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For those who have used MCT for at least 6 months


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Love it. We're mostly done with the Town level. What we're doing now is redoing a few of the chapters in Paragraph Town. Not because they weren't clear the first time, but because I think I'm getting better at being the middle man. We got to some really meaty assignments halfway through the book and I'm having dd do the exercises twice. We did lessons 10, 11, 12, and then did 10, 11, 12 again. Paragraph Town was the one that I was the most hesitant about and at this point, I can't say enough good about it.


The poetry got sidelined because I decided I wanted to do it as a unit before we start 7th grade. In a few weeks, I will be getting all of the Voyage level including the poetry from the Island level. I'm going to try and put together a poetry unit for the summer. I really want to give the poetry books the attention I feel they deserve and be able to not worry about too much else. Of course, I may decide to go right into Grammar Voyage and save the poetry for the end of 7th. Either way, I'm excited about it.

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We used the Island level last year, Town this year, and will continue with Voyage next year. We are liking this LA program very much. Of all our homeschool books and programs that we've used, this is the only thing that excite both ds and me. I think I can summarize why we like it here:

1. It is fun and effective. Ds seems to learn grammar so effortlessly with this program.

2. It is written in a logical way that even I, who hated English grammar as a student because I could never understand it, get how it works now.

3. It has invisible built-in reviews. I said invisible because it does not overly repeat things, yet the important concepts keep popping up throughout the books that ds is sure to learn them in the end.

4. MCT's enthusiasm about language clearly shows through the material. It's contagious.

5. It's challenging. It makes ds think.

6. It encourages Socratic discussion.


The only thing that I am unsure of is the poetry component. I know a lot of people on this board like it, but we didn't quite get it last year so I did not order Town level poetry for this year. That said, I changed my mind recently, ordered it last week, and wanted to give it another try. MCT is so adamant about the study of poetry that I feel I should trust him and try to work it out. We shall see what happens.

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The only thing that I am unsure of is the poetry component. I know a lot of people on this board like it, but we didn't quite get it last year so I did not order Town level poetry for this year. That said, I changed my mind recently, ordered it last week, and wanted to give it another try. MCT is so adamant about the study of poetry that I feel I should trust him and try to work it out. We shall see what happens.


We did about half the poetry book and looked at a few poems in other books to find alliteration, end rhyme, and things like that. I kept feeling like I wasn't using this to its fullest potential. We both like poetry well enough, but we don't have quite the passion for all the technical details. That's why I want to do it more as a unit. Bring in a couple other books, use favorite songs to see what poetic devices are there. Just by googling (which almost feels like cheating), I can get all kinds of poems with whatever device I qualify. I'll be posting to show how it goes.

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We started in September with the Island and Voyage levels.


I'm still liking it *a lot*. I like the rigor that is combined with a lack of stuffiness and busy work. I like the way all of the pieces go together, particularly how the vocabulary from CE2 is sprinkled throughout the materials. I like that we can go at a pace that suits us and I don't feel like we're behind because there is no lesson number to freak me out. I like how the study of language has sprung into vivid relief with the beauty and simplicity emphasized. This is how I have always thought about language and writing, but I was unable to communicate it to my children--MCT is facilitating that communication.


The MCT materials are absolutely outstanding.

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We have been using MCT off and on for five years. We've used levels one, two and three. DD12 will begin level four somewhere around May.


For us, the grammar books are excellent - especially now that there are practice books to go with each level. I plan to use all six levels for each of my children. I also like the vocabulary series although we aren't currently using them. I'm not willing to let them go and may get back to them now and again.


I no longer use the poetry books. It seems many people consider it the backbone and/or best part of the program - but for me it was too time consuming and difficult (as the teacher) beginning with book two. So I quit using them. We no longer use the poetry at any level. The writing did not give me enough actual instruction on how to teach a student to write. But, I have come to realize I do not consider myself a stong enough writer to be able to properly critique my children's writing - either essay or poetry. All of my kids will take writing and poetry online with someone else grading their writing. That said, I do really like the Essay Voyage book. I think it is a great book for someone that can already write an essay. My dd 12 is currently reading through it. But she will continue to take writing classes online to learn new skills/techniques.

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Thank you for the replies.


You know, I have the whole Grammar Town level, and I have been reading through them, trying to figure out "why" everyone loves this program so much.


I think for me, it is such a different approach, that maybe I cannot see the big picture yet until we start using it.


I am glad to hear so many postive stories though after using it a while. I am hoping I feel the same way after we start with the program :D

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When I first received the Voyager pack, I read through the books and thought, "Wow, this is great stuff!" But then we began them and now, not so great. My ds was beyond bored, and kept saying, "Duh, I know that, can't they just get on with it?" He really doesn't like chatty...anything! LOF droves him nuts too.


So, MCT is sitting on my shelf collecting dust while my son devours CLE's English workbooks. I'm hoping to give it one more try before giving up completely, but so far, for my ds who enjoys grammar, MCT is a major bust.


