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If you use/used HOD CTC ...

Guest aquiverfull

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Guest aquiverfull

Can you please share your likes and dislikes with the program? Since TOG really looks out of my price range, I'm seeking alternatives and this one has been on my mind for a while. I had ruled it out and can't believe I'm looking at it again. :tongue_smilie: It kind of reminds me of "TOG light" in a way, somehow. I'm comparing the history/bible portions. I don't need to switch math or LAs. I may consider HOD's science as well.


So I'd love to hear your opinions on it, the books, the activities, the guide itself, and also if you combine your kids in it. Do you plan on continuing with HOD next year? Thanks!

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I'm looking forward to hearing responses on this one. I do have the CTC TM and light is not what I think of the history or Bible...lots going on there, maybe too much for me, but I can always cancel stuff out. If no one else responds then I'll drag out my TM and give you some examples of what I mean.



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Guest aquiverfull

Thank you Kay. I read that thread a while back but just re-read it. I'm still hoping others will chime in here. :)


Also can you tell me, how are you liking the Geography. Is there any mapping involved in it? Thanks!


Oh I agree Allison, I don't think it looks light to me either. I just figured it may not go as deep as TOG, however, I could be wrong.

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Thank you Kay. I read that thread a while back but just re-read it. I'm still hoping others will chime in here. :)


Also can you tell me, how are you liking the Geography. Is there any mapping involved in it? Thanks!


Oh I agree Allison, I don't think it looks light to me either. I just figured it may not go as deep as TOG, however, I could be wrong.


I like the Geography. I must admit when I first flipped through the book, I though "boring", but it has not been boring, quite the opposite. There is definitely mapping involved as well as creating their own travel log. There are even some recipes. Here is a link to a preview of it at RR: A Child's Geography: Explore the Holy Land


The CD that comes with it has maps that you can print out or they can draw there own.

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Guest aquiverfull

Thanks Kay! I've seen the samples, it looks really nice. I'm considering doing it, even it I do Ancients on my own for our next year.


Do you like the Streams of History books? Are you planning on doing RTR next?

Thanks again!

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Guest aquiverfull

Ideally yes, I would love to combine. I really don't think it will be a problem because I'll have an 11 year old who will do CTC, then I'll have a K'er and PreK. I'm not too concerned about how much history my little ones get. I feel pretty confident that I can do my own things for them. I have All Through the Ages, so I don't think it will be too difficult to get age appropriate books for them if they show interest.

I've really considered just planning my own thing for all of them. I think Biblioplan could actually work out pretty well also. It's the nice notebooking pages, and activities that I see in the samples of HOD that are drawing me toward it. Plus, I like the way the bible is intertwined. On the other hand, I'm not sure about some of the books they use.

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Guest aquiverfull

Yes I have looked at MFW. I don't know what it is, it just doesn't draw me. Every time I look at it, I'm just not thrilled. I tried MFW ECC this year and quit after a few weeks. We just did not like it. I have heard that it is a little different from the other programs offered though.

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Yes, ECC is quite different from what I'm told. I've actually been advised to save ECC for 7th or 8th grade and do something else with younger children, such as Galloping the Globe, which is probably what I'm going to do. So what are the ages of your two other children.....I assume they are in the middle of your 11 year old and K/Prek?


I used to be VERY pro HOD but realized I really want to combine my children and have them on the same history and science cycle and Carrie (the author) highly discourages this and recommends having all your kids in their own separate guide. She wrote HOD with a very small age range in mind and the skills, activites, work load are for that specific age child, which is why I think combining with HOD would be much, much harder than using something like MFW. Maybe you can somehow get your hands on a MFW TM to check it out? I see someone is selling a Creation to the Greeks TM on the for sale board. =)

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Guest aquiverfull


My oldest is 17 (I don't homeschool her, due to split custody with her father) and then I have a 1 year old. So there's a pretty big gap between my oldest that I homeschool and the younger ones that I plan to homeschool.


