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S/o From Kindle- owners did you usually buy books before?

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I can't see any reason to get a kindle since I hardly buy any books to read anyway. I do buy gardening books and cook books but those have illustrations that I would want anyway. I get all my reading books from the library or sometimes from a bookswap or used book sale. So my question to all the kindle or similar electronic book users is- did you previously buy lots of reading books and now get them for cheaper or what is the deal?

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I can't see any reason to get a kindle since I hardly buy any books to read anyway. I do buy gardening books and cook books but those have illustrations that I would want anyway. I get all my reading books from the library or sometimes from a bookswap or used book sale. So my question to all the kindle or similar electronic book users is- did you previously buy lots of reading books and now get them for cheaper or what is the deal?


Nope--I'm not a big book buyer--I'd say over 85% of my reading came from the library. But there are so many free books on the Kindle (especially classics) that it's like having a library in my hands. Once I saw how many books that were on my to-read list were free on the Kindle, I was really persuaded.

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I rarely purchased books before my Kindle (probably 5-7 years ago). But I would wait endlessly for books from my library. I use paperbackswap a ton for my children but rarely find anything I like.


The kindle has changed my life! I just got back from a 2 1/2 week vacation where I read 7 books. Best money ever spent.


I would say I read 75% more now.

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I'm a big book-buyer, mostly at yard sales, library sales, or half.com. I'm also with the previous poster who is eating up the free books for the Kindle. (I haven't actually purchased very many--there are so many for free!) And yet the huge load of books on my Kindle hasn't made a dent in my regular book-buying habits....


I also love getting blogs/newspapers/magazines on my Kindle. Super cheap, and I read more of that type than I might ordinarily.


I'm with you on the cookbooks etc.--I can't see really using the Kindle for that. However, you might find with a Kindle that you actually start reading other kinds of books/periodicals more.

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I don't have my Kindle yet, but think I may be getting one for my bday next week.


I want one because I usually don't buy books -- I prefer to get them from the library. Our house is too small for lots of bookshelves. But I would be THRILLED to get free classics (most of what I read) on a pretty little Kindle.

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I bought a fair amount of books before, and used the library extensively. But one of my goals is to read many classics and sometimes I have to wait for them at the library or the format was not appealing for me. Being able to get the classics free on my Kindle and have it always there and in optimum format is a huge perk.


Also, containing many books in one small object is worth it's weight in gold. We own thousands of books and I really want to lighten the load.

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I don't think a Kindle is going to make a non-reader become a reader.


I used to buy lots of books but I ran out of places to store them and got rid of lots of books by donating to Good Will. I don't wish to waste time and energy to sell a book that is worth less than a few dollars. I would have no problem deleting books off my Kindle. I guess I read different books from others here. Then again, I used to read nearly every homeschool book I could find, and now I'm past that. I can't remember the last time I consulted a homeschool book or any other informative type book like that.


I started using the library more but didn't carry books around with me. I have wait time while my daughter is in piano lessons and homeschool classes. Because I no longer have to worry about physical books, I am reading more than I have in years. It makes me rather happy because I really missed reading.


I have found a few free or deeply discounted books available on Kindle that I enjoyed reading that I would have never picked up at the library. They broaden my scope for imagination, an idea I got from Anne of Green Gables. :tongue_smilie: The prices of the Kindle books don't bother me because price has never deterred my book purchases. I'm a book person, but really the content of the book, not the physical cover and paper pages. So Kindle is a great option for me.

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I was a huge book buyer before I got my Kindle. To the point of the books overrunning several bookcases.


My Kindle has been wonderful and I never hear any complaining from DH about overflowing books.


I also like that I can have children's books on my Kindle. We often have 10 minutes here or there waiting for things around town and DS loves for me to read to him from the Kindle.


A couple weeks ago, I downloaded Frog and Toad and had DS read TO me. Oh, he was one proud boy for reading off the Kindle!


ETA: I've had my Kindle for 8 months and have read 58 books - several of those being large volumes containing more than one book. So you get the idea of being overrun with books.

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I tend to use the library rather than buy books. Most of what I have on my kindle was free, mostly classics. Some authors offer a free book in hopes that you'll like it and buy more, so I have some of those, too. Check out the kindle store and then organize it by price. You'll be surprised how many books are free.

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