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Need ideas to surprise dc w/trip to Disney

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We are going to Disney end of February. We first visited last March and surprised the kids with the trip at Christmas. This year we'd like to keep it a surprise til the very end. We are taking the auto train from Virginia, and would like to tell them right before we get to the train terminal (thus giving them a chance to "freak out" between the car ride and the train ride :) ) DC are 9 & 7. We have not told any friends or family because we were afraid someone would spill the beans, so they would not be helpful in any planning. About the only thing I could think of would be an educational field trip of some sort. Anyone have any other unique ideas??

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We are going to Disney end of February. We first visited last March and surprised the kids with the trip at Christmas. This year we'd like to keep it a surprise til the very end. We are taking the auto train from Virginia, and would like to tell them right before we get to the train terminal (thus giving them a chance to "freak out" between the car ride and the train ride :) ) DC are 9 & 7. We have not told any friends or family because we were afraid someone would spill the beans, so they would not be helpful in any planning. About the only thing I could think of would be an educational field trip of some sort. Anyone have any other unique ideas??

Oh what fun (even though for a minute I wasn't sure which "Disney" you were going to). :-)


I'm not understanding what you want help with planning, though. Are you wanting to tell them it's something else so they don't suspect Disney?

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Oh what fun (even though for a minute I wasn't sure which "Disney" you were going to). :-)


I'm not understanding what you want help with planning, though. Are you wanting to tell them it's something else so they don't suspect Disney?


Sorry, Disney in FL. And yes, we need to figure out what to tell them as far as why we are going to be in the car for 5+ hours (we live in CT). We took the auto train last year so if we wait until we get there, they will know for sure. We will probably tell them about 5 min before we arrive at the train.

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I'd spend some time leading up to the trip watching videos on animal behaviour. Even the mouse in the maze kind of Pavlov experiment. On the train there you can discuss that mouse again, and animal behaviour, and how much we can learn from studying animals... I think it would be a fun inside joke for a long time. Just sitting on the bench, eating cotton candy and studying Mickey Mouse :lol:

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I'd spend some time leading up to the trip watching videos on animal behaviour. Even the mouse in the maze kind of Pavlov experiment. On the train there you can discuss that mouse again, and animal behaviour, and how much we can learn from studying animals... I think it would be a fun inside joke for a long time. Just sitting on the bench, eating cotton candy and studying Mickey Mouse :lol:

:lol: I like that idea

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We surprised the kids a couple of years ago.


We told them Daddy may be having to go to Florida for a business trip. I bought Disney backpacks and packed them for the plane. When we got to the airport to drop Dad off I pulled out the backpacks and told them we were going too. 2 of the 3 figured out we were going to Disney but the oldest didn't figure it out until we were waiting for our rental car in Orlando! It was a hoot.


You could tell them you are going somewhere that would seem very boring to a child,surely there is somewhere like that in Virginia.

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I surprised my kids by having "Cinderella" call and invite them to come visit. Now, she called months in advance (summer, inviting them to visit during the holidays to see all the Christmas decor)....but I did that so that we could use the upcoming visit as part of our studies......budgeting, planning, research, history, and learning about each country in EPCOT, including how to say a few things to the cast members in each country.


Since you don't want to tell them until you're ready to leave....how about packing the bags after the kids are in bed and then having Cinderella (or their favorite character) call early that morning and inviting them to visit that same day. Then you pull out the bags hop in the car and get going immediately. Would make the getting out of the house a quick affair, lol.


The part of Cinderella was played for us by an Internet friend so that the kids wouldn't recognize a local friend's voice.

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I surprised my kids by having "Cinderella" call and invite them to come visit. Now, she called months in advance (summer, inviting them to visit during the holidays to see all the Christmas decor)....but I did that so that we could use the upcoming visit as part of our studies......budgeting, planning, research, history, and learning about each country in EPCOT, including how to say a few things to the cast members in each country.


Since you don't want to tell them until you're ready to leave....how about packing the bags after the kids are in bed and then having Cinderella (or their favorite character) call early that morning and inviting them to visit that same day. Then you pull out the bags hop in the car and get going immediately. Would make the getting out of the house a quick affair, lol.


The part of Cinderella was played for us by an Internet friend so that the kids wouldn't recognize a local friend's voice.


Interesting...I've heard of something like this that you schedule w/Disney but never thought about having someone I know do the calling! Since we want to do it right before we get to the train, maybe Cindy could call on the cell!

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We surprised our guys last May with a trip to Disney. We live about 6 hours from Disney. We told the guys we were going on a trip to a beach resort they had never been to. We stayed at the Disney Beach Resort. We didn't lie. I didn't even "fib". We stayed on the beach in a resort they never had been to. They didn't say "Are we going to Disney World?". I wouldn't have lied if they had. I went ahead and told them where we were going before they had a chance to ask.


They didn't know until we came around the corner and drove under the huge sign stretching across the street that says "Welcome to Disney World". :) It was great!!

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Is there a reason you want to wait until just before you get on the train? Why not tell them as you're hopping in the car? I imagine the 5 hrs of excitement will be quite enjoyable!


I think if you are going to hide it for longer, it would be nice if you could tell them something that is true rather than lying to them. I don't like giving kids mixed messages about lying as I don't want anyone else ever convincing them it's ok to lie to me for "good reason". Also, my kids might find it disappointing to not get to go to the fake destination! Is there anything else you'll be doing on your trip that you could tell them about, but it wouldn't give away the big surprise?


How fun for them, and for you! :D

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  • 2 years later...

We don't plan on telling our dc either. We are driving from NC down to Fl. I think we decided to leave in the wee hours of the morning, like 3/3:30. We are just going to to load the car after she goes to sleep, load her in and go. She is a great sleeper. When she does wake up we will have a Christmas gift wrapped (cause this is her Christmas) with Monogrammed ears and and autograph book. Then she can be excited the rest of the trip (which hopefully isn't long cause I hope she sleeps ALOT of the trip, lol)


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