Yes, I know that the folks at HOD discourage combining. I was hoping maybe some would respond here who do it anyway. Since I want to combine, I would be tweaking the guides to have a lot as read-aloud stuff. So I guess that would also go against HOD's independent push. OH well, now I'm starting to remember why I discounted it a while ago. Perhaps it would really be best to do my own thing. Thanks for helping me think this through. :)

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Your guide is just your guide! You can change it to fit your needs. Read aloud what you want. You know what level of independence you want for your older child. You coudl even have the parts intended to be independent reading be read aloud by your older student TO the youngers.


I COULD combine mine in HOD and fare just fine with some tweaking in Math/LA. I could pick up those from the older/younger guides. I do like however, that as they get older they get more independent-- so I want my kids to be getting their directions from one guide. So I am pretty set on not having to combine-- but mine are also spread out enough that one becomes more independent as I add in the next, but close enough together that I always have more than one that needs formal schooling...but it starts off pretty easy with HOD.


I love how it's laid out and the activities are so easy to do for me and so meaningful and fitting with the lessons. I also love how it intertwines Bible so well.


I do think it is just like MFW in the combining aspect...the cycle is really targeted to a smaller age group and adjustments/additions are made for olders and youngers that aren't within the approx. 4-6 grade range (at least in the earlier guides it reaches more to that level, older for the later guides). So, honestly, it's just as small of an age range as HOD. I also am not so drawn to MFW for the 5yr cycle...the books just don't seem as exciting as those in HOD and I find HOD selections to be easier to combine with because of the interest level. MFW is just about exposure for the littles which you can do just as well with HOD IMHO. Even if they don't intend their guides to do that, doesn't mean you can't use them that way.


You could also start with Preparing for the history overview before digging deeper with the new guides for each part of the history cycle.

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Just wanted to chime in that I am in the same boat as you. I like the looks of HOD also--am curious about the RTR new one, but have a 7th, 5th and 1st and will not do separate Bible/History programs - I want us all on the same topic reading/snuggling together. Everything else we do is separate. I also feel the same way about MFW as you do. It is probably all the Usborne and those type resources. :)


I have been really looking for what to do next year. We did BP Ancients this year and I liked it - easy to combine, but was thinking that something like Truthquest might be nice. Plus, the resources seemed to be pretty costly for Middle Ages with BP, they aren't done with the bells and whistles that would be helpful for MA too. Anyway, after hours of reading, I am pretty sure that I am going to stick with BP and try to pick up one TQ guide to see if it works for commentary, etc. I think??!!.....


Good luck in your search!

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Your guide is just your guide! You can change it to fit your needs. Read aloud what you want. You know what level of independence you want for your older child. You coudl even have the parts intended to be independent reading be read aloud by your older student TO the youngers.


:iagree:Sound advice.


I purchased and re-purchased Bigger Hearts. It was only successful when I made it fit our needs. For example, our 9yo reads what's intended as read-alouds independently. And although he does most, he also doesn't do every history and geography activity. Now I view the TG as a help and not a manual.


I also purchased and used CTC for the art only! Lol. For me, the price tag was worth it. HOD guides are a wonderful value.


We all are enjoying HOD immensely, but we don't do every single thing.

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Just wanted to chime in that I am in the same boat as you. I like the looks of HOD also--am curious about the RTR new one, but have a 7th, 5th and 1st and will not do separate Bible/History programs - I want us all on the same topic reading/snuggling together. Everything else we do is separate. I also feel the same way about MFW as you do. It is probably all the Usborne and those type resources. :)


I have been really looking for what to do next year. We did BP Ancients this year and I liked it - easy to combine, but was thinking that something like Truthquest might be nice. Plus, the resources seemed to be pretty costly for Middle Ages with BP, they aren't done with the bells and whistles that would be helpful for MA too. Anyway, after hours of reading, I am pretty sure that I am going to stick with BP and try to pick up one TQ guide to see if it works for commentary, etc. I think??!!.....


Good luck in your search!


HOD's Renaissance & Reformation is written for grades 5th through 8th. That's if you use the program "as is" with no adaptations or adjustments.

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Thanks Kay! I've seen the samples, it looks really nice. I'm considering doing it, even it I do Ancients on my own for our next year.


Do you like the Streams of History books? Are you planning on doing RTR next?

Thanks again!


