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How to Torture a Corgi, Method #2,389:

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Allow him to be in the room while playing Wii Sports Bowling. He sees your hand "throw," he then hears things "falling" behind the TV. He anticipates the delivery, bounces and barks at your arm, then races behind the TV stand to try and catch the balls and pins.





The Working Dog, on the other hand, watches mildly amused from her spot by the front door, recognizing that the situation requires no action on her part and content to let the Corgi do all the work.


I've always had working breeds, and WOW this little herder has stolen my heart!



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I love herding dogs! We have two Shelties and I can see them doing the same thing. We take them to our local dog park and their favorite dogs to play with are Labs. The Labs will focus in on chasing down the ball and don't care that our two are working together to herd them back to their owners. Spaniels are good too because they want to be chased and mine are eager to do it!


We had an Aussie for a while, but we couldn't run him hard enough and had to find a family that could. He was one of the sweetest and smartest dogs I've ever known though.

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That is really cute! I've had shelties all my life until 2 yrs. ago. Right before we had to put down our last sheltie (old age-14) it was my sons turn to pick a dog that would be his. Well we went to the shelter and he picked a border collie/retriever mix. This dog does some weird stuff when we are playing on wii as well. :001_smile:

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Corgis are the BEST dogs ever, but you definitely have to keep them busy! My MIL just adopted a new one that's grossly overweight. His name was L.P., but my kids have renamed him Speed Bump.


Our Corgi weighed 53 lbs when we rescued him (rehome) in March. He's now a svelte 31, and VERY athletic and active. If he's ball crazy like ours was, toss a tennis ball upstairs. It's like a stairmaster! :-)



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