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S/O Project A Week in 2010 Challenge

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I haven't seen an update for the Project A Week Challege (talked about here) But I was really motivated by it and finished up an old project and even started a blog to keep track of it all.


So, here is my Project #1.


Perhaps there are others out there who will share their projects too -- I'd love to see them!


And I'd love to have visitors to my new blog, too! ;)

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Well...I'm working on organizing my house first...then I'll start on the projects! I have a huge list of ones that I want to do, but feel so overwhelmed with the mess of my house that it is most certainly my first project to tackle.


But you inspired me with that quilt. I love it! You did a great job! And yeah for finishing it!


I was just going through dd2's baby clothes today and I am having SUCH a hard time getting rid of them. I think this might be my answer.


First of all, I never knew you could use fleece like that--instead of batting & a back--I love it. Just seems to simplify the whole process. (I'm not a huge quilter...but have done a few...I love making the tops but then feel overwhelmed with the rest of it). And folding it over for the binding. Thanks so much for putting all of the steps on your blog!


One quick question...did you have all kinds of different fabric of clothing that you used? And it worked okay? Denim, sweats, fleece, corduroy, cotton?

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One quick question...did you have all kinds of different fabric of clothing that you used? And it worked okay? Denim, sweats, fleece, corduroy, cotton?


Yes, I used all sorts of different fabrics -- the ones that were the hardest were the stretchy type ones, like some of the pajamas or t-shirts. I just pinned a lot to keep them straight. The one I am doing now for dd I've learned to just line the back of the stretchy materials with interfacing before cutting them and they stay put perfectly.


Isn't it hard to let go of all those clothes? ;) I'm not normally the sentamental type, but doing this quilt made it much easier for me! I love looking through it with ds and describing where all the blocks of fabric to him, from this is the outfit you came home from the hospital in and this one was from grandma and here is your first Christmas outfit... :001_wub:

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I don't have a photo at the moment, (later, I promise) but dh and I did some stained glass at the end of last week. I made three hearts, each a different color with a streaky white glass as an accent, for my sister in laws' birthdays this year. I also finished a larger sunflower piece that I started last fall. Dh finished a complicated angel he had begun the same day I started the sunflower.


It was fun to play with glass again. I need to run to the glass shop for a few small supplies so the fun can continue.


Good thread thanks for posting!

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I doubt I'll make 52, but it would certainly be fun! And it would be fun to read about other people's projects, also.


So far this year, I've made:


4 scarves - Hastily got out a piece of pile and cut it up into strips for the visiting college students who were going skiing with us.


Hopping/fishing game - Again, this was a quick project with scissors as a present for my nephew when his new baby was born (today!!!).


My next two projects will be hemming a square of flannel for a receiving blanket and knitting a black watchcap for my middle son, who managed to lose his.



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Hey I think it's a great project! I wish I could even commit to this because I could really do some of those great projects I have in mind! I have all these clothes from the girls that i wanted to do make into a blanket! I was thinking adding a patchs from clothes for each year of their life. Any way Have fun woth your projects...My project is to clean and organize my house...thouroughly!!!

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I doubt I'll make 52, but it would certainly be fun! And it would be fun to read about other people's projects, also.


So far this year, I've made:


4 scarves - Hastily got out a piece of pile and cut it up into strips for the visiting college students who were going skiing with us.


Hopping/fishing game - Again, this was a quick project with scissors as a present for my nephew when his new baby was born (today!!!).


My next two projects will be hemming a square of flannel for a receiving blanket and knitting a black watchcap for my middle son, who managed to lose his.




Hey, you've got 5, so that is way more than I have done! You may just hit 52 really quick! :D


Hey I think it's a great project! I wish I could even commit to this because I could really do some of those great projects I have in mind! I have all these clothes from the girls that i wanted to do make into a blanket! I was thinking adding a patchs from clothes for each year of their life. Any way Have fun woth your projects...My project is to clean and organize my house...thouroughly!!!


Uh, yeah, that is one of my projects for this week -- can't very well dig all my other stuff out without starting with a clean house, right? LOL I got the bathrooms scrubbed and most of the vacuuming done so far.


