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Saxon Math 1,2,3...

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that was worth while was Saxon 3. Don't know why. She just thought that Saxon 1 and 2 were mostly review of one another. I've only used 1 and 3 and do like 3 very much. I find it very thorough. Saxon 1 seems good, too, but wasn't a good "fit" for my son we're going the MUS route now and hoping to add "some" Saxon back in b/c Mom likes Saxon's approach. Not sure that's what you were asking. Sorry.

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I'm subbing b/c I'm interested too.


Rabbit placed right into 3 as a Ker and it took us 2 years to go through it b/c there was a lot, but it wasn't too difficult, just a lot to do. Now I bought 1 for Piglet and it seems like it will be really easy, but when I compared the last lessons in 1 and the first lessons in 3, there was a lot of overlap, so I can't imagine what new material could possible be covered in 2. I figure if he does well with the end of 1, I will probably just jump into 3 the next year. But I would love to hear from others.

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I love these two years of Saxon. IMHO, these are the best math curriculums out there for grades 4-6. DS took off like a rocket in math after we switched to Saxon. DS is almost done with 8/7, and we don't like it so much. Noticed some errors in the answer key too.

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I'm subbing b/c I'm interested too.


Rabbit placed right into 3 as a Ker and it took us 2 years to go through it b/c there was a lot, but it wasn't too difficult, just a lot to do. Now I bought 1 for Piglet and it seems like it will be really easy, but when I compared the last lessons in 1 and the first lessons in 3, there was a lot of overlap, so I can't imagine what new material could possible be covered in 2. I figure if he does well with the end of 1, I will probably just jump into 3 the next year. But I would love to hear from others.



I know this sounds crazy but ds did Saxon 1& 2 this year and will start 3 in the fall. My Dd will start Saxon 1 but I'd love to skip her a grade to keep up with him. If not, I forsee me having to teach two levels of Science in high school due to math pre-requisites of the science courses. (yes, I'm planning Chem and Physics in high school already):blink: KWIM?? I'd really like to keep Science and History on the same level....

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Saxon does a lot of repetition at the beginning of its books, so if you've done Saxon 1 and you buy Saxon 2, you're going to get a lot or repetition. Saxon already has a lot of repetition built into it during the course of any given program, so a lot of folks find this just so much overkill.


So if you've done Saxon 1 and you're ready to move on, you can probably go on to Saxon 3 (that's what I did). Similarly, if you've done 7/6, you can probably move on to 1/2. (What's the one in between -8/4? something like that.....)


5/4 begins a new format, so most folks don't skip it, I think. It's just set up differently than the 1-3 series. It's the first "big kids" book.



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Interesting . I Have the Saxon 1, 2, and 3 manuals . I've only used 1 . But looking at the manuals there is review of the last level in the next for some lessons . This is because Saxon is a school curriculum so there is always a bit of review in the beginning . I could see skipping 2. But for some children that maybe too much because Saxon 3 gets into division , exponents and some higher math that a 2nd grade may or maynot be able to handle at that age . So I don't think skipping levels at all really is wise . I think that all the levels from K-3 are well put together and worth it . I think it all depends on how well your child understands math . I don't see being able to do that with all children . If you have a child that sets into tears as soon as you say the word math I don't think that it would be wise to skip any of the levels . But you could do the assesment tests and when he or she starts to get less then 80% then you could start there .

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I remember a while back a thread about two of these grades (levels) just being a review of the other. I tried to look for it and could not find it. It may have been on the old board...


Does anyone remember that thread? And if so, what was the grade that was mostly a review?




Grade 2 would definitely be the review year.


I did them all for the 1st two and will do them all for the next 2. Looking back I didn't need to do grade 2 with DS1, as he most certainly had it; however, DS2 needed all the review he could get, and I'm thinking that will prove true of DS's 3&4.


I'm in no rush though (to get through math or any other subject), as I'm now struggling with coming up with things for my now 10th grader to do the next 2 years. (Could send him to college I suppose, but he's told me he doesn't feel "emotionally" ready for it.)


BTW, if you decide to go the Saxon route, I have schedules up on my blog for all but their Calculus course (which I need to finish writing up). They are in MS Word format and free for the taking.

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Ds started with Saxon 1 in Kindergarden. By the end of 1st grade he had finished Saxon 3. I took the wise advice of a friend and after he finished 1 we began Saxon 2 with the tests and I let him skip the first 50 or so lessons because he passed the tests on them with flying colors. Same as we began Saxon 3. Now, admittedly we have had year 'round lessons so there is not much forgetting over a long vacation period. Also, although the first few books seem to repeate much, some children need that repetition early on. I would also reccomend the placements tests on the Saxon website as a great tool to decide where you belong. I think that 2 was definetly more of a review of 1 than 3 was of 2. I did notice that by 5/4 and 6/5 there is an increase in pace and a good foundation from the earlier books is necessary.

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