grammar instruction (except the basic what is a noun, what is a verb type stuff) I am thinking FLL3 will be the perfect fit. One tip: somebody here said you can use FLL3 w/out the workbook by using a white board or your own paper to write out the examples used in the text. More work for you, yes, but saves money! HTH and doesn't add to your confusion!

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I used FLL, then GWG this year, and I'm moving to R&S next year. My new, final plan, :) is to use FLL year 1 and then move to R&S starting with 2nd grade. I've read the reviews over and over and over again at how well R&S prepares you for writing and teaches grammar. I have trouble with the scriped lessons of FLL and I like that R&S is a tried and true program.


My ds reads well beyone his years, but I'm waiting until next year, 3rd grade, to start writing with him. I don't feel that just b/c they read well they should start writing. Writing, IMHO, takes a completely different set of skills than reading. I am planning to start my 1st grader with WWE, so that may be the option you want to take for writing. WWE is for grades 1-4. Good luck with your decision!

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We completed FLL 1&2 in January. I am very happy with FLL 3. It is very gentle approach. I do teach it a little differently. We are not repeating the definitions 3 times. I am teaching both dds together. I just rotate which one states the definition. We will most like skip sections toards the end. We are zooming :auto: right through.



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We used FLL1 & 2, then R&S3 with my older dd because FLL3 didn't exist.


R&S called "statements" something else...I forget what...something along the lines of "telling sentences". I thought that was peculiar. I'd been calling them "statements" for 2 years, so I just kept calling them that. R&S4 then explained that "telling sentences" are "statements". Sheesh. Okay, it's a little issue, but I've been harboring this gripe for several years now without ever mentioning it to anyone, so humor me.


When we started using R&S I really really missed having the FLL reminders to review old poetry. I also missed having the copywork and dictation all laid out for me. FLL did such a great job of holding my hand on the exact things I consistently screw up! I suppose WWE would take care of the copywork/dictation gap, and we've since started another poetry memorization program, but still, I love the mindlessness of FLL.


For the record, for older dd we eventually ditched R&S and went with CW plus Harvey's. I do miss the TG for R&S -- it was very thorough, and helped me sound like I had a clue about grammar.


My younger dd will be finishing FLL2 in 15 more lessons (not that we're counting the days, ahem). We will go on to FLL3, even though we have that old R&S3 down in the basement.

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I've used FLL for my oldest 2 children and finished it at the end of 1st grade. We then moved into R&S 3 in the 2nd grade. Both of my kids have done fantastically with R&S 3. With my son, we did a lot of it orally because he isn't much into writing, and I had more time then. My daughter has done many of the lessons independently this year. I have been very happy with R&S English. It is very logical and thorough. It has plenty of practice and review if the student needs it.


We have not consistently used a separate writing program to this point. My son did some of Writing Trails in American History last year and some of Writing Stands this year (I only used Writing Strands because I picked it up very inexpensively).

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Here's our story: We used FLL 1 &2 and went into R&S. It just didn't work for us. My dd needed the repetition that FLL gave us plus we found R&S to be too dry. So we just started with FLL3 in Feb. We love it! My dd just told me that she loves doing grammar the FLL way.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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