Can my projects be little steps? Like setting a goal to get one patch sewn on my daughter's scout vest this week? Or, getting a piece of a project done this week and another piece done next week? If so, I'm in! :D



Little projects are the ones that will help me get up to 52 a year. It's not like I can do a quilt in only a week, so I need to do small things too. My next major project is another quilt, and so my project posts will either be something small until I finish the quilt, or even the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 marks of getting through the quilt. ;) I think anything counts as a project! I was thinking for my next blog post to do a cleaning chart/schedule for me so I have specific days to do different chores. Like Mondays are bathroom days and every other Friday is mopping day! Whatever makes me feel like I've accomplished something worth while is a project in my book! :tongue_smilie:


I don't have a photo at the moment, (later, I promise) but dh and I did some stained glass at the end of last week. I made three hearts, each a different color with a streaky white glass as an accent, for my sister in laws' birthdays this year. I also finished a larger sunflower piece that I started last fall. Dh finished a complicated angel he had begun the same day I started the sunflower.


It was fun to play with glass again. I need to run to the glass shop for a few small supplies so the fun can continue.


Good thread thanks for posting!


This sounds beautiful! I'd love to see pictures. Stained glass sounds so difficult. I bet your SIL loved them.


I'll post my next blog post with my next project next week. People can keep posting on this thread for this week. I love hearing about all the things everyone is doing. Hope to have more people join as the weeks go on!

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Your quilt is really very cute. I've got a tub of clothes in the attic labeled "First Year Quilt". Someday.


I don't know if I'll get 52 projects done. Between 52 books, and a challenge to myself to write every day, that might be too much. But I've definitely got some major projects to do.


I'm painting some wordwork in our living room right now (pics on my blog). I'll let you know how it goes.

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Yes, I used all sorts of different fabrics -- the ones that were the hardest were the stretchy type ones, like some of the pajamas or t-shirts. I just pinned a lot to keep them straight. The one I am doing now for dd I've learned to just line the back of the stretchy materials with interfacing before cutting them and they stay put perfectly.





I was wondering how I was going to manage the cotton knits!

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Wow. You guys are cool! I've just started a new embroidery project based on http://www.tunisiaonline.com/mosaics/mosaic18.html It's to be made into a quiver for dh. A project a week sounds kind of scary, but I'll probably be impressed if I get a cm of stitching done per week!




Wow! That looks like it will be great! Pictures please! :D


We could call this the project UPDATE a week. Just post what you've worked on during the week whether you've finished something or not. I'm loving hearing about the complicated, long term projects you gals are working on.


Project Update a week is a good idea ... then it's not so scarey to take on those bigger projects. I changed the tag.

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First week: I planned and executed a terrific birthday party for my 12yob. It was fabulous... clues which led to places where he did tasks and got his next clue.. leading to his finding his new bike for his birthday! Everyone had a great day and it was healing for all of us because the holidays were rough.




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Wow! That looks like it will be great! Pictures please! :D



It's all in red pencil on a thick linen at the moment, with about 20cm of black split stitch done. Nothing worth taking pics of! Who knows when it will be finished, but I'm feeling pretty confident that it'll look good. Split stitch is pretty reliable.


I'm glad this is to be an update thread. I don't get much done (what was I thinking, having children? ;) ) but it's nice to have someone who cares (kinda) to chat to about it. Dunno, if it's written down somewhere, it feels more done than if it it isn't written down. Hmm. Does that make sense, or is it the rantings of a sleep deprived crazy? Oh well ;)




Edited by Rosie_0801
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I haven't updated mine because I haven't done a second project yet. :blush:


I'm going to get something at least started tomorrow though (in my free time after my big grocery trip and before my photography class :tongue_smilie:).


If dh gets the four day weekend he thinks he may get, I'm going to SEW SEW SEW! (At least a couple pairs of pj's. :D)


ETA: The whole idea of this (for me) was to get into the habit of working on something consistently. If you finish a small project, great! If you make some steady progress on a bigger one, that's great too!

Edited by darlasowders
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I'm glad this is to be an update thread. I don't get much done (what was I thinking, having children? ;) ) but it's nice to have someone who cares (kinda) to chat to about it. Dunno, if it's written down somewhere, it feels more done than if it it isn't written down. Hmm. Does that make sense, or is it the rantings of a sleep deprived crazy? Oh well ;)





I don't always get much done either, so I think if I update on what I am doing it will at least feel like I'm doing more than I think I am doing... hmmm hope THAT made sense! LOL :lol: We may both be sleep deprived crazy! Can't wait to hear what everyone else has been doing next week.

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