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Accidently gave wrong Apologia to son


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I really dont know what I was thinking, but recently I realized that I gave my 7th grader Apologia Physical Science. I meant to give him General Science. He is doing fine though.


Should I just continue from here, or go over stuff from Gen Science next year, to make sure?

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If he is doing great in Physical Science I don't see any need to go back to General Science. My question would be how you progress from there. Do you want him doing Biology in 8th? Biology should be done when he is doing Algebra or above. Apologia Biology is hard work compared to Physical Science, so if he isn't ready for that I would be looking at something else for next year, but not necessarily going back to General Science.

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That's a good question. My seventh grader is doing Physical Science this year because we had a co-op offering it. This is her first year doing formal science, and she is not really scientifically inclined. So far she is doing okay. I pulled her out of the co-op so we're doing it on our own now. I'm trying to decide if I should do general next year or move up to Biology. I'm afraid Bio might be too hard for her, but thought we could move through it at a slower pace.


Let me know what you decide, because I'm in the same boat:001_smile:




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Well, we did anatomy last year :) and he will be doing algebra next year, and I have been through Biology 2 times already....so maybe Biology then-


I also ask because we went through this with writing. Been doing creative writing for years, and I put him in our co-op IEW class for Essay writing and it stressed him way out. Should have let him start structured writing a bit slower... So that got me wondering if I am setting him up for more stress in Science. THough he is a natural at it...

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Personally, I wouldn't do biology with an 8th grader who will just be starting alg.


I have decided to start teaching chemistry prior to biology b/c most biology texts today are very bio-chem (cellular processes) oriented vs. organismal oriented like when I was in high school.


If you go with Apologia biology, it is not as big an issue as if you use texts like Campbell's.


Either way, general science is a completely unnecessary course, so you do not need to back up and repeat it. You might consider a course like Hewitt's Conceptual Physics which is conceptually oriented vs. math oriented.

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I'm wondering if you are doing any labs. If you aren't, I'd definitely add them. Physical Science is a course that should be hands-on.


Other than that, I agree there is no reason to back up and do General Science. I teach Chemistry before Biology and if he's just in Algebra 1 he won't be ready for the math necessary for Chem. I'd hold off on both Bio and Chem until 9th and maybe do something like Earth Science or Space in 8th.



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If he can handle Physical Science, I would stay with it. Just be sure to let him slow down a bit if the math gets challenging.


Then I would consider Real Science 4 Kids Level II Chemistry while he gets a head start on algebra. It is very, very good, but incomplete, so that would be an excellent 'filler' for 10-20 weeks. Concurrently I would consider doing the Teaching Company chemistry series--that focusses on the specific math that is needed to do well in science; particularly chemistry. That combo is what would stretch this out over the 20 week period.


After that, he would probably have had enough algebra to start biology. If not, he could do Vocabulary Vine Science Roots to prepare for biology--again, that would be some filler but it would really help him.


Just a few thoughts...

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