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What is the difference between OPGTR and Phonics Pathways?


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Didn't I read in a prior edition of TWTM that SWB used PP with her older kids? Maybe not, maybe it was just what was recommended in the book.


What are the differences between these two? Order of concepts presented? Pictures? Fun factor? Level reached by the end of the book? When I try to look inside the book on Amazon, I can't actually see any of the lesson pages.

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OPG is scripted; PP is not. If you need a lot of hand holding on teaching reading, I would go with OPG. Both programs are a "bare bones" phonics approach. PP has games and things to copy off in the back of the book. I prefer PP; it has worked very well for us here. Both books will get your child reading to about the same level when they finish.


SWB did use PP for the first edition of WTM; OPG hadn't been written yet.

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I could not figure out HOW to use Phonics Pathways. It is also very busy. OPGTR leads you step by step. PP is basically just reading the pages, and there is ALOT on those pages. I think its a personal preference of teacher & child. I wanted to like PP, but couldn't get the hang of how to work with it. Fortunately, I figured this out with a library copy. We Love, love, love OPGTR.


P.S. There are no real pictures in either one. PP has some little cartoonish things of a bookworm character. It has some games suggested. OPGTR has games built into the lessons (every once in a while) and also has suggested activities with magnetic letter tiles. My DD loves the silly little stories in OPGTR. I don't remember seeing anything similar in PP. I frequently have seen both of these for sale at Borders, B&N, etc., so you might check there to look them over.

Edited by monalisa
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We started with PP, but it wasn't for us. I didn't like the little worm and little sayings all over the place. I also wanted something that was a tad more scripted, as this was the first time I was teaching reading.


While OPG isn't the most exciting, we really love how well it has worked for us.

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A few differences:


1. OPGTR is scripted; PP is not.

2. OPGTR uses more sentences and fewer single words for practice. PP has lots of single words for practice and a few sentences.

3. OPGTY has smaller font. PP uses a larger font.

4. Personally, I found that PP worked best with younger children. They needed the larger font and fewer words. When I needed to remediate an older child, I used OPGTR. They needed the sentence practice.


As far as using PP, I start after the child knows the basic letters and sounds. We slowly move through 1 page a day, going back several times when the going gets tough. With small children, I prefer to keep the lessons on the easy side even if we end up repeating sections several times. It usually takes us around 2 years to complete PP starting at the age of 4. But the child is reading well by the end. :D


Best of luck!

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I allowed my children to decide, and they picked OPG. They have loved it right from the start. We prefer the sentence format of OPG. Neither of my boys liked PP and were annoyed by the little worm thing. We barely made it through lessons with PP but OPG is looked forward to every day.

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I allowed my children to decide, and they picked OPG. They have loved it right from the start. We prefer the sentence format of OPG. Neither of my boys liked PP and were annoyed by the little worm thing. We barely made it through lessons with PP but OPG is looked forward to every day.


I allowed my child to decide too, and she picked PP. OPG was too boring for us.


Regarding the business of the pages, the worm, or whatever bothers people visually about PP: I copy the words/phrases/sentences from the book onto a white board. It's not so overwhelming that way.

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We use OPG and sometimes PP. My 5 yr old loves OPG and loves reading the stories. If he struggles with something, I find it in PP for some extra practice. He doesn't like reading just lists of words though. He prefers OPG.


I love OPG too. My only complaint is the font style for the capital I is the same for the lower case l. Can't stand that. My ds gets confused sometimes when words that start with I begin the sentence (is, it etc).

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My only complaint is the font style for the capital I is the same for the lower case l. Can't stand that. My ds gets confused sometimes when words that start with I begin the sentence (is, it etc).


We are running into that as well. I am using it with three kids - DS6, DS5 who is picking it up really quickly and is only about 4 lessons behind DS6, and DD3 who begs for lessons and is going through the letters very casually.


Maybe now that I have OPG, I will borrow PP from the library again and see if I can use it for extra practice. However, DS6 asked for some kind of workbook so I am printing one off from online for him.

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