Since the history readings are done independently and I have 4 youngers that need more of my attention, I personally haven't read them although I have thumbed through the books (sorry :blush5: ). My daughter says they are "ok". I am planning on doing RTR next year, but am toying with the idea of subbing MOH2 for the beginning history (MOH3 will already be scheduled) but haven't decided yet until I see the packages and samples.


While we stick pretty close to the manual, we don't necessarily do everything everyday or do everything as it is suggested to be done.


I also don't combine all my children with one HOD manual (I do combine my boys with BLHFHG), but if I were to combine I would probably do as you suggested: where I would let the younger children tag along in history and science (and reading them more age appropriate supplemental books and have them narrate from those) and use age appropriate LA & Math.




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Guest aquiverfull

Yes, I really like the idea of MOH. So as of now, I'm leaning more towards doing my own thing. However, I might also consider BP. HOD looks nice, but I'm not sure I want to use some of the books and if I'm going to be tweaking a lot I just as soon go my own way. Thanks again to all of you.

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Ideally yes, I would love to combine. I really don't think it will be a problem because I'll have an 11 year old who will do CTC, then I'll have a K'er and PreK. I'm not too concerned about how much history my little ones get. I feel pretty confident that I can do my own things for them. I have All Through the Ages, so I don't think it will be too difficult to get age appropriate books for them if they show interest.

I've really considered just planning my own thing for all of them. I think Biblioplan could actually work out pretty well also. It's the nice notebooking pages, and activities that I see in the samples of HOD that are drawing me toward it. Plus, I like the way the bible is intertwined. On the other hand, I'm not sure about some of the books they use.

Well, you're not gonna believe this! After all the agonizing I did over Biblioplan/TOG, and thinking I would use TOG, I changed my mind!! I just don't need it while my kids are so young. So I'm going with Biblioplan and for the cool notebooking pages I'm going to use the History Portfolio from homeschooljourney and the AG for SOTW for fun activities!!

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Guest aquiverfull

Cheryl...lol. Yes, I believe it but only because I know how much I've changed my mind. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in that aspect. ;)


I'm glad you found a good plan you can use. I keep reading that TOG really does shine in the older years. Oh and I'm so glad you brought up the portfolios. I looked at them a few weeks back and somehow forgot about them. :) Those could work nicely, I believe.

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Well, you're not gonna believe this! After all the agonizing I did over Biblioplan/TOG, and thinking I would use TOG, I changed my mind!! I just don't need it while my kids are so young. So I'm going with Biblioplan and for the cool notebooking pages I'm going to use the History Portfolio from homeschooljourney and the AG for SOTW for fun activities!!


How did you decide on Biblioplan, being as how they keep their entire resource secret (except for a few core books)? That would drive me crazy, not knowing which books are on the list....if they were ones I own, or could get at the library, etc.

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How did you decide on Biblioplan, being as how they keep their entire resource secret (except for a few core books)? That would drive me crazy, not knowing which books are on the list....if they were ones I own, or could get at the library, etc.

Well, for one thing, it is inexpensive enough to take a chance! Right now you can get just the TM for 29.95 (I think the e-book version is even less). Also, they do show some of their lit selections. Did you see that? They have them listed separately from the core resources. And from what I've seen looking at other programs , a lot of the resources are the same for the grammar stage kiddos. And besides all that, I know I'll use what I want to use no matter what the TM suggests:tongue_smilie:! But I have heard from others on this board that their booklist is awesome!

I also like the fact that they include both SOTW and MOH and the studies are done by culture rather than strictly chronologically.

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Guest aquiverfull
Off to look at the History Portfolio....something new I haven't heard of! lol


Those portfolio's look really nice. They are appealing to me since I'm really new to notebooking and feel like I don't know quite how to start. Another reason why I was being drawn to HOD, I guess. Looking at the Teacher's guide samples, it seems she tells you exactly what to do.


I agree with your statement about BP. That's kinda of the one thing that's holding me back from buying it. I really like to know what the books will be. But I'm thinking it will be easy to switch out stuff with BP, so it may not be much of a problem.


