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Tell me about Sonlight Core 5

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I'm looking at doing SL Core 5 next year with my rising 7th grader. If we do it, I will also be including my younger daughter who will be 9. I won't expect her to do the Core, but I'd like to include her in read-alouds and have her follow the subject matter with some other work (I haven't sorted that part out yet, so if you have any suggestions, I'm open!).


I've heard this Core can be a killer, which is why we've put it off until 7th grade. But we lived in Asia for 3 years and I've been looking forward to doing this core for a long, long time. Is it fun? Has anyone stretched it out over more than one year? I've read on the SL Boards that people have dropped the EHE because it's a lot of work, but I can't imagine doing that since it seems like that's where all the fun is.


Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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I didn't care for the EHE and I did drop it. (I had 3 children under the age of 12 at the time....) My eldest and I had a blast with the rest of the Core. My all time favorite Sonlight book is Shadow Spinner from that Core.


I think you'll love it. Go for it, take your time and have fun. After 13 years of Sonlighting, I'm wanting to do something different, just to change things up for me. Not because I don't like SL....so I say go for it. I still have that complete Core on my shelves. It's nice to turn around right now in the library and look at it.



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I disliked the EHE but used it for the end of the core. This google doc has my fleshed out core 5. We ditched all the missionary stuff, filled in a ton of movies and books and generally really explored the cultures as best we could from the midwest. I did core 5 with a 5, 8 and 11 yo. it took a full calendar year.



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We did Core 5 last year when my son was in 7th grade and it was pretty intense. The EHE pages are quite time consuming, but pretty interesting. We stopped trying to follow the SL shedule for these and just did them as we could and as time allowed. We dropped the "Remembering God's Awesome Acts" after a few weeks because it too was very time consuming and jumped all around. IMO it is better to do it separate as a bible curriculum, not try to fit it in to Core 5 like SL did. We struggled through 100 Gateway Cities because it was just dry facts. The Unreached Peoples DVD was a little disappointing because it was dry and some segments were literally 30 seconds long!


The books with this Core are mostly awesome! My ds loved:


The Cat Who Went to Heaven

Henry Reed, Inc.


Red Sand, Blue Sky (surprisingly this was his absolute fave last year)


Master Puppeterr

The Hobbit


He did not like:


Torches of Joy

Tales of Korean Grandmother

Seabird (I love this though!)


My son also loved the China Treasure Chest and learning to write in Chinese.


All that said, it did take us 54 weeks to do the 36 week program.:eek:

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I disliked the EHE but used it for the end of the core. This google doc has my fleshed out core 5. We ditched all the missionary stuff, filled in a ton of movies and books and generally really explored the cultures as best we could from the midwest. I did core 5 with a 5, 8 and 11 yo. it took a full calendar year.




Wow, thanks for that document. We are doing Asian studies next year (not with Sonlight, I'm putting together my own study) and that will come in quite handy. Thank you!!!:D

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I disliked the EHE but used it for the end of the core. This google doc has my fleshed out core 5. We ditched all the missionary stuff, filled in a ton of movies and books and generally really explored the cultures as best we could from the midwest. I did core 5 with a 5, 8 and 11 yo. it took a full calendar year.




Love that! Thank you for sharing!

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We did Core 5 last year when my son was in 7th grade and it was pretty intense. The EHE pages are quite time consuming, but pretty interesting. We stopped trying to follow the SL shedule for these and just did them as we could and as time allowed. We dropped the "Remembering God's Awesome Acts" after a few weeks because it too was very time consuming and jumped all around. IMO it is better to do it separate as a bible curriculum, not try to fit it in to Core 5 like SL did. We struggled through 100 Gateway Cities because it was just dry facts. The Unreached Peoples DVD was a little disappointing because it was dry and some segments were literally 30 seconds long!



Good advice, and it should be easy for us to follow since we don't do any of the Bible/missionary books. I have an old IG and will order a new EHE, so I'll have to wing my schedule... I think Sonlight will not recognize this core when I'm done rearranging it. :D

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We are on week 24 of Core 5. We have really enjoyed it! We LOVE the EHE. I know it gets a bad name, but I think it depends on your dc. We have done this core over 1 1/2 yrs. We started midway through 6th grade and we will be finished at the end of 7th. It is a great core with so many wonderful books!

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We are on week 24 of Core 5. We have really enjoyed it! We LOVE the EHE. I know it gets a bad name, but I think it depends on your dc. We have done this core over 1 1/2 yrs. We started midway through 6th grade and we will be finished at the end of 7th. It is a great core with so many wonderful books!


I'm glad you liked the EHE - it's really why I want to do this core. I'm trying to get my daugher ready for TRISMS, which is all research based. I think this core is about half-way there (but it has all those great Sonlight books that we love).

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We are doing some form of SL 5 next year, it’s decided. I kept going back and forth between a few options, but oldest dd has SL 5 stuck in her head. Honestly, I believe it will be an exciting study as well. I am going to d0 a secular version and add to it, so I may not even have to buy a core. But I am interested in the EHE too, that looks like the best part!

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