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New curriculum came!!!!!

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This has been a great week. I got a box from Rod and Staff earlier this week. And today, a BIG box came from Rainbow. I *love* getting new stuff. It makes me giddy!


I got IEW TWSS, Teaching the Classics, Harp and Laurel Wreath, A Case of Red Herrings, the whole kit and caboodle of Singapore My Pals Science for grade 5, SWO, and R&S grammar.


Boy, do I have a lot of work ahead of me. But I have renewed drive and goals. I credit these boards for all the guidance and suggestions. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are an awesome group of people out there, you know!

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Makes me want to go ahead and get ours now! No, must wait, need $$$$.

Don't you love the smell of the box when you open it, yum new books!


I do! I love new books. And who would have ever thought I would get so excited about grammar and literature studies? Wow, this is so cool. Boy am I glad I get to home school my kids. What a cool thing we get to do!

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MPH 5 is on my "short" list for science choices next year. I even see that someone at the Singapore forums posted a schedule for it. Also' date=' did you get a workbook for each child?


I love getting my new stuff - I got my R&S materials earlier this week.[/quote']


I did not get a workbook for each child. I will likely have them do work on paper. I got the text, activity guide, workbook, higher order thinking, and tests for level 5 (A and B). They look good. Dh is a physicist and looked over them a bit. He thought they looked pretty good. I like that they are shorter and to the point. But we haven't looked at them extensively yet.

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I am so glad to hear the joy in your post. You have had a rough einter and it sounds like Spring is starting off right.

It is always a happy day when a Rainbow box comes to our house. It's something about seeing that sticker (always different) on the box that makes me smile(I am easily amused) We recently received our Rainbow Chemistry materials, and we are very excited about digging into the materials. Ds looked through all the chemicals and said wow they really wrapped this stuff up tight, we are going to do some cool chemistry this year. :lol:

As soon as I have the last box shipped out from the ebay sales (I have just started the auctions) I will be ready to sit down with the rainbow catalogue before the June price increases.

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The only thing I don't like about getting new books is waiting until I finish the old ones to start using them! I always love them, and want to "start the new year" right away!!


I am ordering in May, when the tax rebate checks come, so for now I will have to live vicariously through you!! Have Fun!:D

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I am so glad to hear the joy in your post. You have had a rough einter and it sounds like Spring is starting off right.

It is always a happy day when a Rainbow box comes to our house. It's something about seeing that sticker (always different) on the box that makes me smile(I am easily amused) We recently received our Rainbow Chemistry materials, and we are very excited about digging into the materials. Ds looked through all the chemicals and said wow they really wrapped this stuff up tight, we are going to do some cool chemistry this year. :lol:

As soon as I have the last box shipped out from the ebay sales (I have just started the auctions) I will be ready to sit down with the rainbow catalogue before the June price increases.




Thanks a lot Karen! It has been a bit trying lately. Just lots of things that add up and cause log jams in normal moods and routines. I am really thankful to be moving out of that (cross my fingers) now. It was so nice to get back in to lessons this week. I was just giddy! My kids, not so much. But they need time to readjust as well.


I went ahead and placed my order due to the amount of work I am going to have in preparing for what comes next. With TWSS and TTC, I will have to work hard for a while in order to become familiar with the products and prepare to implement them. And with the poetry study as well.


I feel as though I have been going through a transition over the course of the past 6 months or so regarding our home and lessons. I have pulled back from external commitments and stayed home a lot more. I have tried to keep things "quiet" so that I may "hear" what it is I feel I am supposed to be doing. I have struggled with finding the right next step. And now, I feel like I have, for the first time, come alive with schooling. I have short and longer term goals in mind! Not just moving on to the next thing. I am thinking about what comes next and how to proceed. Given the ages of my children, doing what we have been doing has been just fine up to now. I have a 4th grader and the thoughts of really preparing him for what comes next has been looming heavily. I feel good about the curriculum choices and our goals. I am nervous yet excited about the things that are to come. So this awakening is so lovely and much needed. I just needed to sit back and listen in order to know.


Sorry, this got long. I have been finding a voice in all of this as well!


Thanks for your kind words and support. They are truly appreciated!

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Thanks a lot Karen! It has been a bit trying lately. Just lots of things that add up and cause log jams in normal moods and routines. I am really thankful to be moving out of that (cross my fingers) now. It was so nice to get back in to lessons this week. I was just giddy! My kids, not so much. But they need time to readjust as well.


I went ahead and placed my order due to the amount of work I am going to have in preparing for what comes next. With TWSS and TTC, I will have to work hard for a while in order to become familiar with the products and prepare to implement them. And with the poetry study as well.


I feel as though I have been going through a transition over the course of the past 6 months or so regarding our home and lessons. I have pulled back from external commitments and stayed home a lot more. I have tried to keep things "quiet" so that I may "hear" what it is I feel I am supposed to be doing. I have struggled with finding the right next step. And now, I feel like I have, for the first time, come alive with schooling. I have short and longer term goals in mind! Not just moving on to the next thing. I am thinking about what comes next and how to proceed. Given the ages of my children, doing what we have been doing has been just fine up to now. I have a 4th grader and the thoughts of really preparing him for what comes next has been looming heavily. I feel good about the curriculum choices and our goals. I am nervous yet excited about the things that are to come. So this awakening is so lovely and much needed. I just needed to sit back and listen in order to know.


Sorry, this got long. I have been finding a voice in all of this as well!


Thanks for your kind words and support. They are truly appreciated!


No apology necessary. I enjoy reading post like yours. I also know the joy you feel when you know you are doing the right thing at the right time. It just warms your heart doesn't it. I especially like your line ...I just needed to sit back and listen in order to know. That is wonderful. I think often in this crazy world we live in we forget how to listen and be quiet. It sounds like you are on a wonderful track with your soon to be logic level child. My ds will be exiting the logic level and I to am feeling the pressure of moving onto the next level. It is exciting and scary too. It is like diving into the deep end of the pool. I can say that logic level has been a ton of fun and very exciting compared to grammar level. It has been a blast to see his thought expanding and his ability to reason increase.

You have a lovely "voice" and are a great blessing to this board.

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