I believe that it's very different from TOG in that respect. BUT someone correct me if I'm wrong. In BP you actually have a few spines that you use throughout the years. Story of the World 1-4, The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History, The Kingfisher Encyclopedia and I believe the History of the US in the last two years, and possibly a few others.


It is my understanding that the questions in the cool packets are directly from SOTW readings, so any other books you use in BP are basically for enrichment and are not necessarily needed. They do have alternate readings like MOH and they schedule readers for all the grades. But unlike TOG you don't need those to answer questions. In TOG to do the D and R work you must have those books. So in BP it's just history there is really no literature study, you have to add that in with something else like Lightning Lit or Progeny press guides. There are some teacher's notes in BP in the form of the parent companion but no where near what TOG has. So that's another reason TOG cost a lot more.

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Those portfolio's look really nice. They are appealing to me since I'm really new to notebooking and feel like I don't know quite how to start. Another reason why I was being drawn to HOD, I guess. Looking at the Teacher's guide samples, it seems she tells you exactly what to do.


I agree with your statement about BP. That's kinda of the one thing that's holding me back from buying it. I really like to know what the books will be. But I'm thinking it will be easy to switch out stuff with BP, so it may not be much of a problem.


I believe that it's very different from TOG in that respect. BUT someone correct me if I'm wrong. In BP you actually have a few spines that you use throughout the years. Story of the World 1-4, The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History, The Kingfisher Encyclopedia and I believe the History of the US in the last two years, and possibly a few others.


It is my understanding that the questions in the cool packets are directly from SOTW readings, so any other books you use in BP are basically for enrichment and are not necessarily needed. They do have alternate readings like MOH and they schedule readers for all the grades. But unlike TOG you don't need those to answer questions. In TOG to do the D and R work you must have those books. So in BP it's just history there is really no literature study, you have to add that in with something else like Lightning Lit or Progeny press guides. There are some teacher's notes in BP in the form of the parent companion but no where near what TOG has. So that's another reason TOG cost a lot more.

Yes, I believe all this is correct. The Parent Companion for the first two guides are not out yet. The Ancients guide is being redone right now (complete with Parent Companion, Cool History Packet and High School add on) and is expected to be released in March or April.

I think it is worth giving a try! And unlike TOG DE, it can be resold. I'm still planning on using TOG in a few years, but who knows?? I also love the looks of HOD's programs from Preparing on up (don't care for the lower levels).

AHHHHHHH!!! Decisions, decisions!

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Guest aquiverfull


I completely agree! I won't even consider the lower levels of HOD. They just don't appeal to me at all. However, the older ones look really nice. And you're right you just never know. I've got my 5th grader that I have to find something for, but who knows what I'll do with the younger ones. I'm hoping to be able to include them all together atleast on the same topics in history and science for whatever I choose.

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You all have been so helpful! I am considering HOD Preparing and was concerned about combining as you can with TOG but after reading what all of you have had to say I believe it can be done. We hope to have the resources to be able to afford TOG next year though because it has always been our number one choice we just have never been able to afford it!

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You should really read the message board at HOD...lots of moms combine. We have always combined, at least for history, but alas my oldest is a sr. so my baby (11) is doing everything on her own this year. This is our 1st year with HOD, but will definitley be using it again. We plan to use CTC next year. I have tweaked some because she was an older child using Bigger (I wanted her to do Amer. History this year). We've added things here and there where we've wanted and skipped things we didn't need. We have also been using a different Language Arts and doing math at a faster pace. Even with all these differences, this is a great program! Next year I plan to follow the language arts more closely...more narrating and a possible switch to Rod & Staff (Still undecided there). Will be using the writing as well. We won't use the science as it would be too much "Review" for my animal pro. However, will use the guide pretty much as written next year, substituting science for something she hasn't covered so extensively already.


By the way, HOD has left us plenty of time to read other history books. So, adding to your "Buffet" isn't hard.

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I am gonna use CTC next year after we finish Preparing. While I don't love HOD it does work for my family. Bigger and Preparing have been enjoyable for my oldest. I like doing it all sepeate and it's easier for me to be seperate with each child. I like that it can be independent and less mom consuming since my husband is gone more than home now. I like that we are done with school by 1-130 and we can enjoy the afternoons.

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