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It's crazy to me that when boys sleepover...

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they don't bring anything.


Luke just invited two buddies to stay the night because they are having such fun playing all their new instruments. We've got a bit of a garage band going here.


So they called their moms and that's it. No need to go home and get anything. They'll stay up late, crash in their clothes, get up in the am, eat something and then head home.


If it had been the girls, we would have needed to add on a room for all the stuff.


I really love school breaks! :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:

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they don't bring anything.


Luke just invited two buddies to stay the night because they are having such fun playing all their new instruments. We've got a bit of a garage band going here.


So they called their moms and that's it. No need to go home and get anything. They'll stay up late, crash in their clothes, get up in the am, eat something and then head home.


If it had been the girls, we would have needed to add on a room for all the stuff.


I really love school breaks! :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:


Aren't guys easy going? I have no girls and would likely go crazy after 18 years of nothing but guys.

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A friend's son went on a 6 day camping trip. When he got home there were 6 pair of clean underwear still neatly folded in the bottom of his bag.




Mine went away with 6 pairs of socks, and when he came back only one of them was dirty. That's just gross. They probably could have walked themselves to the hamper...


I was trying to get his dirty clothes together and really couldn't find much. I was about to get angry because I thought he'd left them somewhere; then realized that he had been so cold, he was wearing almost all of them. Seriously, he had at least 4 layers of clothes on....


... except for the socks... just that same, one pair of socks... :001_huh:

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I can't help laughing at these posts! My sons are young still, and we're just starting to think about venturing into sleepovers... where I'll be packing his bag. I am cracking up thinking of all I have yet to experience! :lol:


Well the good news is that you won't have much laundry . . . but the bad news is . . . you'll really need strong laundry soap for the laundry you do have.:lol::lol::lol:

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Well the good news is that you won't have much laundry . . . but the bad news is . . . you'll really need strong laundry soap for the laundry you do have.:lol::lol::lol:


I went to a boarding school in Hawaii. A lot of the kids' parents were dignitaries from Europe or the US, stationed in Asia. There were two Belgian brothers who did not do their laundry all year. They just sorta rotated their dirty clothes. Then they would pack all those dirty clothes into their huge suitcases and fly for two days to get home to Indonesia, where their mother would open the suitcases outside, and bring in small batches to wash. Oh, I feel for that poor woman.

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I went to a boarding school in Hawaii. A lot of the kids' parents were dignitaries from Europe or the US, stationed in Asia. There were two Belgian brothers who did not do their laundry all year. They just sorta rotated their dirty clothes. Then they would pack all those dirty clothes into their huge suitcases and fly for two days to get home to Indonesia, where their mother would open the suitcases outside, and bring in small batches to wash. Oh, I feel for that poor woman.


Gross! I can imagine my Baby Boy doing something like that too. I used to make him do his own laundry because it was so disgusting. Then I realized it's literally only three or four items a week, so to save water and electricity, I just throw it in with mine. Of course, I always throw in a little extra vinegar to cut the odors out of those loads :lol:.

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