You'll hear a lot of glowing reviews for programs like MCT (and LOF), and though they are great programs, they aren't great for every child and there are other great programs out there. If you get started and find it's 'not so great.' Move on to something that works for YOUR child. ;)

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When I first received the Voyager pack, I read through the books and thought, "Wow, this is great stuff!" But then we began them and now, not so great. My ds was beyond bored, and kept saying, "Duh, I know that, can't they just get on with it?" He really doesn't like chatty...anything! LOF droves him nuts too.


So, MCT is sitting on my shelf collecting dust while my son devours CLE's English workbooks. I'm hoping to give it one more try before giving up completely, but so far, for my ds who enjoys grammar, MCT is a major bust.


You'll hear a lot of glowing reviews for programs like MCT (and LOF), and though they are great programs, they aren't great for every child and there are other great programs out there. If you get started and find it's 'not so great.' Move on to something that works for YOUR child. ;)


Our experience is identical to Melissa's. I love the idea of MCT's program and relate to the way he writes, but my son needed something else. He started CLE language arts a few weeks ago and says he's finally "getting it". I like the 4 level sentence analysis, but somehow, ds understands diagramming better. I am keeping the books because I have three more dc younger than ds and maybe one of them will click with MCT.



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Melissa - not that I'm pushing MCT or anything, b/c I'm a firm believer in some programs working great for some and not others - but maybe your son would like the higher levels better - the Magic Lens level. It's not as chatty and more get to the point. It's very different from the lower level.

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Melissa - not that I'm pushing MCT or anything, b/c I'm a firm believer in some programs working great for some and not others - but maybe your son would like the higher levels better - the Magic Lens level. It's not as chatty and more get to the point. It's very different from the lower level.


Yeah, I probably should have tried a higher level.:tongue_smilie: But, though my ds is great at grammar (thank you BJU, Writing Tales, CW and CLE!) the other portions of Voyager (essay and vocab) seemed right on target. I may try to use the other portions without the grammar book...not sure how well that will work out. :confused:

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Melissa - my friend isn't using the grammar program for Town Level and it has worked out very well. The grammar gets reviewed in the writing program (Paragraph Town, Essay Voyage) so if your son has done a lot of grammar, skip the grammar portion. Now, granted, I'm on Island level so this might only be worth 0.5c rather than 2 whole cents :lol: You should definitely choose the level based on his writing and NOT on his grammar. I've seen that recommended over and over. Folks look at the grammar and think it's simple etc but Essay Voyage is quite challenging I think.

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Does it cover enough writing? I've read a few posters who are seeking additional writing programs to use with MCT.


I own the first three levels - Sentence, Paragraph, & Essay. IMO, no, you'd want to combine SI with something like WWE, at least. It is, as the title suggests, focused primarily on crafting sentences. While this is extremely important, I especially would not be comfortable with it being the only writing program for a fourth grader.


Paragraph Town & Essay Voyage, though, I would think constitute a complete writing program, especially - and here is my one caveat - if you are doing the cross-curricular writing as suggested in WTM. In other words, your child is writing summaries and/or doing outlines (depending on the grade), writing narrations/literary response papers (again, depending on the grade), and so forth. I spent a week in January listening to all of SWB's writing talks and based on that, was very comfortable letting the MCT materials be our "writing program" along with the cross-curricular writing.



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I own the first three levels - Sentence, Paragraph, & Essay. IMO, no, you'd want to combine SI with something like WWE, at least. It is, as the title suggests, focused primarily on crafting sentences. While this is extremely important, I especially would not be comfortable with it being the only writing program for a fourth grader.


Paragraph Town & Essay Voyage, though, I would think constitute a complete writing program, especially - and here is my one caveat - if you are doing the cross-curricular writing as suggested in WTM. In other words, your child is writing summaries and/or doing outlines (depending on the grade), writing narrations/literary response papers (again, depending on the grade), and so forth. I spent a week in January listening to all of SWB's writing talks and based on that, was very comfortable letting the MCT materials be our "writing program" along with the cross-curricular writing.



Thank you VERY helpful. We will continue with WWE then as my Aspie guy is very resistant to doing the number of narrations that I would like.

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Thank you for the replies.


You know, I have the whole Grammar Town level, and I have been reading through them, trying to figure out "why" everyone loves this program so much.


I think for me, it is such a different approach, that maybe I cannot see the big picture yet until we start using it.


I am glad to hear so many postive stories though after using it a while. I am hoping I feel the same way after we start with the program :D


I "got it" right away... however, I think that when you start it with your kids... and let the conversations, discussions and rabbit trails take you off the pages and off to somewhere you didn't expect... you will see part of the "why". ;)


But, some kids and parents still don't dig it as much as others (if at all). My kids and I *loathe* workbook-y, scripted types of things... others love them. Viva la difference!


BTW... finishing up my second year, plan on continuing through the whole program...it is still my favorite piece of curriculum, and the best $$ I have spent on HS products.

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