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Help! Too Many Sprouts!

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I got a new seed/bean sprouting bag, and their recipe said to wash and sprout 1-2 cups of seeds. I thought that sounded like an awful lot of sprouts, so I just started 1/2 cup. Well...7 days later...I have at least a GALLON of them. Now I like a small sprinkling of sprouts on an avocado sandwich, but a gallon?? What on earth will I do with them all? I put them in my salad, I put them in my green smoothie...I stir fried them with my Chinese rice...and they keep multiplying! I need ideas please! :001_huh:

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Hey! If chickens will eat them...will wild birdies eat them, too? With all the snow we've had, we're going through tons of wild bird seed. I'm going to dump a half gallon underneath the bird feeder and see what happens. If the cardinals start to look like this...:w00t: ...or this...:ack2:...I'll have my answer! Thanks!

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You could also send them with your dh to his fellow employees. If they're like the guys my dh works with, their eating habits are horrible and they do appreciate healthy foods now and then. We did the same thing you did, only with shiitake mushrooms. I had bags and bags of them one year. No room in the frig or freezer and they wouldn't keep long outside of there. Dh took them to work and passed them out. He also gave plenty to neighbors.

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We ran a big bag out and spread the sprouts on the snow beneath the bird feeder. I can report that we have NEVER seen this many birds feeding at one time. The mourning doves seem especially happy, and have been doing the tango all around...the purple finches are coming in droves...the chickadees and goldfinches are bringing their friends. So apparently it's thumbs up for the birdie sprout bar! Or maybe they've all found amazingly lush new nesting material. We're having the rest of our sprouts on sandwiches for lunch. Then I'll be taking a week or three break from using my sprouting bag. :DThanks again~

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