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I have a bladder infection now. Can you please pray that the pain medicine

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will work when I take it? I'm limited to what I can take for pain and it doesn't always take the pain away. Pray the antibiotic works and that it doesn't bother my IBS. This is the second round of antibiotics I've taken in a month for urinary issues. Please pray for my kidneys and bladder to get well. Please pray the pain meds work tonight so I can sleep.


Should I be taking a probiotic or acidophilus with this antibiotic or do I do that after the antibiotic?


Thanks so much for praying!


Love you all,



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:grouphug: I take probiotics while I'm taking the antibiotic but then keep gong afterwards. I did some research and found that while there is some disagreement over this, many experts say to take the probiotics 2 hours after the antibiotics. The problem that the experts recognize is that there has to be a balance between letting the antibiotic work effectively but not letting candida overtake your G-I tract. If you are already having G-I problems then you have to be even more careful about that. That's why many now recommend that you try to take both but at different times so that both will be effective in your body.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Oh, Molly, I'm so sorry you have one more thing to deal with. Praying for you.


My dr had me take the probiotics after I had finished the round of antibiotics. He said the probiotics can interfere with the effectiveness of the antibiotics, so, you might want to wait. But, you can ask your dr.

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Molly, I've had issues with recurring uti's since I was a very young girl. It got to the point where I was getting one every year. I finally started to drink unsweetened cranberry daily for awhile (got sick of it!) and I have only had two in the 13 years I've lived in my home.


It's highly recommended you flood your system with fluids, and drink as much cranberry juice as you can. Again, get the unsweetened, especially where you don't want sugars to feed the cancer.


I waited until I was done with my antibiotics to take the probiotics.


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